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After irth

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Everything posted by After irth

  1. Weekend in Tyler coming up. A bit of Robert Cray and a whole lotta misbehaving (I guess)...! Never been to Tyler. I’ve seen Stanley’s and Ribmasters. Any other recs?
  2. I’ve started doing that with smoked chicken thighs. They turn out beautiful, and you just don’t have to worry about skin texture, fat rendering, etc.
  3. This statement might be the best ever.
  4. On a side note, Joe’s DOES have the best ribs ever. Or...at least they’re my favorite ribs that I didn’t have to make. Purely my opinion, of course. Just sayin...
  5. Some serious hostility in this thread. You’d think someone put beans in the chili...
  6. Absolutely spot on! But you probably knew that already... Well done, Sir!
  7. What kind of “workplace” are we looking at here?
  8. Agreed on that. Been using a Lowe's bucket for years. Properly sanitized, of course, and it's the only thing I use it for. Says "Meat Bucket" on the side. My wife says she's been tempted to use it over the years for various tasks that require a bucket, but...she knows better...
  9. Wow! Liquid Smoke AND Mint. That is an odd one, I geh-rawn-tee...! Thanks for sharing that. Good ol’ Justin....
  10. Which is why those of us that know what we’re doing with brining seek out unprocessed, untreated, natural birds. I prefer to control salinity, moisture, seasoning myself.
  11. Care to elaborate on that water pan mojo?
  12. Fuck the NYT. That’s what I say to that. A lot of people don’t understand it, but to hell with their bland food A lot of trending toward dry-brining lately, but I have always got amazingly consistent results with the handful of wet brine variations that I use on, well...everything. Except beef, of course. I feel ALMOST as strongly pro-brine as my anti-beans-in-chili stance.
  13. Spot on until.....Yuengling? Wtf? Abita would be the correct answer.
  14. Saw this from The Performing Arts Center of The Woodlands...couldn’t resist. Our hours of business are: Mondays: Mornings: 10:30-noon. Tuesday Mornings: 11-noon Monday-Thursday our afternoon hours are: 4-9pm We are closed to the public Fridays-Sundays. Please call the office for class times or check our website. We will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holidays: November 19-23. Opening again on: Monday, November 26th at 10:30am. My reply: That’s the most fucked up schedule I’ve ever seen. Clear as mud. But...somehow...you’re open more than HEB.
  15. There would issues with either gluten, sodium, mitichlorians, the anti-christ, or something. I’m not even gonna bother. I appreciate the contribution, though.
  16. Thanksgiving is a holy day for me because I own the kitchen like some Iron Chef Ninja Warrior. I usually spend weeks planning, prepping, and cooking and everyone / anyone is invited cuz I love it. A relocation a few weeks ago finds us in an apartment while we wait on a house. Living situation is fairly primitive. Given the opportunity, I could still pull a Thanksgiving out of my ass, but..... The consensus is to visit my wife’s (no pics) 94 year old grandmother (also no pics) and hang out on the outskirts of Jacksonville, TX with random family there. The in-laws asked if I wanted to help plan the festivities, given my T-day proclivities. No thanks. Leave me out of it. We can’t cook. No one in the family has a properly working kitchen. Don’t get me started. We can’t go out. The olds don’t like to go out. And where the fuck you gonna go anyway? We can’t find catering. We don’t even have reliable options for heating shit up if we happened to actually bring stuff. So...what is there to plan? All I know is, I’m bringing a goddam flask to a Pentacostal family holiday. This Thanksgiving is gonna blow.
  17. This hits close to home. Cuz I went to TLC. Banged a lotta chicks there. All of them crazy. Good times, though. Did the same during my Grad work at UT. Also good times. Crazy grows on trees, ya know... Ah...I can smell it now.....
  18. This is an awful lotta angst over some fucking chicken. On all sides. I realize that The Surl will dissect every minute aspect of a topic. Rightfully so. However, this has got to win some award for being complete random bullshit. I love it. Who’s popping popcorn?
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