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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. Lot more smoke about Texans passing on Stroud at #2 and looking at trade down options (Raiders #7, Atlanta #8, Titans #11, Washington #16, Tampa #19, and Vikings #24 all interested in QB). Fan fiction trade: Texans trade #2 to Tennessee for #11, 2024 first round pick, and rights to Oilers name/logo/colors. Texans at #11&12 get two players like Lukas Van Ness, Jalen Carter if he slides, WR#1, OT#2, CB#2; they’d have 3 first round picks next year to get a QB, and Luv Ya Blue returns to Houston.
  2. It’s hard to say. There’s always teams expected to be good that crap the bed, and bad teams (that benefit from easier schedule) that jump up to mediocrity. Who is expected to be bad in 2023 and end up with the top picks? Washington, Indianapolis, Arizona, Atlanta, Tampa, Carolina, Green Bay if they tank post-Rodgers? Denver if they suck again? Houston could be in that mix and still in the bottom 5 or at least bottom 10. Carolina will have a QB. Arizona has Kyler, and Indy will likely commit to a QB soon (hopefully Richardson or Lamar Jackson). Atlanta may end up taking a QB at #8 this year. In a perfect scenario, Deshaun gets his dick broke off by a Cleveland instagram masseuse and the Browns go 3-14, giving Houston #1 overall.
  3. Part of the Texans’ curse is the unavailability of slam dunk QBs when they have a top pick. David Carr was the undisputed top QB in 2002 and the Texans went QB over Julius Peppers. In 2006 nobody had VY or Leinert over Bush, but in retrospect that entire top 10 was mediocre professionally and the Texans may have got it right with Mario Williams but none were great. In 2014 Clowney was the obvious pick and the best QB was JFF (does TexAgs hate the Texans for passing on JFF the same way Surly piles on for not picking VY?). This year we get undersized Young, Stroud with low reaction score and unimpressive performance except for one game vs UGA, Neanderthal meathead looking dude Levis, and inaccurate but super freak athlete Richardson. Never a Luck or Lawrence, or even Burrow or Stafford, when the Texans are at the top.
  4. Armorer could be a spy, but the other dudes on the boat were definitively spies. They survived the purge and have been living there 20 years while Gideon built and used an underground fortress there? GTFO
  5. Filoni stole that shit from an episode of Bluey.
  6. Missing on #1 would hurt, but the difference between #2 and #3 isn’t as big a deal (Scoot vs Miller) as it was assumed a couple months ago. Anything else sucks after the 3 years of tanking. Yes, getting a veteran PG should have the most impact on youth development and wins next season. Drafting Scoot would be nice, but still probably need a free agent PG. ”wtf are we talking about” is HtownHorn’s giant boner for signing Harden who will go into pre-retirement mode of getting fat and stripper life, while on the court he’ll chuck up shots like when he was playing Morey ball here. Harden is likely the “best” free agent Houston could sign, but almost certainly not best ROI on a new contract and could delay development of the young players we tanked to get.
  7. He missed 24 games this season, and you would be putting him back in Houston where he expects to skip practice for day trips to Cabo and hits up the strip clubs when he stays home.
  8. Signing Harden to a max deal seems more likely to destroy whatever they’ve done than to become a team that competes for championships. If he came back, it signals he values living here/strip clubs more than winning. He’s not nearly as good as he used to be, is 4 years older, and initiated the divorce by pouting in a fat suit when all the trades he forced turned out to be fails. Is it possible he morphs into Obiwan Kenobi and guides the young stars? I guess, but better odds he tries to be ball dominant and Green, Smith, Sengun, and 2023 pick stand around and wait to see if James ever passes them the ball. Also James introduces the young stars to that Treasures life and Sengun gets shanked by a pimp.
  9. Damn straight on your edit. “Somehow, Palpatine has returned…again. To be granted release from Force Pergatory, Luke teaches Rey that the true cause of the Jedi downfall was toxic masculinity. She must establish a female-only Jedi order, and struggles with the status of trans and non-binary padawans. Finn finally gets laid, but it’s with Poe Dameron.”
  10. It can be a wash because when an NFL division winner isn’t top 4 in the conference (9-8 record, 10-7, whatever), it could be that division was crappy and they were the king of the midgets, but it could also be that the division is tough and has parity, and those 4 teams beat up on each other. In the case of the latter, it’s not right to punish that division leader for playing 6/17 games against tough opponents when/if the other division winner had no competition and rolled to 13 or 14 wins while some rando second place team squeaked by with 10 wins. If you want reseeding for playoffs, you might as well abolish divisions altogether and have random conference-wide schedules.
  11. 99.9999% of the world doesn’t have to look back at and do over that Gobert trade. We knew it was a top 10 worst trade in history as it happened. Everyone hates the Jazz, and Minnesota is going to stock their war chest. Thanks Twolves!
  12. ^ shouldn’t this be the universal rule in NBA drafting for all teams? Every bad ass you can get means impact and/or trade value.
  13. And the Clippers keep on winning. May the ping pong balls ever be in Fertitta’s favor.
  14. +1 (or 1up?) on this. My 4 and 6 boys both loved it. The story wasn’t stupid or a remake. Each character had some depth and their own motivations. Lots of Easter eggs and NES and MarioKart throwbacks. Bowser was probably the best character, but all the Kongs were funny as well.
  15. The Rockets will beat the Wizards to secure the #7 pick.
  16. They could’ve done what they did for Bo Katan and casted the voice actress, who campaigned for the role but was never given an audition due to insufficient screen acting experience. She’d have the voice sound and inflection correct and would possibly look more like animated Ahsoka with a younger looking and less grizzled face.
  17. I think Lamar and his mother have miscalculated his present and future worth if they think he’s going to be paid over $50m/year beyond 2026 or so (whenever front offices anticipate he starts to lose a step or the injuries and age have impacted his game). If he plays in 2023 for $32m and balls out without bailing on his team late in the season, he’s likely to to get a better deal for 2024 and beyond than if he keeps up what he has been doing and sits out a year (while also missing out on that $32m).
  18. My bad I may have heard incorrectly that the regular franchise was in the $40’s. Seemed like the top 5 salary average should be considering what Rodgers, Watson, Wilson, and Mahomes are getting paid. Regardless, the point was that Leveon Bell never made up the money he lost by sitting a year, and the rust hurt him more than “saving tread on the tires”.
  19. We only get 8 episodes every 2 years. Wasting any of them on filler or poorly acted celebrity guest roles is rage worthy.
  20. It’s starting to feel like they planned all along for “The Mandalorian” to refer to Bo Katan, until we get to a final season and realize it referred to Grogu all along. Beskar was in the prisoner ship, so Moff Gideon probably has some sect of loyalists from the time he held the dark saber. Hell, someone (Thrawn or that “rehabilitated” boy haircut lady) might have paid the Nite Owls to liberate him. It could’ve been Gideon or Thrawn that ordered the tie fighter attack on Bo Katan’s family vacation home, but I don’t get the motive at this point. Both of those dudes are hyper-strategic.
  21. Didn’t DKR also say “if he’ll bite you as a dog, he’ll bite you as a pup”?
  22. Le’veon made $4m his first 4 years, $12 million in 2017; then rejected both a two year offer for $30m and the franchise tag (one year at $16m). He ended up collecting only $28m from 2019-2021 from the Jets, Chiefs, Ravens, and Bucs. Playing 2018 for $16m probably wouldn’t have decreased the $28m he earned later. Truly dumb decision.
  23. When Leveon Bell refused to sign the Pittsburgh franchise tag and sat out a year, the question was not resolved that if the Steelers kept the tag on him again and Bell signed, would he get paid based on a Year 1 of tag (since he never signed or played under the first tag) or would it jump to the much higher $$$ Year 2 tag value. If Lamar sits this year, he rejects the ~$45M. If the Ravens tag him again in 2024, if it is ruled as the first tag he played under, he’ll get the average of the top 5 QBs (probably in the $45-50m range). If it is ruled to be his second year, he gets a 20% bump so ~$60M. Ravens would probably pay it either way but it’s a $15m issue for Lamar and for the Ravens’ cap space. Completely fucks up their plans to compete in 2023 so this is stupid. The Ravens would cut to the chase and offer him thr $105 for two years today. They already offered him $133m fully guaranteed for 3, in addition to the longer deal that came out to like $175m guaranteed. Lamar’s mom is an idiot.
  24. From who are they “taking back” Mandalore? The mutant creatures or the eyeball robots that live underground?
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