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Everything posted by Quasimofo

  1. You remember her as Starla in Napoleon Dynamite, but what she looks like now is truly jaw dropping!
  2. Those of you with high rep, save some pussy for the rest of us ffs!
  3. But, just in case, they're putting up a scoreboard out there.
  4. I don't disagree with any post so far. I can see both sides. He was a bitch on the way out, but he'll never have to buy a beer around me. That said, I'm thankful that I'm not part of a fanbase that worships Barry Fucking Switzer.
  5. Spent a year in Hearne one week. Ate at that diner quite a bit, because I was staying in the motel behind there. I think the railroad has some ownership of both, because those guys were everywhere. Loved it so much I haven't been back.
  6. This is true. Eye bleach recommended.
  7. When I played Texas Industrial League, we had a 10hr limit. The local Air Force base had so many ringers, that they would sit a guy hitting a homer with less than two guys on base. Most had a last name with "ski" on the end. Apparently, the Polish are some country strong mf'ers.
  8. Good luck! Hope things get better quickly.
  9. Sometimes I take a break, eat a snack, and catch up on tapa. Since I caught one of your coccidiosis videos while in mid bite, I haven't eaten for three days.
  10. Make sure your fingertip is off the IQ tester on back of your phone.
  11. When you get through with those 10, could you mow mine too?
  12. As I've said before, I'll buy a high school girls volleyball team. The rest I'll blow on something stupid.
  13. We waited for you, dude. We had to motor. We left a trail for you to follow. We were out of breadcrumbs.
  14. Criminy! I shouldn't have zoomed in on that.
  15. Mama, life had just begun, but now I've gone and thrown it all away.
  16. How hard is it to pull to the front gas pump? Two or three pumps open ahead of you. Maybe I'm too considerate for 2018. Being ex-military, I am very situationally-aware. I guess people do it without thinking.
  17. That is what Marines call a "Dependapotamus"
  18. My granddaughter has Down Syndrome. She changed my life. There is not a mean bone in her body. Her mind just doesn't go there. She has a wonderful sense of humor. She can tease, and will giggle at the silliest things. She has taught me more about life and love that I ever thought possible. Now, when I see someone in public with DS, I have a huge smile on my face. We go to the State Fair on Texas/OU day every year, as I always go to the game. Some of you may have seen her there in her UT cheerleader outfit.
  19. Yep. Exactly what I was thinking. I was about to post all that.
  20. Never posted my doggo in the Old Country. 2yo Male Silver Lab. Fletch.
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