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Celery Man

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. G650's description of how others can sound sterile and rigid is what I didn't want my compliment above to sound like I was saying about your music. More that I can easily listen to your songs and think "this is rad" and hear a guitar part and not do the additional math of "yeah and he tracked/mixed that too". thanks for the props on the guitar playing. I'll see if I can bust out the gold top for something - not a ton windows where I can let the matchless rip without disrupting the household and I don't practice lead stuff all that much. But on Dirt Bike as an example, there's a melodic part that I had a hard time working in with the rhythm guitar, and the vocal melody over the bridge was written as a guitar part. I'll try and actually do a better job getting something done early enough this month that i can go back and set up to lay down something electric, although it may just be my macbook sitting open in front of a katana. Speaking of procrastination, this has been really fun and has hit home that I'm much more productive when I have some accountability out there in the world somewhere. This is more songwriting than I've done in a decade - I've got a lot of "guitar parts that I've noodled on and then forgotten" over the past ten years but I don't think I had put the metaphorical pen to paper in that whole time.
  2. It’s fun hearing you bounce around from style to style every week. This one I was listening to while cleaning up and I wanted to hear Ana Tijoux start dropping bars Good vibe. Guitar sounds great - honestly it’s easy to underrate your songs because they sound too clean. Normally someone whipping something together like that real quick for something like this is using canned parts, but these are all you. I paused writing that because maybe it sounds like I’m saying your stuff sounds canned, but I just mean it’s professional. The prompt I picked was to write a song about someone you’ve seen but don’t know. There’s a new kid in my neighborhood who is kind of a shithead but also maybe he’s ok/doesn’t know better or has stuff going on or who knows. One time (while I was pushing my toddler on the swing) he told me that he hangs out at the park late at night and it is way different then (and also…. locked. He then demonstrate his gate jumping technique). Bridge was very last second, I still don’t like it but I think it is fixable. Jimmy pointed out that I changed time signatures there and honestly that was the first time I realized that even wrote this in 3. Armed with that understanding I think I can fix it, and also evolve the cheesy lyrics a bit. https://on.soundcloud.com/7HZxuh3GTVXrUKor6
  3. she wants to hold on to what she's got
  4. Apparently the Halloween bucket was $30.
  5. Lulz precisely where we were, visiting my sister in Cliffside Park. What a zoo.
  6. Talk of British drinking reminds me of this bbc 2 doc I watched a while back on the culture around drinking there. I suspect your friend would get along well with a lot of these folks
  7. I mean, this looks like it is diving into a podcast which is fertile ground to talk about all means of fairly unimportant bullshit. The core premise of the show is people who should stop and then don’t (“I think you should leave”), I can see how she gets there. Honestly the first time I watched it, I googled if Tim Robinson had any history of addiction because so many of his characters seem like they are doing the (non-drinking) alcoholic things that makes alcoholics be alcoholics. I can see where Silverman gets this take.
  8. Me: we’re leaving the bucket outside? Is that all of our candy? wife: you always think we’ll run out of candy, it’s fine welp the fucking bucket got stolen while we were taking the kid around the block and I guess nobody could have seen that coming
  9. I’ve wondered a bit about that. I’m pretty sure I suffered from pancreatitis when i was drinking, and i thought my insides had turned to tar. I was surprised that the message seemed to be “you’re mostly fine” after my hospital stay. And I went through some tests and whatnot getting life insurance a year or so ago, was expecting the piper to come by. Lots of stuff that I can control there, but…. lots of stuff I just can’t at all. What a blessing to be able to set those worries down and get on with it. I completely blew past my sobriety anniversary. 8 years before the day that this picture was taken, I was being checked into the hospital and was about to post some batshit stuff on shaggy, apparently
  10. So guys how was the show at acl live tonight?
  11. I would imagine you'd want to go small and let loafers stretch out a bit. I feel like either Quoddy or Rancourt could get you there if you had the patience to do the made to order bit or I think Rancourt has a thing where they send you a few sizes. I keep trying to convince myself that i'd wear the beefroll pennies but I don't think I actually would. Maybe someday. I was afraid to wear these around because they felt tight and stiff (I mean, of course they were stiff) and I was a little uncertain - I just haven't been able to get my quoddy's so that they feel like there's enough volume in the toes to walk around in all day. I can wear them but by mid day they're not comfortable. Anyways, with the rancourts I finally said fuck it and have been breaking them in over the weekend. Wore them all day today, they already feel good and don't have the problem that the quoddy's do. Chromexcel breaks in nicely. It's my dumbass fault on the other shoes - I got them at the beginning of the pandemic and they were supposed to be camp mocs but I got the wrong size and just picked something in stock to exchange them and didn't even realize they were going to be lined, which I think is the whole problem both from them wearing a bit tighter and not stretching as much. I think I might try the thig where you wear them soaked for a whole day, I've just wanted these shoes to magically work for fucking 3 years and I keep seeing them and getting annoyed that they exist.
  12. That’s the worst pass interference I’ve ever seen lol
  13. I had Ken Walker iii on the bench for Pacheco because he’s been questionable all week. Looks like he’s cleared, having last second doubts….
  14. A wedding ring and a (non-ridiculous) watch is easily within the bounds of traditional conservative men’s fashion in most daily contexts (wristwatch is not traditionally black tie appropriate). Tool watches have become normal in non-tool settings (for decades) and stuff evolves but generally I think wedding ring and watch is the room you have to play in from a jewelry perspective (as a surly demo grown man) without becoming one of those guys.
  15. Thank you, though I was taking crazy pills
  16. I had to take the kid to the park for a bit and was watching the score on my phone. Did we have a touchdown that got taken off the scoreboard in the third maybe early fourth quarter?
  17. Hey Derka - sorry I came after you in the whatever that thread was about. I was poking the obvious fun and I still think what I think about your reaction to that stuff but it was foreseeable and I should have understood that it would be shit starting with you, which is not something I’m interested in doing. Hope you’re well. Did Whitman make the move? Saw that old school WVU logo and remembered him.
  18. Was very briefly in the city during a visit to my sister in NJ, came away with these Rancourt ranger mocs. I have a pair of similar quoddy’s in a darker brown that never quite broke in right (although now I kinda want to try again). They are lined and these are not, I’m hoping they break in to be the extremely easy mid temperature casual shoes for quick pond strolls and park visits that I am looking for. Socks being worn because they are still stiff af. Natural chromexcel, I’m hoping these take on a bit less gray of a color as they become worn.
  19. Ok, I need to complain a bit - the "I observe very little of the world around me" to "i get defensive after 2.5 questions" argument pipeline. The downstairs was smoky yesterday and the wife had cooked a number of various things - dinner, she makes toddler stuff sometimes, we have a bunch of apples from apple picking on a recent trip and so there's all kinds of apple shit happening. "Oh it's a little smoky down here, what happened" "Huh? Nothing happened." "Oh uhhhh ok. Just, something burned, it smells a bit too." "yeah nothing I did" "... ok cool." opens oven door, observes shiny new gunk on the ground, looks around, sees a loaf pan that clearly exploded in the oven, mystery solved I suppose that one was no big deal although it just irritates me to not be able to figure out what the fuck happened. Now that I think of it, twice I've been out of town and then have come home to be unable to get information about some house problem that has cropped up while I was gone. In our old 1980s house we had a shitty pocket door that was always a little janky but then was all of a sudden very very bad when I came back from a trip. I was assured that absolutely nothing happened and when I asked for a third time if she was certain that nothing happened at all it was an argument. That door was pseudo fucked for most of a year until I witnessed her walk into it halfway open at full speed and it started working again. More recently, there were water stains on the ceiling above the kitchen table, which is where our shower is, and I tried extremely hard to get her to understand that I didn't think she did anything wrong and didn't care if she did but I needed to know what water related thing happened in our bathroom. I got no information and an argument but recaulked near the shower and that fixed it.
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