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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. Montgomery Co. gives no shits about market downturn. My appraisal went up 27% (still protected by 10% cap for a couple years). This is the first time since about 2015 (through-2020 in Travis Co; 2020-2023 in Montgomery) that I’ve felt their appraised value is actually higher than I could sell it for, by at least $25k.
  2. LZ said this morning he thinks in his final Mock for nfl.com today he’s going Anderson or Wilson (if Caserio can risk another injured upside player) at #2 and Bijan at #12 if he gets past ATL at 8 and Philly at 10. It would be bad ass. This draft could go a lot worse than Will Anderson, Bijan Robinson, and Trey Lance joining the 2023 team.
  3. LZ said he got called with that question from a Boston media person. Maybe they got it from some bullshit tweet. Seems like Belichick does hate him some Mac Jones though and wouldn’t mind him gone after the Matt Patricia OC experiment took some more shine off tattered hoodie man.
  4. Rumor of the day: #2 pick for Mac Jones, #14 pick, and NE’s 4th rounder Residual smoke around #33 for Trey Lance.
  5. I’m biased towards Lance Zierlien because he’s on local radio, but he has contacts in the Texans, he’s good friends with the Colts’ GM, his dad was the OL coach for the Steelers and Browns, and he moonlights for NFLN. He nailed both of the Texans picks last year (and disagreed with them pre and post draft). His last mock initiated the Stroud tumble unintentionally (he was only mocking based on how he thinks Nick Caserio and Chris Ballard think).
  6. How do you reach that conclusion? S2 is being used in several sports for any athlete whose position or role requires fast thinking and recognition. Stroud’s result could yield a conclusion that he doesn’t call his own plays or even read defenses, but rather just throw to a predetermined receiver. When he has NFL caliber WRs against Big10 DBs and an OC calling good plays, you could have a brain dead robot back there as long as they throw accurately. What’s most bizarre is how he was an outlier a good 30 or 40 points lower than the second worst QB, and 80 points lower than Bryce Young.
  7. You were right on the contract structure, Burt. The remaining $105M comes mostly as two option/roster bonuses that could be avoided if they cut Rodgers, then they would eat the same amount of dead cap space from the $40M signing bonus as they are now. I still say NYJ were bidding against themselves though. Rodgers didn’t want to play anywhere else so nobody would have got into a bidding war with the Jets. GB wouldn’t have activated a $59M option bonus in August and kept Rodgers on their 2023 roster. NYJ paid a 2nd and a 1st to get him now instead of waiting for him to be cut. Would NYJ play games with playing time by pulling Rodgers if they get up or down by 3 TDs, and play the backup in week 18, to try to stay below 65% of snaps threshold and keep next year’s pick a 2nd rounder?
  8. Vegas has Houston with the second highest odds to take Bijan, after ATL. On 97.5 today, LZ was confused and thinks neither takes him. Levis is favorite to go #2, but that doesn’t necessarily mean to Houston. LZ also said the source of “Houston won’t take Stroud” originated with him and his recent mock draft. He said he has zero information to back that up, and only speculated that the low S2 score might scare off Caserio and Demeco and/or Watson’s agent might be a no-go for Cal McNair. Since Caserio also like high ceiling guys with traits, he mocked Tyree Wilson over Will Anderson as their pick. LZ explained his logic to a couple colleagues at NFLN. One of them talked to Peter King about it still as a theory, and moron King is now blasting it as insider leaked information. LZ didn’t act like he had a lot of respect for King.
  9. Even split over two years, $50M is a lot of cheese to be dead on the cap. They could’ve given him away for a 7th round pick just for the cap space. Who else were they going to trade him to?
  10. Jets overpaid. They were bidding against themselves and Green Bay needed to move him or face a mega cap hit.
  11. They are getting the Jets 2nd this year and probably the Jets first rounder next year, in addition to swapping firsts this year.
  12. If it’s a 9 game SEC schedule, they have to make the 5th home game every other year be the “home” team in Dallas, otherwise the “home” team would only have 4 conference home games and only 3 in their actual stadium. That would give UT and OU 4 true home games per year. Even if all 3 OOC games were at home, that would only be 7. In the opposite scenario where the road team in Dallas had 5 home games at their stadium, plus 3 OOC at home, you could have 8. But that means the odd years when Dallas counts as one of your 4 home games, you’d only have 3 at DKR + 3 OOC = 6 home games. I don’t think there’s a permanent method for 8 home games at DKR annually under a 9 game SEC schedule. If it was an 8 game conference schedule, you could do 4 home OOC games and 4 conference home games to get to 8; but that will only be when you are the road team in Dallas. The home team in Dallas would only have 7 games at their stadium. Conclusion: if you went home only for OOC, you will either alternate 6/8 true home games per year, or have 7 every year, or alternate 7/8 per year. CDC is high.
  13. You’re right, I was thinking of a different player and got them mixed up by the final year of contract. Point stands, as you made it. The only upside for Tennessee is if Henry is running pissed off hoping for his next contract. But if the Titans aren’t competitive, what was the point of one final hood season when they could get some future draft capital for him.
  14. If the goal is to win the SEC (which should guarantee a playoff spot), playing another power in non-conference should help improve the team more than playing 3 cupcakes. Bama and the other SEC big dogs commonly have some premium OOC matchup to start the year. In 2005, several UT players credited the tough game at Ohio State in helping them be who they were come OU and USC. Losing to a UM/USC/Ohio St/Penn St/ND does not impact our SEC championship odds, and the experience could improve the odds.
  15. Who’d have thought he’d end up with 10 kids?
  16. They are likely going to tank as soon as they get a couple losses. Henry’s already mad to be playing on his 5th year option salary and wants an extension. If they get a 2nd or 3rd round pick for him, it’s probably a win for 2024 and forward.
  17. FIFY. But I don’t really give a shit until they show they’ve overcome being idiots, at least on the BoB/Easterby level of idiocy. My personal preference rank for #2 is: 1. Trade down with Stroud-loving team for great assets 2. Pick Will Anderson 3. Trade down a couple spots and get something less than amazing 4. Pick Stroud or Levis, coin flip 5. Pick Tyree Wilson (frequently injured and missed games, couldn’t even make combine or Tech pro day) These morons will pick Wilson or Levis.
  18. Apparently Stroud scored an 18/100 on the S2 sports real time cognitive test, while most of the other QBs were above 70. Unfortunately for him it fits the narrative that Ohio St QBs put up stats due to the system and having superior WRs playing against Big10 DBs. His Georgia game may have been an outlier more than turning the corner, and/or Ryan Day and staff had an amazing game plan and Stroud threw where they told him. I wouldn’t take any of them (beside Young) at #2, but would take Stroud or Levi’s at #12 (or 8-11 if the trade up from 12 didn’t cost much). Would not take “AR15” or Hooker in the first round. The Texans roster is still so devoid of talent, they need players that could be great but have a high floor with their first rounders. Aggy guard has not met that standard, and they only have 2 more Cleveland picks left to help jump start the rebuild.
  19. Ironically they’d probably make more money and definitely have a better product if they went back to the 90s/2000s model of 90% highlights on SportsCenter and replayed the hour program a couple times, and not have to pay fake celebrities to be talking heads yelling over manufactured drama.
  20. Even the black helmet with a red bird you can hardly see? The Edmonton Eskimos became the Elks? This aggression will not stand, man.
  21. Yeah he had full size clones. Also, we never saw “him” DIAF. This season had less happen and a bit of a Temple of Doom feel (asking “did this actually impact anything?”). We got two episodes on space pirates that did nothing but offer one mission for Bo Katan to work with the cultists. We had the cloning nerd rehab on Coruscant episode, but wiping his mind (and everything related the covert lady boy haircut stooge and Tim Meadows) are now seemingly moot since Gideon and his clones are “dead” and his secret base was destroyed. Grogu got no further along as a Jedi. He got to play Krang sitting in his robot body for a bit but then that IG-12 thing got destroyed. The Mythosaur never came out of the pond. Thrawn was teased but never shown. S3 summary: - Bo Katan gained respect of Armorer and her cult, then regained dark saber from Din Djarin, then got other Mando bounty hunter faction to follow her again. - Moff Gideon was trying to make dark force wielding clones of himself, but he and they are now dead. - Paz Vizla died by a couple red dudes Rey will later destroy. - Mandos ran Imperials out of the caverns of Mandalore and retook the planet. - Mando got himself a little piece of land for him and his boy to live on peacefully - No Jedi (except Jar Jar Binks dude), no Ahsoka, no Ghost crew, no Thrawn, no OT characters. This season could have been summarized in an email.
  22. It was Grogu. He’s a double secret agent in the deep state Empire.
  23. Yeah…Gus installed her prior to S1 when he thought Project Grogu Blood was a done deal, had no idea who Din Djarin was, and had no reason to see Bo Katan as a threat anymore. What was the point, to keep tabs on 20 or so random Mandos living in the sewers of Navarro? What was the upside to the Armorer in turning on her cult, to get to live in a sewer on Navarro, be paid in Imperial Credits that are no good, and one day retire and maybe get some glass-front property on New Mandalore?
  24. Q2. Will you avoid banging other front office people’s wives while you’re here?
  25. At least two; between the Ahsoka, Darth Vader, and Darth Maul round robin in ‘Twilight of the Apprentice’ and the conclusion of ‘Twin Suns.’ Those are up there with the final 4 episodes of Clone Wars S7 as the best content in Star Wars, animated or not. Were you including the World Between Worlds or the finale episode? Someone get ‘Stache a cheat guide of which essential episodes to watch in Rebels like they have for Clone Wars S1-6.
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