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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. Like you. Wife and I voted last Monday. Got there at 7:40, doors opened at 8 and out by 8:15. Voted all Dems. Had about 7 unopposed Republicans and did not vote for them. I seriously doubt I’ll ever vote for another Republican. To throw so much shit at Obama for petty little stuff and then to allow this ignorant lazy crook and his family to get away with what he’s done, and still doing, is unforgivable.
  2. You’re absolutely right! I can’t think of anything.
  3. Well, he’s been a lying piece of shit for four years.
  4. One step at a time. Right now I’m concerned about getting rid of Trump. I’ve had to deal with poor coaching at Texas for the past 10 years and 4 more years will be painful but not as painful as 4 more years of Trump.
  5. Trump going down in a blaze and he’s suing everybody.
  6. We’ll win because we have that “hometown advantage”.
  7. Major Trump fatigue! Can’t take anymore.
  8. I really hate their take on Biden. I don’t think it’s funny nor do I like Carrey as him. Trying to make Biden like he’s 90 years old is not funny to me. It’s actually making Trump look good and maybe that’s the point, I don’t know. Show has gone down hill this season so far.
  9. As long as we keep giving these coaches huge bonuses and extending their contracts for crappy work Texas will be stuck with the same coach for years. Can I say Shaka? It’s like, because they’re Texas they HAVE TO PAY a lot of money whether their coaching is good or not. We’re stuck with Tom.
  10. What do you think? It’s Trump, of course someone else is footing the bill.
  11. Trump sounding and answering questions just like he did at the first debate. And how in the world does he not know anything about Qanon? That’s a plain out lie.
  12. Barr may be crafty and he may be smart but I don’t see how he feels he benefits personally by being so close to Trump and supporting him. If he is so smart then surely he knows Trump is a liar and a cheat and by being such a part of him it makes Barr a liar and a cheat.
  13. Well we've been lied to for so long it's become normal. Last few years under Mack, then Charlie and now Tom. Every year is hopeful in preparation until that first game, - "Oh, here we go again."
  14. Yep she looks wicked and I bet she's two faced.
  15. Cornyn is another one. These Republicans either use the same playbook they've used the last 30 years or now they just make up lies about people, just like Trump. But the stupid ones? are those that believe it. They are so gullible.
  16. Not crazy about Tom at this moment after the last two weeks, but Don Jr. is one of the worst human cockroaches on earth. He acts entitled and spoiled, and got that behavior from his dad who is also one of the worst human beings on the planet.
  17. Good effort towards the end. OU is just going to be a lot better next year. Heart breaking.
  18. I’m tired. Of Tom, this team and how Texas seems to always act like their scared of Oklahoma.
  19. I bet he’s not really working on real problem President stuff that help All Americans. He’s probably going nuts and bouncing off the walls, yelling and screaming and Meadows is baby sitting.
  20. I’ve heard it’s fake too but that strategy is pure Trump. Christie may not have suggested it but I bet Trump did.
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