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Doc Holliday

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Everything posted by Doc Holliday

  1. First question is why do you or anyone want to take it? What is the purpose? Will this supplement meet the needs you or someone is seeking? I've been taken them and recently ran out. It does have a physical calming affect and helps balance out the body's response to stress or anxiety. So does Gaba among many other natural supplements and ashwaganda may be the latest trend in the natural anxiety reliever.
  2. I laughed, I cried, I spit out my coffee, and lost my ability to comprehend more posters inanity. Solid Thread. 8/10
  3. When I was river rafting 2 years ago, we were joking with the guide that he lived in pueblo because we couldn't hear where he actually lived due to excess road noise from the yellow dog bus. We would ask random questions like is there good Mexican food in pueblo, or how was the skiing, etc. He was a good sport with it all.
  4. you can get out if you're tired enough. #permanentnightnight
  5. Only when it no longer serves the purpose it's currently serving.
  6. this is why we need a new dynamic protocol around internet traffic
  7. Heading up on Nov 30th through Dec 2nd to check out the varying places to live that I've researched. If any of you other assholes are around, I'll be checking out a couple of the BBQ spots if you folks want to meet up.
  8. Guaranteed! I'll work on enough space for a kingsize bed. 😆
  9. We had a great time and appreciate it all! Solid corner spot too! It was good to see some old friends, faces and to catch up for a bit.
  10. depends on the VPN and they do deter malicious activity - however - I bet there is a tool-kit out there for exploits especially with quantum computing becoming more of a reliable thing
  11. Bluetooth has been compromised for years just like many other frequencies that are picked up by cell phones, computers, etc. Think your Bluetooth is turned off? Nope. Oh that FM radio chip that all the phones have, yeah that's been hacked too and leveraged as a pivot point just like bluetooth. I'm surprised more hasn't come out of this with IoT being such a big thing now.
  12. I will punch him in the face if he does 2 of those.
  13. No destruction in the video just a nice "trickle" and I was hoping for something more from Dallas
  14. Oh I need a handle of Bulleit and then will make everyone feel welcome until I pass out from all the shots
  15. Fecal Coliform Bacteria
  16. Roommate in college grew up as a missionary kid in papau new guinea and was definitely a candidate for PTSD from seeing some very violent shit. That said, the first incident occurred one night when I told him I wasn't going to come home that night after closing down the blockbuster I was managing. Plans changed and I came home. He had set up warning alerts for the front door of the apartment - warning being a cup of loose change and a stainless steel pot below to catch and make noise. I come in, sit down, and watch a movie. It's now like 3am and I go to enter the shared bedroom/think dorm room with twin mattresses borrowed from the school for the summer. I open the door and he flings his blanket off and sits up dramatically and aims his rifle directly at me and from roughly 10 feet away. I yell at him and tell him to put the shit away, it's just me. After a few seconds he realizes it is just me and sets it down. I don't sleep that night. Next incident, I forget the trigger for it and he ended up pulling his shotgun on me and chasing me around the apartment complex, tennis courts, etc. laughing a maniacal laugh while I'm telling him to put the shit down and not be insane. Pretty sure he also stole my SUV's CD/Stereo.
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