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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. Summary: Poor people should be not be discouraged from pursuing low ROI college majors/degrees with fewer lucrative job prospects so they can continue to be poor.
  2. Y’all bagged on him then and still now, but HF/shaggy/Surly is a better and funnier place with the odd birds. RIP Grendel, ye who knows more of Texas Capitol political workings than any of us.
  3. NFL Radio said Dallas wanted him last season and would’ve given a 4th plus late pick, or maybe a 3rd rounder; but Caserio stood firm on wanting a 2nd. Now he gets a 5th and a 6th. FAIL at the deadline, mediocre chicken salad out of chicken shit on this trade today.
  4. Hooker is old, has a torn ACL, poor accuracy, and only looked at one side of the field when passing at Tennessee. He had great stats and a good college season though, but that doesn’t make him a great second round investment.
  5. Thanks @tx 3 putt for the data point on trade school costs. ROI on whatever education should be a primary consideration. The liberal arts type degrees do not forbid people from professional success, but there’s a lot more people with those majors that go into them as naive or undecided 18 year olds and don’t utilize those specific degrees in their later careers. The problem obviously compounds when they go to very expensive private universities and pile up debt. My personal anecdotes are my wife’s sisters. One got a music degree from a private university in Boston, then worked as a nanny for 6 years and is now a realtor ($50k in debt). The other switched colleges and majors twice, got a BA in psychology ($60k in debt) , worked as a special ed teacher, and is now going back for a masters degree in education. Neither are paying more than minimum payments on their loans and the second is taking on new debt all because they think Uncle Biden and Bernie are going to nuke their student debts. The system has created almost limitless demand (“everyone should go to college” narrative + unlimited federally backed student loans) allowing universities to skyrocket their tuition and fees. If student loans (amount and interest rates) were awarded like other loans based value of the asset and risk of default, maybe more kids would choose less expensive colleges or higher ROI majors.
  6. So PBS is now in bed with the College Industrial Machine of universities plus Fannie Mae? The authors try to scare the readers about a future labor shortage. It isn’t the 4.0 students destined for med school, nursing, engineering, dentistry, etc. that are opting for trade school and apprenticeships over a bachelors degree. More skilled trades should benefit the economy. Someone up above claimed “pointless degrees” are exaggerated and about 5% of graduates. Liberal arts + fine arts + communications = <5% of undergraduates?! (I’m not saying the USA doesn’t need people with these degrees, but they’ve been over produced for years and the average salaries of jobs for those without higher degrees show it. )
  7. Brickhorn is defending Wuhan in hopes of getting some Wutang.
  8. I don’t think there was a connection between the two storylines, but they wanted to get that content in about the scientist, what the new republic was doing with imperial officers, and that Gideon and other power centers were still working in the shadows. However, the episode’s title was “The Convert” referring both to the scientist really wanting to help the republic, and Bo Katan being cleansed and accepted by the Mandalorian cult.
  9. …or Gideon was telling the truth on S2 finale that he already had what he needed from Grogu and they were on to the next phase of Snoke cloning/Palpatine body recreation and this was tying off loose ends by frying the scientist’s brain?
  10. Depending on how much $ and how much is guaranteed, Keenum could just be a camp arm and preseason depth until they figure out what they are doing with the roster. Is Keenum better than Mills, and if so are they actually trying to win in 2023 (with Keenum at QB!)? Mills could be a decent backup for two more years, and if he has a good preseason maybe worth a mid round draft pick from someone.
  11. Head to toe burnt orange would be an atrocity, yet still better than black jerseys with orange font.
  12. You said it. This class of QBs are all scratch off lottery tickets. No reason to spend significantly more on one than the other. Kind of like the Rockets draft last year, now they just wait and take the best available on their board (Stroud, Young, Anderson) and hopefully not take a TE or someone shitty at 12.
  13. Before you got outed for your ignorance on “space pussy”, I was going to say she is probably between 50-60 in this season. It’s been 30 years since Maul killed her sister. Maybe Grogu can put a miracle baby up in her uterus using midichlorians, Darth Plagueis style. And that baby will be Snoke. The end.
  14. A team still depleted of talent should give up two first picks for the opportunity to sign a dual threat QB with injury history to a record contract that will consume 20%+ of the annual salary cap on a single player? So the games when Lamar could play he has shit for talent, and the other 30% of time he isn’t on the field and they really get their ass kicked? And they can’t make up for it in free agency because they have no cap space. If it was Mahomes, no question. Or if it was someone who can consistently get you to the playoffs for the next 4-5 years without relying on their legs when you’d expect a QB to start slowing down (or breaking down) after age 30, it is worth debating. I’ve never been high on this QB class, but I’m at the point of just saying all these picks are just lottery tickets and you have to take one and hope for the best. Hopefully it’s Stroud or Young and they don’t reach on Richardson who is far too risky. A month ago you could make an argument for taking Levis at 12, but he’ll be gone by 9 if not earlier. They definitely shouldn’t give up a 1st or 2nd to move up to #1, because nobody knows with certainty who will turn out better between Young and Stroud.
  15. Will he eventually dress up as Pete Carroll for Halloween?
  16. I didn’t catch the thread title change to Lamar Jackson’s white knights and fan club. The Browns way overpaid Watson and they would admit it. They had to because he had already picked the Falcons to waive his no trade clause, and they panicked that they’d never have a franchise QB. In the last two years Jackson made the Ravens a much better team when he was on the field. But even at his young age he has missed a lot of games, he allegedly quit on the team at the end of last year because he was pissed about the contract status, and mobility is a big part of his game which will only degrade with time. Lots of valid reasons to not “reset the market” with a $250M fully guaranteed besides insisting that it is collusion. If he asked for a billion dollars and nobody bit, is it collusion? Because some of y’all never got laid in college, was it collusion by the coeds?
  17. A fool(ish NFL team) and its money are easily separated.
  18. True love is hard to find. Sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend.
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