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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. At this point, I think humanity has pretty much proven that we need to be run.
  2. Westlake vs Bowie was a hard-played game and was much closer than final score indicated. In fact, Bowie was actually ahead 31-17 at halftime, so the final score of 45-0 was not reflective of how close this game really was.
  3. I heard the LBJ coach discuss this on the radio. If they had stayed 4A, they would have had to travel to towns two hours from their campus. He said they don't have the money to make that sustainable, so strangely, moving up a class actually benefits their program.
  4. I agree with you. People who are exceptional, like Tom Brady or Steve Jobs, simply aren't wired like normal human beings. They put their personal goals above all else and have the relentless drive to see it through. They often have personal issues outside of their field, but greatness has a price and the world is often a better place with exceptional people in it.
  5. I consider you calling me retarded a great honor. LOL
  6. With the rumors emerging that Texas A&M players have been smoking pot and having sex in the locker room (lulz), this YouTuber floats the theory that the school may be looking for a loophole to fire Jimbo for cause to eschew from paying the buyout. I've never heard of this YouTuber, Zach Smith, but he seems to be pretty smart and knows a lot about the kind of abuses that happen at college programs. He does seem to reference Ohio State football, as well. It sure sounds like he know his stuff and it's worth a watch.
  7. "He'll never play in college" "He'll never start at UT." "He'll never have success at UT." "He'll never get drafted." "He'll never make the roster." "He'll never play in the NFL." "He'll never start in the NFL."
  8. Especially our haters here, who denied trashing Sam. Lulz, it took about five minutes to pull their quotes from this thread.
  9. Horribly dangerous playing surface, track around the field, vans parked on the sidelines, terrible food and beer. Throw in the terrible sound system. Not exactly the good old days. EDIT: oh yeah, I forgot to list the Soviet-inspired architecture.
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