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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. The writers of this simulation are just getting lazy now ...
  2. I mean, it really is too bad that we don't have laws against jury tampering / intimidation here in the U.S. ...
  3. Third time's the charm, I always say.
  4. Strong old man fight vibes in that video ...
  5. Holy shit. Let's make sure that he has access to a nice big compound, just in case he wants to invite all of his followers to hang out in the wake of his indictment. Maybe throw in some industrial size barrels of Koolaid mix, just in case.
  6. Well, it might seem a little improbable if you haven't been following along closely, but you have to remember ...
  7. At first, I was like ... But then I read the link - In other words, there's a sufficient likelihood of success to block the ban from going into effect, but they haven't specifically found that such a fundamental right exists. Still, I would not have foreseen this from fucking North Dakota judges. I will take it.
  8. Brace for the next GOP disinformation campaign: According to Claremont, since 2020, SVB pledged / contributed over $73 million to the BLM movement, while JP Morgan Chase pledged / contributed over $30 BILLION. (BLM Funding Database - The American Way of Life (claremont.org) - surprise, surprise, they're not really showing their work on coming up with those numbers.) Fox / NY Post / Breitbart and their smooth-brained followers are amplifying the shit out of this, making it sound like these were cash donations to BLM or something. Nope, has nothing to do with the dismantling of regulation intended to avoid exactly what happened, it's all because "woke management at SVB wants to give all yer money to that colored fella over thar ..."
  9. SMDH. Ethics claims by Trump for campaign finance law violations?
  10. They are committed ... or should be committed ... either way:
  11. Texas continues to get shittier ...
  12. “Dumb” “cousin-fucking” “terrorists” - QFT. https://
  13. FIFY, which is why I look forward to him being gone.
  14. Is that like the legal equivalent of saying 10 Hail Marys?
  15. I paused for a sec because I have appreciated the fact that he's vocally supported Ukraine and badmouthed Tucker and McCarthy here recently, but then immediately got over it once his lifetime of evil shit sunk back in. I have a sneaking suspicion that he may know he's about done, and guess what? There's no redemption for all he's done through the years to destroy the country, so fuck him. This goes for all the traitors (Trump, Carlson, Murdoch, Limbaugh, etc.) -
  16. I knew Hugo would be on top of what his competitors in the dildo trade are up to ...
  17. Holy shit - I had no idea that she once looked so normal. I revoke my judgment of Gavin for having married Guilfoyle. Did the divorce + Obama break her?
  18. The "Fox News <-> crack dealer" analogy is so fucking spot on. The whole thing is worth a listen, but if you don't have time, the last few minutes really brings it home.
  19. The Clevons watching Fox News all the time couldn't disagree more ...
  20. "Fuck your thoughts and prayers." Between Ranjeev and Mallory McMorrow, I'm jealous of Michigan.
  21. Looks like Dan Goldman is going to make Gym's life hell, and I'm here for it.
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