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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. Half of those were probably written by ChatGPT using past Onion headlines as the training source.
  2. AI wouldn't create hair that ridiculous.
  3. Does he have a racist nickname for her yet? If not, it's coming.
  4. This. I'm sure he had handlers that never let him out of their sight, but he's seen enough of the West to know he's the ruler of a shithole.
  5. You know the bright side of having a hooker die on you?
  6. 1. Open ChatGPT and type "Write a MAGA book. 10 chapters. Use 8th grade grammar" 2. Find some shady outfit to publish the book and pay you a 50% royalty. 3. Have your campaign buy all copies of the book with campaign funds and give them away to doners. 4. Use your "royalties" to pay the sanctions.
  7. Khakis and windbreakers? Change out the never been worked in work boots for some New Balance 806s and these clowns would look like a synchronized mall walking team.
  8. Or that Tyreek Hill didn't go to Michigan
  9. Not as bad as the Ohio State kicker choke, but pretty bad
  10. Episode and time stamp please? asking for a friend its me…I’m the friend
  11. Maybe we’ve found the source of some of these syphilis outbreaks @safe sex has talked about.
  12. One 6 x 2AM - 9 beers = an actual 3. I might have the order of operations wrong.
  13. um, no...he said he hasn't found her yet. Oh, you were talking about the boat...
  14. Democrats are smart enough not to get purposefully entwined with that bag of fuck.
  15. I'd look at trading anyone of value at this point. I'd imagine Jerry at least made a call to Belichick and Bill told him something like "Here's the list of players I'd trade for draft picks (Jerry's favorites), and here's a list of players I'd cut for cap purposes (More of Jerry's favorites he's already overpaid). We're not going to be competitive next year, but should be back to being contenders by 2026" Jerry decided "Hell, I'll probably be dead by then. Let's just try again with what we've got"
  16. I don't know what that dude is getting paid to keep coming back here and getting sand kicked in his face, but it's probably not enough.
  17. I'm not much of a laborer, but I'll stand around and drink your beer and tell you how I'd have done it.
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