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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. I’m here to preach that balance bikes do apparently work. My wife got one for my son when he was 2. He is 4.5 now, and Santa got him a Woom pedal bike (we jumped over the training wheels). In less than 5 minutes the kid was riding around the culdesac, and in an hour he could scoot, hop on, and take off without help. I was shocked and proud.
  2. With quick access to the ritzy nightlife of Atascosita!
  3. [ignorant take] I have watched zero Bama football this year except the second half vs aggy and the 2nd-4th quarters tonight. All season I heard how awesome Bryce Young is, how the Texans or whoever should skip a QB in this draft and tank for Bryce next year, etc. He must have been bad ass against Mississippi State and Kentucky or something because in their two losses he did not look like #1 NFL pick. His top two WRs were hurt tonight? Well tough shit you have multiple future NFL OL, NFL RB, and other receivers from the 15 consecutive #1 recruiting classes at your disposal. I do have sympathy though because BoB is his OC and that is mentally handicapped.
  4. Nah they fear electric technology and prefer their sheep feed off the original green energy.
  5. I think John and Lance have demonstrated the appropriate balance of mockery and praise for Caserio and Mills. Everyone knew Culley was a fake hire from the start, and nobody outside of Cal and Easterby (and maybe Caserio) thinks Easterby should be there. I hope Mills turns into a star, but you should probably knock on a huge piece of wood before throwing words around like franchise. Also, I believe he is only on rookie contract for 3 more years because only the first rounders do 5 years.
  6. Yeah just looked. If it was a tie, Raiders would’ve been #7 and played KC. By winning, they are #6 and play Bengals.
  7. Did the Raiders get a more favorable first round opponent by winning vs tying? I don’t understand the risk of even taking the kick when if you kneel, you’re in.
  8. LOLZ Also the best result for everyone is for a tie, Chris Collinsworth keep talking about Pittsburgh fans, and then one of them killing him.
  9. You must’ve needed a life jacket for all the pussy you were swimming in.
  10. Was about to suggest he become AgWithVasectomy You must not have ate a muchaco with sour cream. At least their meat makes you think you are eating real beef. The Bueno in Katy is the only one in like 200 miles of Houston.
  11. He’s still a top 5 LT. They wouldn’t get a haul, but they might get one late first from a contender or a second from whoever. I’d deal him for a second and filler. They got a 2nd and 5th and a player for Duane Brown once upon a time.
  12. Talking heads said the Bucs were more likely to suspend him than cut him, so he couldn’t sign with another team before the playoffs.
  13. For a season (or series) with only 7 episodes, I think there was way too much back story in episode 1.
  14. Do they make Trent Green the villain even though he was the one that got screwed when he blew out his knee (no MVP, no Super Bowl, no HOF)?
  15. Case McCoy will autograph it with that for an extra $6 donation.
  16. I’m guessing Kordell, Rashan, and Westbrook would fuck some people up like Bo Jackson in Tecmo.
  17. I’ve never heard anyone speak poorly of him. There is nearly universal praise for the person he was and contributing to the growth of football by changing how broadcasting was done. Somebody earlier said it was nostalgia, either the broadcasting, the play, or both. I don’t believe so. Late 80s to mid 90s NFL was the apex of football for the period between the forward pass up until the spread and analytics. Madden and Summerall were better to listen to, or at least more enjoyable, than Cosell or Keith Jackson. And what does today’s generation have to celebrate? Joe Buck and Chris Collinsworth? Despite announcing several Super Bowls and almost every World Series for a generation, people won’t feel the way about Buck that they do about Madden.
  18. Does Colt have a GPS implant in his arm so he and Jordan Shipley always know where each other are?
  19. Austin long ago reached its quota for Californians. Moose out front should have told you.
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