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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. One state, and the initial results were within 1k after the initial auto recount, and Bush was ahead.
  2. Who is the last highly rated guy we landed that lived up to their rating? Malcom Brown? I guess you can make a case for Brandon Jones.
  3. Unless red states do the same, they'd only be shooting themselves in the foot. The current EC structure is the only way a Republican is going to get elected President. They need the winner take all structure for red states they aren't going to give that up.
  4. Has anyone reported on the count of the extension mail in ballots for PA? Hopefully the lead ends up large enough for those to not be a factor.
  5. Most states are still counting ballots even the called ones. We just focused on the ones that are too close to call. If those states weren't close at all and were called on election night or the day after, they'd still be counting ballots today.
  6. There are more minimum wage jobs than there are high schoolers willing to fill them. Congrats on exceptional chlldren though. Those unexceptional people can fuck right off, am I right?
  7. Is it insider info that his only out is to win the conference, or is that just consensus assumption because you don't fire a coach that just won the conference?
  8. I had no idea that was him. You could put that in the no way these two are the same actors thread. It's funny because every time I see him in something I say that's the no arm/no leg guy from The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, and I've probably seen the Harry Potter movies several times over and never made the connection.
  9. They were 9-4 that second year. I wouldn't call that mediocre for Houston. Especially with the wins over OU and Louisville. To your point though I do think the shine was going to wear off even more post Greg Ward Jr.
  10. Probably. We'd clearly be better with a cheaper body to replace smith and Jones at corner, but that's not the only thing this defense is missing. It's a failure at all levels.
  11. Greenspoint posting that paystub let Urban and his agent know just how deep our pockets are.
  12. Byron Jones is a good player and is an asset on the field for any team he plays for, but yeah he's allergic to interceptions. He's got a historically bad interception rate for as many snaps as he has. Paying that guy top dollar is not smart, but it's not Zeke/Smith extension dumb either.
  13. Why or how is it our negotiating tactic if the answer is no shit? That's my only point. Doesn't it need to at least be reasonably possible for it to affect negotiations?
  14. Why can't you say he's not obtainable? Because he chose to ride the bench here instead of at Duke? I'm sure he had a blast here, but has he once uttered a sentence of fondness for the state of the UT program? Because the only hook is him attending UT, otherwise everyone would say WTF.
  15. How does this work? Hearing names that are no way obtainable is going to make Urban shit or get off the pot? I'd lean more into it just being 9.95 bullshit than some attempt to gain leverage.
  16. Shanahan isn't leaving the NFL. Even if there was some sort of strife with him in SF, he'd could easily have another NFL job. I'd believe Dabo before I'd believe Shanahan. Those names are pure smokescreen if fed from any source, or just made up bullshit by 9.95ers.
  17. I can't believe this show is still on. When I got married in 2008 it was one of the shows the Mrs. watched that I now had to watch, but I convinced her to drop it after a couple more seasons because all the original characters were mostly gone. That was like 10 years ago. They've probably have had dozens of jumping the shark moments and survived them all.
  18. I plowed through the last few days, and I dug it. I don't know why because I don't play chess, but I kind of like chess related movies. The Benny character was also in Game of Thrones.
  19. I don't disagree with you we are for sure the currently worst team in the NFL. The comment was we aren't getting Sunshine (Lawrence) since we will have a better record than the Jets. Unfortunately our current shitiness can't erase the wins off our record. Jets will get the #1 overall pick despite probably being double digit favorites in a head to head matchup.
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