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Everything posted by kmac30

  1. Lite recap. It was awesome. I learned a lot. The people were amazing. We went to the souks too much as far as I was concerned. The first days we went we had guides and we’re pretty much left alone. The next couple times we went (and at night) we didn’t and it was a different experience. I’m glad we went without the guides to get that experience, but it got old. Food was good. Atlas Mountains were amazing. I’m a rug collector now. My wife is a terrible negotiator. My BIL got so pissed at her it was awesome. Her “mom will like that, you should buy it for her.” As he’s trying to negotiate for it “she’ll love it, just buy it.” I thought about pulling her away but it was too entertaining. Buying the rugs was an experience in its own right. Store was Dar Mejbar. I had looked it up and read about 3 rug shops and the guide took us to this one. We eventually walked out after no deal on 3 rugs. Came back an hour later. We pulled them back out, changed some out. Ended up coming together on 4. If they would serve alcohol, they would have more success. Negotiating is a sport to them. Signed the rugs and they made it home a couple days after us. If you need a guide, Youssef was our favorite and I have his info.
  2. Does anyone have an English lab? We’re starting to look at dogs now that we’re about to be in the new house. Wife doesn’t want a big dog. Her idea and mine might be different. Our last dog was big - lab/Great Pyrenees. Her head was about to my waist. She weighed around 74. But she had really long legs and actually looked really thin. I would love a clone of her. My wife is thinking smaller. She sent me a mini puppy that someone was offering the other day. My answer “that’s a mini”. I can’t do a dog that’s 13”. So English lab popped in my head. I knew someone a long time ago who had a couple. I just remember they were about knee high. Calmer than regular labs. Any help? Thoughts? I have a large yard, three kids 7/5/5 and I need a dog that will learn. In the past dogs have fallen in my lap. I keep waiting for that to happen but it’s been way too long. Thinking it might be time to take action.
  3. Soooo, appraisal just came in. Realtor called my wife and is shocked. Way under where she thought it would be and our contract. She said the comps are crazy and make no sense (there aren’t any good comps in our hood because most houses sell without going on MLS). She also said it’s so hard to appraise our hood because they don’t know the value of the demand. He priced our house under what most other houses sold for recently. She said her buyers are devastated because they know we aren’t going to take it. I spoke with her and we’re exploring another option. It’s crazy and makes no sense. He used houses that are in different neighborhoods and different school districts (worse). No one wants to live there!
  4. Thanks for asking. Guy came to appraise on Friday morning. Wife was there and tried to be really nice. He asked her a few questions about things we had done but he wouldn’t take the list we had written out. We’re expecting to hear back from them today or tomorrow. Wife doesn’t feel good about it for no reason other than she worries a lot. I think it’ll al work out in the end. After this all clears out, I might need to talk to you(Phil) about a few things.
  5. Seems like there’s a lot more to the hit on this story. Your truck ends up in the front yard and inoperable and this guy was able to drive off? He missed a turn by 30 feet? Where are the pics?
  6. All this birthday party at home business. You guys are nuts. We did it a couple times and I was done. We started having our parties at the gymnastics place. $250 for 2 hours. Boys like it just as much as girls. They provide 2 coaches and free run of the gym. We bring cake and whatever food. In and out. I think we’ve run parties there for the last 3 years. This last one was probably the last we get away with.
  7. Did you roll that on the door or brush it? Any thinner? * Looks great
  8. Thanks for the info. I spoke with the realtor and we came to an agreement. They want this deal to go through and so does the realtor. A call for the appraisal was made On Friday. It hasn’t been scheduled yet but I’m expecting to hear back Monday or Tuesday. It should be complete in a couple weeks and we’ll know then. In the mean time we’re reaching out to some other interested parties and letting them know what’s going on.
  9. We were going to put our house on the market in a few weeks and word got out. Long story, but we had a bunch if people contact us over the last few months and after speaking with someone got an offer from someone with a broker. Going over the offer, they have an FHA loan. The only problem I see with the contract is that they can get out 3 days before close if it doesn’t appraise (Property Approval). That’s a problem. Can I write something to shorten that up? We’re going to close in 45 days.
  10. Responded online last week, got notice to appear 4/1 today in the mail. Figured it might at least take a couple months before I got called in.
  11. I just got one too, so this thread hits close to home. I think mine gave the dates I was “available” as Sept 2017 thru Oct 2020 (maybe it was 2021).
  12. Not sure if it was mentioned, but they IPO’d back in October.
  13. Guess not. Am I missing something?
  14. Heading to Marrakech in March with my wife and two BILs. I’ve been so busy with a house remodel that this trip seems like it isn’t happening. But it’s coming quick. Any tips or restaurants? Places to go and to avoid?
  15. Weeds are insane right now. Like everyone else seems to be talking about. In my flower beds, in one spot, I keep getting these mushrooms that smell terrible. They start out as white balls. If I see them soon enough in the mulch I can grab them and toss them in the street. They just keep coming. I have weed barrier cloth and had thick mulch. Next, across the side walk up to my house, I have a rose bush that developed this seemingly overnight. It’s a knockout rose if that matters. I’m in Conroe, if that matters. It’s been really humid, but I’ve never seen anything like it. My wife wants to dig it up. Thoughts?
  16. I know this is a joke, but I had to read it 10 times before I accepted it as a joke.
  17. You’re looking at reimbursing the 12k first as paying the heir wrong. Look at is as a bill to the estate. Pretend the 12k is an invoice from a 3rd party. Pay that invoice first as you would any other bill. I would assume any state would do things this way - estate pays debts before paying heirs. Then, pay the heirs according to the will.
  18. Go do a tasting of Casa Dragones tequila. It was a great experience. Would highly recommend. Buy a door knocker. Seems to be the thing there. I wish I could remember all the great restaurants we ate at.
  19. My plans hit some road blocks. Wife’s sister is pregnant and having complications. My in-laws (read babysitters) had to drive to Dallas. I had planned on getting downtown earlier. Since that wasn’t an option, we ended up meeting wife’s friend at Grotto before concert for light dinner and drinks. Walked over to concert. Had to head home after because our back up sitter (college girl) had to drive to Austin at 6am the next morning to make it to class. All in all it was a fun night. I got a ton of credit for the effort. For some reason things always happen on my wife’s bday that make things difficult.
  20. What are you looking for. I just bought appliances from a place in New York and had them shipped. It was a great experience and I saved about 2k. I’m remodeling so have time. Think it was 3 weeks from orderti delivery.
  21. When I bought my first house in 2007 my dad gave me an old mower my BIL has given him. It was a B&S engine. It was missing a piece that controlled the throttle and it wouldn’t run (my dad explained this). I fixed it with a paper clip. The mower was probably 6 years old when I got it. I had it for another 9. I vibrated itself to pieces. The deck literally fell apart one day when I was mowing. I treated that mower like shit. Never changed the oil. All I did was put gas in it and sharped the blade a couple times and cleaned the air filter. Towards the end of its life it started having run problems, but damn it was a good mower. Got a Honda and it’s glorious.
  22. Going to be doing wife’s bday in Houston Tuesday night (don’t judge - Justin Timberlake concert at Toyota center). Staying at Marriott Marquis. Friends are going with us. Need dinner recs. Reading Hearsay, Xochi, what else... When I go down there it’s usually guys and a steakhouse (which might be fine). I told her friend to plan something but never heard back. Getting short on time.
  23. Thanks again. We’re looking at 15-20 feet I believe to the other room. I’ll go measure tonight to be sure. And I have stepped between the rafters before and paid the price with my shin. I was in a hurry and will never rush in the attic again. This attic has a ton of insulation so the rafters are hard to spot.
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