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After irth

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Everything posted by After irth

  1. Ate at City Limits in Crandall again today. Can’t recommend this place enough. Clean, comfy, friendly, and all things delicious. Husband and wife team are there and kicking ass Wed-Sun. Killed a rack of ribs while wife had the brisket. And then the amazing pecan pie. No pics. Sorry.
  2. Jesus...how do some of these fuckers get out of bed in the morning...?
  3. Getting your fob back. And big bonus points for being an awesome Dad. Quite a story. Sounds like such a beating. Kudos on sharing your pain.
  4. So...pussy? Overrated? I think not...
  5. Had a 30-foot Crepe Myrtle in my front yard in Corpus Christi. Beautiful thing. Never seen anything like it. Loved it, even though it rained pink hell all over my truck twice a year. Drove by that house a month after I sold it. Gone. Stupid bastards.
  6. It was TripAdvisor in 2015. To be fair, their BBQ was pretty damn good, but yeah...pretty random, huh? The success that resulted from that ranking is what drove the original family to sell because it became more than they could (or wanted) to handle. One damn good barely known BBQ joint, shot to hell. Pho Kingdom.....
  7. We had Pho Kingdom in Fort Myers. The name was appropriate, because a Vietnamese couple bought out the #4 ranked BBQ joint in the country and spent 18 months gradually Vietnamizing it. When the Reuben’s Smokehouse sign came down, and Pho Kingdom went up, I laughed my ass off. Lasted 3 months. Fucking dumb, indeed...
  8. No one has mentioned your Mom’s house yet. Amazing.....
  9. Can’t believe your store is really that bad. You wanna see a fucked up store? Come to Lufkin.
  10. Lotsa dicks in Corpus. She gonna get slapped around by all the bitches, though.
  11. After irth


    That is some sad shit...
  12. Been quite a while for me, but Rathskellar was always a breakfast destination for me. Corner of Lincoln & Main in the basement under the old hospital (currently Der Kuchen Laden store). Love the Smoked Duck Hash. Lincoln Street always a cozy place to chill and set a relaxed, romantic vibe. Auslander for beers and socializing.
  13. You and everybody else...that’s just what ya do in Port A...
  14. Pretty much what I expect out of Melbourne...
  15. That Blue Corn Cask Strength is a man’s drink. Good stuff, but, whoo!...watch out!
  16. Was in the Seguin HEB parking lot waiting on my Mom’s 16th trip there that weekend. Don’t get me started. And I know...I was surprised they were open as well...! Amyway...employee is going around emptying the trash cans from the parking lot into a larger bin he’s rolling. Then he empties the ones around the entry. Then he empties all the bags from the recycling drop into his same trash bin and goes wandering around the building to the dumpsters. Totally pissed all over my hope for humanity...three days before goddam Christmas.
  17. Christmas gift from the wife. Got the Japanese import.
  18. David Phelps owns this song. Dude has the pipes and the passion for sure.
  19. Very simple Christmas this year. Wife scored some mid-years Pretty Maids releases that I didn’t have and found me some Nameless Detective novels I was missing as well. Tunes and quiet reading with a bourbon...what could be better? Oh...and we bought a house. So much for simple.....
  20. According to the billboard I passed outside Trinity, the HEB in Huntsville is NOW OPEN. Whether or not it is open now...perhaps another story.
  21. The Guitar Collective Tour with Angel Vivaldi and Nita Strauss is in Austin tonight. Gonna catch the Houston show for myself tomorrow night. Should be helluva night of shred.....
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