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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Wow, what heroes. "I finally realized that Trump is an active threat to our ongoing democracy and might not be a great guy at all. I'll show my protest by not voting because, what am I supposed to do, vote for a Democrat?" So depressing that that's what we're banking on.
  2. Sure. "Jesus Christ". Gonna give him a call later, Rudy?
  3. Explain this to someone who has played about 30 minutes of video games in 5 years.
  4. Was Beetlejuice sold out that day?
  5. Yeah, but he hasn't been paying for it for a really, really long time, so it's super uncool of them.
  6. No, he didn't directly reference his mom. But it's not exactly a stretch that, when someone says that they were raised with better manners, they're implying that you were raised incorrectly.
  7. Even if anyone somehow bought his excuse that he was selling a foul and flailing--no one does--it would only make it worse. What would any non-psychopath do if they accidently hit someone in the head, resulting in them going directly to the ground? I don't know, maybe check on them or show some semblance of concern?
  8. Exactly. I have two kids. Fucking shoot me if I ever start rambling on about how much harder and more expensive my life is like I'm special or something. Billions of people have figured it out before me. Bubba and Kelly-anne from the trailer park are figuring out a way to buy eggs. And double fuck anyone trying to suggest that anyone's life is emptier without kids. To each their own.
  9. I'll allow it. Him winning his only championship riding the coattails of the true best point guard of this generation would have been satisfying, but, since that ain't happening, this is a suitable career path for Chris Paul.
  10. Oh, I fucking love NBA pettiness. I despise Chris Paul, but I love the he's in the league. But I reserve the right to still make fun of it, especially when it's as ridiculous as this or the players not voting LeBron an all-star.
  11. What, what the fuck? Are we really supposed to believe that Giannis turned into a petty bitch because he wanted to give the ball the Damian Lillard for passing Kyle fucking Korver on a list? Seriously?
  12. Hard to imagine another top tier superstar giving much of a fuck about the game ball from their new career high in a December basketball game. Especially one with much better accomplishments to his name. But, then again, I didn't realize that passing out game balls was actually a thing in the NBA until today. I wonder how they do it early in the season when there's multiple rookies making their debut every game. In Giannis's defense, he may score 100 in a game before he ever makes 24 free throws again.
  13. Poe is my wife's uncle who repeats the same story to everyone he meets about his one black friend (who no one has ever met) that started making 6 digits for the first time in his life under Trump and was so thankful, with tears in his eyes, to be able to provide a better life for his family. Then, just like that, in 2021 it was all taken away from him for reasons unknown. Very believable stuff.
  14. Boring, unimaginative trolls are the fucking worst. At least try.
  15. ...back when gay people knew not to out themselves in my town. And the President had my back when I wanted to take a stroll down Main Street with my tiki torch. Such simpler times.
  16. Sorry you're poor. Maybe some of your Republican brethren will pass reforms to make childcare easier on those in hardship. What with their love of children and all.
  17. Fair. I guess when I think of elite athleticism at an NBA level I think of Ja, LeBron, KD, Russ, Vince Carter, etc. Draymond is 6'7" and looks like the rim is going to stuff him every time he dunks. But there are obviously many other forms of athleticism than jumping. Mea culpa.
  18. He was never elite athletically. If he was, maybe he'd have some room to compensate and adjust when he lost a step after 30. At his athletic peak he was just barely athletic enough to defend a lot of space, hold his own against bigger players, stay in front of smaller players, and be where his high basketball IQ told him to be in time. Now he's not. He's still really good at guarding the guy in front of him, but he doesn't have the same team defensive impact, where he's directly involved in every action. Totally agree with your last sentence though.
  19. I mean, let's be real, the number of players in the NBA who would take a real swing on someone during a game is probably zero. The stars are too smart for that, and the bench guys can't risk it. And Draymond isn't 17, so Ja isn't an option. Ron Artest ain't walking through that door.
  20. I liked Scrubs. It was a clever niche comedy with heart. Just don't understand the financials of dusting off JD and Turk 13 years after the final episode aired to sell cell phones. Are they still going to be parading out the Levy family in 2033 in their Schitt's Creek attire to sell chicken wings or some shit? Yeah, probably. Guess I answered my own question.
  21. Uh, yeah, maybe not the best movie for current times.
  22. Like 99% of network shows, this show sucked shit through a straw, but I gave it a few episodes entirely due to this speech which they ran in their promotions. He was the best part of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, a show full of accomplished comedians and talented writers.
  23. Shut the fuck up, Poe. Go troll somewhere else.
  24. You guys made those jokes before 2022 as well. Just saying. Nah, it's over.
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