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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. I'm on board with letting that tub of shit stew a few more days, maybe with a few extra hints that "it's coming tomorrow" only for it to be delayed a bit longer. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the big one actually hits ...
  2. I do kinda want one of those "I'm voting for Ron DeSantis and I eat at the gas station " t-shirts, but only if it has a "Meatball Ron" logo on the front. I'm picturing with a Chef Boyardee appeal to it ...
  3. They should be forced to own that shit publicly so all the Florida Cleti know exactly what the Florida GQP's position is on illegal immigration.
  4. Is this going to turn into another Don Bongino thing?
  5. I get it, but it's like calling a PI in the endzone with 0:15 in the 4q for handfighting. It might be a technical infraction, but you don't call it at that point.
  6. How in the fuck does an ump have the nuts to do that bullshit? Just absurd. Fucker needs to have some common sense.
  7. That's the room that deserves to be visited by an AR-15 toting maniac, not that classroom in Robb elementary.
  8. Umm, what's going on with Melania's right arm - did Trump snap her forearm in half or something?
  9. From that article: Well, apparently not all of the guns ...
  10. Here you go ... spoilered for the easily offended ...
  11. I think he'll wait for the next one ... but there will definitely be another opportunity that will fit the Abbott agenda better.
  12. We're well on our way to going back to the days of the Wild West (or worse actually), as the GQP arm of the federal judiciary is hellbent on making sure that we can't have any regulation of guns. We all knew this was coming when Thomas concocted his bullshit "not consistent with our Nation’s history and tradition" reasoning, but here we fucking go. What could possibly go wrong?
  13. We absolutely, positively cannot live with the oppression of requiring gun owners to have liability insurance cuz everyone knows that nothing ever goes wrong when good guys with guns (TM) are exercising their patriot eagle freedoms. /Texas leg.
  14. Need a new "laughing / crying / angry" posrep for these sorts of posts because I always feel shitty for clicking the laughing or hook'em ones ...
  15. "Well, you see, his gun gets depressed when he's not around for more than 10 days, so he can't be expected to be in prison for more than 9 days at a time ..."
  16. Fucking Texas. Get caught with too much weed while being brown? Probably 6 months in the clink. Shoot and kill someone while modifying a loaded gun? 90 days. Fuck this bullshit. You want to play with big boy toys? Deal with big boy consequences when you fuck up doing something stupid.
  17. They need to bring back the Q thread to keep the nutjobs busy.
  18. If more of the MAGA crowd understood that he was mocking them, I think this would be more amusing.
  19. I wish kids across the state would hold a massive STAAR test day walkout as a very special "fuck you" to the Texas political leaders that have failed them.
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