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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. You are either quarantined, or you aren't. What likely has happened is that the government sends out soldiers and says "don't let anybody through". Well if you stop everybody, you stop food and fuel deliveries. So people can't eat and cars don't run. But if you let people in and out, you break the quarantine. I mean, let's ignore that they aren't stopping anyone from walking across a farmers field to get out. Anyone can bribe the guards. IF it was a real deal scenario, the barrier would have failed. Thankfully this appears to be a test virus, not the big Kahuna. The 1918 Flu hit the young more than the old, that's what made it so deadly. This isn't that. It's just taking out the old and vulnerable, which is terrible but not a catastrophe.
  2. So the best way to honor a great basketball player is by not playing basketball? How about no.
  3. Yeah, but the odds are really good that it wasn't engine trouble. We have a whole lot of information, including airspeed, which did not increase before the crash as you would see with engine trouble. The NTSB report is highly likely to confirm the obvious. The point is, I think the reason so many celebrities die in these kinds of crashes is that pilots get starstruck and do stupid things. A responsible pilot probably would not have taken off. 500 feet below a cloud, 1000 feet AGL in a congested area. Ceilings were 1100, don't take off. Granted, I'm not a rotary wing pilot, but I don't think it changes anything. METAR said 2SM visibility which only goes to show don't trust them too much. You can't really have mist (BR) and 2SM viz at the same time. LA is famous for being a dangerous place to fly. Mountain obscuration, CFIT, fog, etc. They really weren't in the vicinity of the Van Nuys airport anyway.
  4. The way their media communicates, it would be easy to see people panic. However, they're also quite obedient over there, for good reason. It's a very interesting test case for a number of reasons, not least being that it's China and Xi Jingping is not exactly Making China Great Again.
  5. Good for them for getting off the SS Eutanic. They're still doomed. Culturally, they're all on board with those who wish suicide to western civilization. If your version of "justice" is little girls getting gang raped, so much so that you all but ban press coverage of it, you're lost. It's as if Joe PAterno was put in charge of your whole country and they just denied the scandal. They're enacting the same economic policies that are killing the continent. GDP is still 10% lower than 2008. Their fertility rate is 1.68, well below steady state. They still believe in the "diversity is our strength" bullshit that is the heart of continental self abnegation. They arrest ten people per day for social media posts, because they think speech is the problem, not the problem is the problem. The one hope is that they grow their economy, and shaking off the EU regulatory handcuffs will help. Franceis caught between denial and a hard place with only tough choices and lower living standards to look forward to. I suspect the same is true for the UK. Leaving the EU is a good first step. More people are employed now in the UK than ever before and unemployment is at historic lows. But it'll take a massive cultural shift to fix what's broken in the UK, and on the continent. The people in charge want no part of the solutions.
  6. How are the is quarantined Wuhan residents going to eat? Are they ust delivering food and gas and evrything else just like normal? Doesn't critical infrastructure start to fail at some point?
  7. On the one hand, lounge access is huge. I've been stranded plenty of times in various places and it was a miracle. On the other hand, if it all works out, I don't really need it. Regardless, I'll have a platinum card soon and it should help with a bunch of international travel. Sucks that the Uber credit is only domestic.
  8. They just beat us 24-10. I am sure I watched every second of the game, but I can't remember any of it. What went wrong? How did this evil happen?
  9. The dude is eleventy billion times more personable the Hillary ever was. Sadly, his brain is fried.
  10. Anywhere not named College Station is better than Ohio.
  11. We were ninth in the conference in sacks with 22, with Baylor leading at 43. We had ONE SACK against La Tech, five against Utah which is more in line with our talent. I mean I understand you have to balance attack versus contain, stop the run game etc., but so does every other team. We didn't produce results in Orlando's scheme, for whatever reason. Also, to state the obvious, players want playing time.
  12. I guess Brisket has lots of practice at proper blowjobs.
  13. Yes, but they are going around using their Royal titles to beg for voiceover jobs. Traditionally, the royalty looked down on "work". It's a philosophical thing. You can either be above it all, or down in the muck with the commoners. They've clearly chosen muck. Though at the same time, their decision is partly motivated by this cultural thing where people view themselves as "global citizens". Either way they're pointlessly shitting on their own family and tradition.
  14. He gone, for which I am infinitely grateful. So..........
  15. Being a fake Royal isn't for everyone, but they could've done a better job of hiding what shitty human beings they are.
  16. Don't expect "Fair and balanced" on MSNBC. Or judging by their years and years of dedication to a hoax, don't expect truth either. https://www.thedailybeast.com/msnbc-host-lawrence-odonnell-accuses-cnn-of-helping-trump-spread-lies
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