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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. Didn't say I expected it. I said I was hopeful. It takes time to write up press releases and get people into the office on Sunday.
  2. I've been to Tuscaloosa. Maybe I'll become an Alabama fan.
  3. Ohia State took Jim Tressel out of lower tier status. He won 6 Big 10 championships and one NC and then got fired for ethical stuff. Winners always seem to get fired for ethical stuff. Cheating pays.
  4. The last time we didn't suck donkey balls was in January, and it was a beautiful thing.
  5. This is like the thread debating whether we go to the playoffs if we win out. Ain't gonna happen. Tom's getting another year and Urban won't be available.
  6. Weird. You must be really young.
  7. Cheating pays, and we don't. I guess the good news is we get two new coordinators and a shitload of screendoors new assistants.
  8. Well when Obama went to England, he was invited by the Prime Minister. So, Tony Blair? John Boehner asked Bebe Netanyahu to give a speech from the well of the House. Direct foreign interference. Should Boehner have gotten the death penalty? John Kerry was recently caught consulting with the Iranians on how to deal with Trump. Death penalty? At the very second, Americans are broadcasting RT into the country. That is Putin propaganda. Death penalty? Facebok took money to publish Kremlin propaganda. Zuckerberg - death penalty or no?
  9. When this impeachment fails and he gets reelected, you guys are just going to impeach him again. You'll just make something else up. It's gonna be a riot. The walls are closing in. Unfortunately, it's really, really big room. Like, BIG. Superbig. Unfathomably big.
  10. Should Obama get the death penalty in England or Israel or Canada for interering in their elections? Should Nancy Pelosi for meeting with Assad? What about Hanoi Jane or Sean Penn or Dennis Rodman? The examples are legion.
  11. Have you heard of the boy who cried wolf? How many times do you need to get rope a doped until you apply some reasonable skepticism. Sondland is the guy in the text messages stating very clearly there was no quid pro quo. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/oct/14/ambassador-expected-to-testify-key-assurance-was-f/
  12. Have you heard of the boy who cried wolf? How many times do you need to get rope a doped until you apply some reasonable skepticism. Sondland is the guy in the text messages stating very clearly there was no quid pro quo. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/oct/14/ambassador-expected-to-testify-key-assurance-was-f/
  13. I don't know about carried i'd just like to see them bounce around a little.
  14. The pride and winning tradition of the University of Texas shall be frequently entrusted to the weak and the timid.
  15. I hope the phone call goes out to Urban. Gotta at least ask. /makehimsayno
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