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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. I had an everything bagel with jalapeno cream cheese this morning, so this hits close to home.
  2. They would need Soros money to afford Jackson Hole
  3. Exact same reason I voted Gutierrez.
  4. I'm in Williamson County, but not Round Rock. My Democratic Party Sample Ballot is Ballot 55 (TX31, HD52) I haven't spent much time on the judicial races yet (kind of surprised there's more than one challenger for a few of them), but here's where I'm going on the Federal and State races.. President - Biden (Duh) Senate - Roland Gutierrez, but Allred will probably win TX-31 (R+15) - Stuart Whitlow. The other two candidates are unserious people Railroad Commission - Bill Burch has the money and endorsements lined up behind him. Either candidate would be an improvement State BOE District 10 - Dr Raquel Saenz Ortiz. DC Caldwell is an aggie weirdo libertarian that somehow snuck onto the D ballot HD 52 (R+11) - Angel Carroll has the money and endorsements, Jennie Birkholz is a fine candidate, and either would be a huge improvement over Caroline Harris
  5. An LISD coach is about to make an appearance here. Letter went out from the principal today. Male coach, sophomore female student.
  6. Park a Marine LHD off the coast and wish a motherfucker would.
  7. One of my biggest pet peeves with Texas Democrats. Every time someone gets a little bit of exposure they run for an office about 2 slots higher up the ladder than they should. Hey, I know you had that tweet that went viral a couple months ago, but why do you think 75,000 "likes" qualifies you to run for the senate? How about a House district? Or better yet a county commissioners seat?
  8. Anyone want to bet on the dealer markup on first year new Landcruisers? I'll set the line at $14,500.
  9. Concrete tank dams/low water crossings are a thing in that area. Maybe she drove off one and ended up in the stock tank. If the car rolled over into the tank (running water could have flipped it if it hit at the right angle) she could have drowned in a couple feet of water.
  10. I had a hazelnut cold fusion yesterday afternoon. Tasty, but I almost sharted at my desk.
  11. Why do Maga chicks all have giant 90s fake tits and no ass? Because they got the tits in the 90s, and the Ozempic destroys the ass fat?
  12. It’s a low population state, and wouldn’t take much population wise to make a big difference….And Bozeman and Billings are booming.
  13. At this point I think Mike Johnson is Russia’s best military commander
  14. He looks like a pastor at a church that has a band and light show.
  15. I'd want to see that broken down by level of education, among other things before I could say yes or no. A 22 year old blue collar kid moving here to work in the oil patch is going to be a Republican voter just as surely as a boomer or gen x guy in the same field.
  16. It would be interesting to see a similar map with congressional, state house and state senate districts.
  17. Largest city in each county is how I read it. So you extrapolate the city's margin to the county. For example, if the city of Burnet voted 51/49 Dem, you'd use that margin of votes for the whole of Burnet county.
  18. Joe is so old he was there when they wrote it.
  19. Anyway, here's a funny Dave Grohl story about Taylor Swift to try to get this back on track...
  20. I mean, I loved Charlie Pride so don't get me wrong....
  21. I just finished it last week and thought it was great. You have to wonder with a couple year gap how much of the band they could get back together, but I hope they give it a go.
  22. But she wants the VP slot, so she's giving him her last, best thing. (vomits in mouth a little)
  23. Don Jr will die of a cocaine induced heart attack and MAGA will claim Hillary had him murdered or some similar idiocy. Never mind that he's been in an obvious drug and alcohol death spiral on social media for a few years now.
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