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Marfa Low Crown

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Everything posted by Marfa Low Crown

  1. I hate you. Girlfriend of 5 years started losing interest in sex almost a year ago. She swears up and down it's not me or anything I've done and thinks it might be the start of menopause. I'd stick around and be patient in this but the problem is that she does fuck all to 'help me out' yet she expects fidelity... and she has gotten it. Broke up with her on Sunday. I had to tell her the truth, "I've come to realize that my best chance of having sex again begins with breaking up with you.". She agreed it's not fair....said she even considered letting me have a gal on the side if the idea didn't make her so jealous. I'm sure in a year or a few months or whenever this thing passes she'll wanna do the wild thing 5 times a day but I won't be around for it. FML.
  2. F'n seriously? This article is reading like he had several suitcases of shake, in which case, the judge should throw the book at him.
  3. All of you, my brothers, were with me on that climb.
  4. They always do.... So far, still dodging bullets in 2020. Went to my favorite taco haunt not far from the shop... felt that all too familiar rumble halfway through lunch and knew the clock had officially started ticking. I'd like to make an observation here : when you're a serial sharter it really affects where you go and how you do things. For example, the farther from home / work a restaurant is... the better its bathroom has to be. Otherwise I'm sticking to safety and that's measured by no more than 5 mins away from a bathroom I know and trust. Also, it doesn't hurt to have some bathrooms staked out around town to help extend your range. I'd like to add that even five minutes is pushing it when you're doing all you can not to push it. I had to speed through a regular speed trap..had I been pulled over, I'd have sharted. I had to go over a train track...had a train come, I'd have sharted. Try to leave yourself more outs than this. Anyways made it to the shop, up a flight of stairs in the dark, and jussssssst made it to sanctuary of a cold porcelain bowl which I promptly obliterated with hot road tar belched from Krakatoa itself. There's been some pretty heavy ordinance incoming this year but so far I'm unscathed in 2020. If I wrote this story ten years ago it would have had a sad ending indeed but it's really about removing all trust from your asshole and placing it in yourself instead. If you have to ask...if you have to think...if you have to wonder... it's a shart.
  5. Ok update - It's an 04' manual transmission GMC dually. Jumping it did nothing... pulled the battery and it tested good at the auto store. Replaced starter relay bc.. fuck it... maybe i can get out of this for $16. That didn't do it. Found a mobile repair guy on craigslist, scheduled an appointment for today and when I went to get him the VIN I thought.. heck try to start the truck again. Wouldn't start for 2 days.. fired right up. I had him come out anyways. No error codes / log stuff of any kind. All signs pointed to the starter. We pulled it and it was pretty blackened in there.. might have even been the original. $440 with tax, part, and labor.. repaired in my driveway and saves the cost of a tow. I can live with that.
  6. Truck started up just fine and ran last night. Went out this morning power and gauges light up won’t even try to turn over with the key. Battery is good, replaced starter relay fuse, nada. I’m not a mechanic so who knows 😕 can anyone recommend a mobile diagnostic service here in San Antonio that doesn’t charge an arm & a leg? I don’t want to get it towed to the mechanic only to find out it’s a fuse or something simple
  7. All of this. Even though I think we all want to at times, it's none of our jobs to be traffic vigilantes. If they're an asshole driver cutting in front of others that's how they go through life and they'll get what's coming to them soon enough. Be it in the form of an at-fault accident or a cop that sees them, they'll get what's coming. The longer I've lived the more selfish, violent, and entitled I've seen people become. You don't need a gun pulled on you for something stupid like this. I remember having a yield sign to exiting interstate traffic one time and as I stopped to allow them to pass the asshole behind me layed on his horn and eventually passed me on the right shoulder, narrowly scraping the car. There were a few of us in the car and It took EVERYTHING I had to not follow that prick to the stoplight so we could all drag his ass out but it's just not worth it.
  8. Beef & Brew says otherwise unless you’re talking a handjob at The Nighthawk or a BJ from the swing girl at The Old San Francisco steakhouse
  9. Here in San Antonio there's a fair amount of Mexican judo. Judo know if I've got a knife or a gun ese
  10. I know absolutely nothing about beekeeping but I think it's bad ass. Subscribed.
  11. I took a break from arranging my socks, underwear, and shirts in the luggage to check teh surl.. saw this thread...and thought man isn't it funny how the universe works. Such disappoint.
  12. Fugggg 😂 That sounded like someone trying to play a saxophone filled up with Campbell's thick and chunky.
  13. Dolly Parton is about as Southern sweet as it gets and she could still talk me into eating a ketchup popsicle.
  14. To become a believer it takes....whatever it takes but the change is permanent. For the last two years anyways I've watched these threads pick up humbled converts who have had their faith shattered- only to regain a new strength in knowing there are others who also live in fear and the doubt of their own ass. It is one day at a time we walk this path, hopefully, without any shit in our drawers. Welcome, Roll, Welcome.
  15. Fruits and vegetables, what is this some kind of new year's resolution? Regardless, you don't wanna rolling be like that.. it's entirely too risky. A steady dose of some fast food with all the fiber stripped out is a great first step in righting this wrong. If you live in or around San Antonio I highly recommend the carne guisada from Rolando's super tacos. Just one of them will back you up for two days. Remember...
  16. You see that Jerry Jones? Eli got out of the NFL after 16 years. Why aren’t you smart like him?
  17. “I get the Reese's candy bar, If you read it, there's an apostrophe. The candy bar is his. I didn't know that. Next time your eating a Reese's and some guy named Reese comes up to you and says let me have that. You better give it to him. I'm sorry Reese, I didn't think I would ever run into you. You're a bully man.”
  18. Always been a cool site... love the concept but doesn't seem like they've done anything with it in a couple of years. Yeah those Mako and Great White sharks really travel. I don't think the days at sea part of things is accurate on the site.. also the lack of any kind of scale / mileage on the map is kind of annoying.
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