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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. 5 pens for 35 yds v 5 pens for 46 yds. That's all we ask. Just equality.
  2. There's only 6 of y'all covering that guy...
  3. Right? I don't even need for the calls to favor TX. Just be even.
  4. It's TX. The idea is to be buzzed at kickoff. There are no off days.
  5. Texas has such an advantage over 99% of the country. It really sucks when we can't complete simple passes.
  6. C'mon. I'm out of anxiety meds after last week. Can we just put up a 50 spot plz?
  7. Yeah. But I can't imagine we'd be a player for his drama queen act.
  8. Losing J. Jackson was apparently not a big deal.
  9. I don't gamble, but I would have been all over this line.
  10. I'm still trying to make sense of this and am wondering if I'm missing something. The program is a complete dumpster fire with a lame duck coach, so if we keep him, it'll help us beat Texas? You do you, aggy.
  11. I get what you said about teachers, but am laughing because that's the opposite of me. Believe it or not, the jury I served on was commandeered by two flight attendants fitting that description.
  12. If he's a new hire, then he probably doesn't have union insurance. I'm not entirely sure how this works in most fields, but teachers are encouraged to join a union to have coverage if sued. I don't do politics, so I joined an apolitical union precisely for protection.
  13. Good. I'm a teacher. I don't want to be picked. Don't get me wrong. I'm all about doing my part. It's just that I called in to criminal court, and I don't want to see pics of murder scenes or hurt children.
  14. Yep. This is a good one. I think back to when I was a kid and my parents were, say, 31 and 30. (Would have put me at 8 years old.) Anything that came out of their mouths was completely unquestioned. Didn't matter the topic, perspective, or context. It had to be absolutely 100% correct. I'm older than them now. I can't believe anyone listens to anything I say. I have no idea what's going on half the time.
  15. 0-1 in elementary school. I smarted off to a kid much bigger than me. My friends warned me, but I didn't listen. Took two punches in in like 1/10 of a second. Proud to say I didn't back down or cry. 10 minutes later we were friends, playing football. 2-0 in middle school. 0-0-1 in college. I got into a braw on the intramural brother fields. Some dude dude from Sigma Chi (I think) spiked a ball on my friend's head, I punched him, and the benches cleared. They did an all-call over the intercom to get all the other field refs to break up the brawl.
  16. Since this is now the Golden Corral thread, I'll add my own .2 cents. We used to eat there once a week ... AND in Knoxville. My oldest son has a few food allergies which made this place the ideal as he was actually able to get more than one type of food. It's not that bad. I'd rather deal with fat rednecks over the snobs in Uptown (Dallas). I did pass on the chocolate tower, though.
  17. No idea why, but I'm still laughing at this 5 mins later. I'm doing the "buy some gold/silver" each month plan as well. Right now, I'm mainly stacking 1 oz silver coins.
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