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Everything posted by DallasHorn26

  1. So I found some of my old chips lying around from before I relapsed (I’m sure there were others I’ve thrown away) I decided to use them as a daily reminder and think twice anytime I’m heading out the door. Happy to be here!!!
  2. My ding a ling is the best chuck berry song ever fyi
  3. Born in 84 here. I think it depends on your parents. Mom and dad where 20/21 when mom squirted me out. I grew up on waylon, willie, chuck berry, Beatles, Skynrd, My kids prefer to be at school (4th,6th, 7th) , and have done ok.
  4. They'll send Ursula instead of South Austin's Mom.
  5. I was let go over the phone from one place(was working remote) they had a courier knocking on my door 30 mins later to collect my laptop and access card.
  6. Good morning all, happy to be here and happy to have another sober day behind me. I really loved the line from today's Daily Reflections and thought I'd share. "May I always remember that the power within me is far greater than any fear before me. May I always have patience, for I am on the right road."
  7. Be sure to watch through the credits Just realized ep 7 has an end credit scene too.
  8. Valid. False Events Appearing Real. Fuck Everything and Run. Or, Face Everything and Recover. If you don't put in today you get a gold star, no matter what real or imagined troubles occur. You wanna talk about it, PM me your cell number and I'll at least distract you and make you laugh. I welcome the opportunity to just talk with another drunk. @JohnnyRage you just did page 24 from the BB in real time on this page. Reading your experience I can feel with sufficient force the pain and suffering. Thank you for your sobriety. Thanks guys and thank you @BearSchlongfor the chat earlier. I dropped into a meeting tonight and it was a very fitting discussion (funny how that always seems to happen). We read the southern gentlemen story from page 217. @Reagan1k, I feel like your replay fits nicely with the conversation we had tonight in the meeting. The man in the story felt complacent and was tempted to go buy a drink, but stopped to talk to other drunks along the way and spoke to his wife and those kept him from doing so. I had one of these ah ha moments today and realized I haven't been following my program as I should. This shit really does work if I follow it. Thankful to make it through another day sober and grateful for the words of encouragement today.
  9. Woke up struggling a little bit today having that feeling of anxiety that I'm going to screw up again. I just have to be sober today and remind myself of my gratitudes and pray that my thoughts be directed.
  10. I think my lowest this week here in DFW. My highest temp was 113 in Vegas.
  11. Well shut up buddy what do you know about love I don't take advice from some old drunk At a bar middle the middle of the day What the hell does it matter anyway…
  12. Saw these at the store earlier. Which one of you product geniuses came up with this?
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-lawyer-suit-fraud/2021/02/09/50f0769e-6ae3-11eb-ba56-d7e2c8defa31_story.html SIAP
  14. I worked in the HR office for Mother Francis for a couple of years around 2005-2007 and could see Stanley's from my office window. I ate there at least once a week in those days.
  15. I played this at winstar when I couldn’t get in at a regular table. It’s a step up from the bubble machine, and game play moves a little faster, but that’s about the only plus side to it over a regular table.
  16. For the downtown area lunch, id recommend Taqueria El Lugar (street tacos), Don Juan is also a good spot on the square. Second the Stanley's, Jucy's, and Country Tavern Recs. Bruno's Pizza,
  17. Bump. I missed this on the original run. I've been slowly watching over the past few weeks and down to the last 2 episodes. I'd definitely put this in my top 5 shows. A lot of great characters are in this, but Boyd is definitely a standout. Side Note: Sam Elliot just doesn't look right without the mustache.
  18. I had a couple shoeboxes of baseball cards from the late 80's/early 90's that I ended up getting rid a year or so ago. I may have had a few gems in there, but I don't think I had anything of significant value. After watching the Jack of all Trades doc last year, I learned a lot of baseball cards from that era were overproduced and not worth much. Starting to think I should have held onto them now.
  19. I agree, when she starts spouting this stuff, we just kind of look at each other and roll our eyes. My GF has known her since High School and its just in the last few months that she's bought into this stuff. It was kind of entertaining to listen to it at first, but now we've started to become concerned for her.
  20. My GF's Roommate (no pics) has bought into this shit. She spends all day talking about it and watching bearded dudes in Oakleys spouting their bullshit. She left a page of notes on the counter the other day that she's been keeping as she's watching these videos. Things like the oval office we've been seeing Biden in is a movie set and that orange means new beginnings (I'm guessing she's referring to head cheeto man). She also claims the inauguration wasn't live last week, but she didn't watch it and seemed skeptical when my GF and I told her we didn't see anything out of the ordinary besides no crowd on the mall and the people on stage being socially distanced. She's warned my GF several times to not be alarmed that a power outage and media black out is coming (which they obviously haven't). Just alarming how bought in people are to this shit and don't bother to research anything or actually read the constitution.
  21. Someone tried to tell me the other day that March 4th is the actual inauguration day in the constitution. HMMMM...have you read the 20th amendment dumbass?
  22. His dad was my middle school principal.
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