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Everything posted by kmac30

  1. Our babysitter (no pics) just went off to UT. She’s going thru rush and keeps calling my wife (no pics). She didn’t get the ones she wants and was considering bailing from Texas altogether. WTF! I had to coach my wife what to say to this girl so she wouldn’t bail to aggy where all her dumbass friends went. She’s doing the right thing. She just doesn’t realize it yet. Hell, school hasn’t even started yet. She finds out tonight if she gets the one we all decided she should go with. Poor girl barely missed making Pom earlier this summer to boot. If she had that this would be a lot easier. No clue where her mom is on this one. My wife got really close to this girl over the last year and I guess I had some drunk conversations about how awesome Texas is. Disclosure: wife didn’t go to Texas
  2. Thanks guys. It’s been a little over a week. Kids seem to be fine. It sucks coming home without her here to greet you. I had a black lab that would kill possum all the time. Our vet in Austin had a bunch of kittens and I spoke with the vet about getting one (for wife) but was concerned the lab would kill it. Vets response “if she kills it, come back and get another. We have plenty.” That stupid cat and lab became best friends. I can’t stand cats. The cat is 8 and has seen 3 dogs leave us now. Crazy thing, she is definitely mourning the loss.
  3. Lexi passed unexpectedly Thursday night. She was about 11 or 12 years old and it was way too early for her. She was in perfect health until late in the night and it all happened so quick. It was crazy. I’ve never had anything like that happen before. We definitely weren’t ready for this and our family is torn up. This is my kids first loss and having to explain it to them made it so much worse. She was an awesome dog.
  4. What happened with your kid? And it’s not going to be your kid, it will be someone else’s. My kid almost drown in a friend’s pool 2 yrs ago. I pulled her out. Scariest moment of my life and I will never forget the look on her face. She didn’t make a sound. 10 kids, 10 adults standing around (most not paying any attention to any of the kids in the pool). People have to watch their kids if they are swimming.
  5. This is fucked up. We know a couple like this and now they have 2 kids and do everything together. It’s so weird. Tell your wife no. Tell her it’s ok to do things alone. You’ll be right back.
  6. Oldest is starting 1st grade. My wife was a first grade teacher for 9 years before we had twins and she “retired”. We didn’t get any of the teachers she wanted. The last 4 days have been a shit show. Meet the teacher last night could have gone better. First day is tomorrow and it’s going to be brutal. Daughter will be great. She’s ready. Just sucks she doesn’t have any friends in her class. All the kids she knows are in other classes. Wife in full freak out mode - searching for other options already. Not like her at all. Going to be a long week.
  7. Any realtor referrals in Burnet county? Asking for a client, so I need them to know their shit.
  8. kmac30

    Shit My Kid Says

    At the in-laws a couple nights ago. A beer commercial comes on. 6 and 5 yr old girls start saying “Beer! Beer! Daddy loves beer!” So I ask the 6 yr old to go ask mom when we’re leaving. Instead, she tells wife and MIL “Daddy needs to go home right now because he needs beer.”
  9. I agree. And if you don’t want the pool boy or the next husband to get all your money, there are guys who handle setting up just documents just for those situations. Estate attorneys are great resources. Term policies rarely pay out. But would you want your wife to have to sell your house and move to an apartment or find some new rich guy to support your family? 131 for $1M term seems high to me. Even if it is two different policies. Shop around. You can always just ditch what you have. Great thing about shopping for insurance, go through the process and if it’s not the price you want just say no thanks.
  10. We have a deal. Wife handles just about all kid stuff during week (during working hours) and I get weekends. I have been taking oldest to gymnastics one night a week and I take son to tball. Other than that, it’s pretty much all her. When school starts, I want to take our oldest to school every morning (1st grade). Since I remember my kids are either asleep or just waking up when I’m leaving for work, so this will be new for me.
  11. Is there an investors/ideas thread over here yet? I think you have a good start.
  12. If you have SAHM and not doing daycare, wait till you start hearing about mom’s day out.
  13. There’s a lady that comes by my office around Christmas time. Best damn tamales. Some fucking assholes called the building manager about a solicitor and had her run off. She didn’t come back last year. Those pricks moved out of the building.
  14. We have 6 yr old and twins that are almost 5. We almost took the plunge a year ago but the risk of twins was too high so we didn’t. All this baby sleep talk is such a whip. I can’t imagine going back to that phase. Good luck to you guys. I don’t remember any of this.
  15. The Woodlands also has a location at city hall. It was a lot easier than driving to the airport. I don’t think it’s open every day so you’ll need to check the calendar. Using GE with 4 yr olds is interesting. Customs gets a pic of the top of my head while I’m trying to get their finger prints to work out.
  16. Bump for reasonable offers?
  17. Nm... I’m evidently not paying attention
  18. My wife set up gmail accounts for our kids when they were born and we email them pics and videos now and then. We did it more for our first, then the twins happened. The email addresses came in handy when we set up global entry for them as they each needed an email for the registration online.
  19. It’s worth it. If you’re in or close to the woodlands you might check to see if they have availability to get you in that interview location. It’s new and only available a few days. No one knew about it when we got GE for our kids. Once you interview and get that approval it’s immediate. If you don’t have time get the Mobile PassportApp. Not many people use it yet and it follows the same path as global entry when you get back in the US. It seems to be pretty quick. Last, check with your credit card. It might cover the fee for GE. Mine does.
  20. Can I use a VPN on an AppleTV in Mexico and get all my apps to think I’m in the US?
  21. Phdhorn was talking about an inherited IRA, not a Roth
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