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Everything posted by Elvis

  1. Spiderverse is drugs. Take drugs if you want, but watching it is like taking drugs.
  2. I got into a mess of chiggars and my legs are all scarred up with something that looks like ankle-pox. I already had about 5 scars from a mess of chiggars when I was in high school. But this is too many. Any advice or recommendations?
  3. Elvis

    Getting old sucks

    Just the one vasectomy. Wife had life threatening complications after an ablasion (it shuts down the baby maker but not the fun tunnel). Well that turned into sepsis. A week in intensive care with her with a 1 year old and a 5 year old was also not cool. not cool. But no more kids!
  4. Elvis

    Getting old sucks

    I'm not old yet, but I got a prostate infection around 35 years old after a vasectomy. That was not cool. not cool at all. I went to my uroligist and he stuck his finger up my butt in a very not cool way. I saw stars and passed out on the floor right there. They didn't pick me up or anything. I woke up on the floor and I told him that was not cool. not cool.
  5. I know we’re off topic here, but I felt bad for Asian double E kids taking English and Literature. That had to be a bitch. I was all honors in HS, but my high school honors English teacher was also the coach of the girls basketball team. Maybe a lesbian, but she had rules I could understand. Hippy dippy English professors were hard to understand what they wanted. I don’t think they wanted a jock/frat type engineer with all the right answers.
  6. Technical writing. one of the guys invented blue tooth.
  7. Good point. I’ll tell Priscilla to be careful with her makeup.
  8. Not the ones I was taking. They didn't have to compete with me, but I had to compete with them on their turf.
  9. From Xactimate - an insurance and construction estimating tool.... Includes: 8' x 7' overhead door, track, hardware, and installation labor. Labor cost to remove an overhead door and to discard in a job-site waste receptacle. Excludes: Automatic door opener. Quality: Non-insulated 24 or 25 gauge steel frame construction, with raised panel design. Green: LEED considers aluminum and steel doors to be green for being manufactured with a minimum of 25% recycled product. Note: Pricing reflects local code requirements. Includes connection to the opener when an opener is already installed. New overhead doors typically include the bottom panel weather seal but do not include weather stop for the sides or top (see item DOR OHDWS if needed). Average life expectancy 35 years Average depreciation 2.86% per year Maximum depreciation 100%
  10. If the professer wants a different answer then he should ask a different question. Total BS. I always felt rail-roaded by liberal arts professors. A bunch of subjective BS. Engineering made sense because there is an actual answer. Just a rant, but I never thought it was fair I had to take English classes with English majors, but they sure as hell didn't take any math or science classes with me. What kind of class is it?
  11. There's not much marble talk in here, so I'll add some knowledge. We remodeled our bathroom and used a lot of marble and white subway tile. The marble tiles and slabs that we used have been great. The vanities are from Wayfair and have real marble tops. They are great looking and affordable, well kind of compared to custom built. Over time the marble on the vanities have started to turn brown. This really takes away from the chrome, white and gray color pallet of the room. I found out that cheap Chinese marble contains a lot of iron, and it oxidizes to rust color. Better expensive marble has less iron in it.
  12. Working from home doing accounting and other mudane computer stuff. I usually have something on my second monitor to watch. Yesterday I watched some excellent T&A horrer type movies. Knock Knock Sorority Row SX Tape - this one wasn't that great
  13. Careful with that. I think I’ve punnched everyone I’ve ever met in Abilene.
  14. I bought Steady Teddy Stetson a $250 electric bark collar. But I made a rule that everyone in the family has to get shocked first to know what it’s like. we can’t figure out how to make it work. And I’m pretty smrt
  15. I don’t mean this with humor, but it seams appropriate for the conversation
  16. RIP MAC. Question: How much does a fella drink to check out like this?
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