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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. I mean, I loved Charlie Pride so don't get me wrong....
  2. I just finished it last week and thought it was great. You have to wonder with a couple year gap how much of the band they could get back together, but I hope they give it a go.
  3. But she wants the VP slot, so she's giving him her last, best thing. (vomits in mouth a little)
  4. Don Jr will die of a cocaine induced heart attack and MAGA will claim Hillary had him murdered or some similar idiocy. Never mind that he's been in an obvious drug and alcohol death spiral on social media for a few years now.
  5. All while saying "You know, that Yamamoto is a brilliant guy. Really impressive. Maybe we should look at what we did to make him angry?"
  6. does she get nude in any of these? Asking for a friend.
  7. Will there be chili for the hot dogs, or will they be out?
  8. For years we've heard Texas is on the verge of turning purple, but I think our growth probably nets out more red than blue. You've got the inland empire MAGA weirdos flocking here because no state income tax (it will take them a while to figure out their effective tax rate is higher here than in California...but at least they can open carry here and own AR15s) You've got the blue collar rust belt types moving in for living wage O&G jobs, and it turns out Hispanics aren't the loyal Blue monolith Democrats assumed them to be. Unless the TDP gets their heads out of their asses and figures out how to turn out Harris and Dallas counties, I think Texas stays red for the foreseeable future.
  9. I wonder how many more M2s BMW would sell if they used the M235 front end on them instead of the one that makes it look like a Lego car.
  10. This is the thing that makes me SMH about this. She's a billionaire and arguably the most popular musician on the planet who gives more money to charity than Travis Kelcie makes in a year. She doesn't need a fucking thing from the NFL, and has actually done way more for the league than the league will ever do for her. But there are still people out there that think she "needs" this, or someone is making her do it for publicity...despite the fact that she mostly keeps her private life private and avoided the party scene/rehab cycle most of her contemporaries have already been through. It's beyond idiotic.
  11. I just reply with "I thought you quit watching the NFL years ago. Why do you care?"
  12. I'm surprised they didn't show her during the halftime show. Maybe she had to wait in line to take a piss with the regular people.
  13. Correct. Also, didn't know this... Surely we've got some members that went to Memorial in the mid-70s...
  14. Pescado_Rojo


    Those get me higher than giraffe pussy.
  15. Earlier in this thread we had a discussion about how critical trains were to Russian supply efforts and how eliminating rolling stock would be good for Ukraine as Russia would have a difficult time replacing it. Now they've got 30km worth of cars they can fill with sand or gravel and use for defense? And blocking a rail line with it? Are they giving up on supplying units on that rail axis? Is that a rail line with no strategic value like a spur line or something?
  16. Absolutely this. I would immediately place this person in my "This guy is a bullshitter that can't be trusted" file.
  17. The console is bad, but that leaning post/seat thing is awful.
  18. Every time I get the new fishing boat itch I do the math on a loan and go out to the garage and hug my paid off 1999 model.
  19. I got passed by a CT5 V Blackwing on far south mopac last night around 11:30. At least I think that's what it was. I was going 90 and it passed me like it was on a flyer and I was standing still. Shook my truck as it went by. It was just a white blur with blue flame jets coming out both exhaust tips. I don't know if those things come with valvetronic exhaust or if this guy had straight-piped this one, but it was loud AF.
  20. Color me shocked dad is still in the picture.
  21. I think the challenge here will be finding a partner university. No one that cares about their institution's legacy will want to be involved, and and MAGA friendly school will be running their own grift. I think we're going to need to start our own... Conroe University of Nationalist Teachings. Make a donation today to secure your special Founder's Brick at the Trump Library, CUNT.
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