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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. XYZ

    Formula 1 2021

    Hey surly, how do I go about getting two GA tickets for Friday? Am I too late? Am I fucked?
  2. Especially when it’s 114 °F, which is essentially every summer day.
  3. XYZ

    NFL Week 6 games

    What a dumbass, Metcalf.
  4. There’s all kinds of shenanigans that happen during dubbing of movies. For example in the 1983 movie “Class” with Rob Lowe and Andrew McCarthy, in the original movie in English, McCarthy’s character is Jonathan, but in the Spanish dubbed version, his name is Jonathon with an “o”. And it’s not just that they change the character’s name. At one point in the movie somebody asks him why his parents named him Jonathon with an “o”. I don’t know what the original dialog is, but they changed it.
  5. Depends on the criteria for “total failure”. If, for example, the criteria were “regularly winning conference championships”, then yes, he was a total failure. If the criteria were “each year making the team better than the year before”, well then by that criteria he also was a total failure. Basically every year was the same. Always fighting to the death with every team on the schedule.
  6. XYZ

    Formula 1 2021

    I wish they would do away with the DRS. It’s stupid.
  7. XYZ

    Formula 1 2021

    Fucking idiots built a race track on clay.
  8. And Sark needs to run them off the team this offseason.
  9. So how many yards does the Texas defense surrender tomorrow? 500?
  10. More like 1 billion years. I think in 1 billion the earth becomes inhabitable, and in 5 billion the sun explodes. But don’t quote me on that.
  11. Why the hell do they have to build an ETF based on futures??? Why couldn’t they just buy BTC?
  12. I don’t understand how Dune won the Hugo and Nebula awards. 1965 must have been a slow year for science fiction.
  13. XYZ

    Alfred Collins

    Why didn’t he get more snaps in the first few games? Was he in the doghouse?
  14. What would be cool is if the Fed would target 0% inflation. You know, stable prices, like its charter says.
  15. Who gives a shit. Let’s build a team that kicks ass any time of the day.
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