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Reynolds Woodcock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Reynolds Woodcock

  1. Only in America can a white boy who went to Westlake, had his daddy pay for college and gift him 10 grand as an adult think that he was born on first base. A truly impressive level of obtuseness. And anytime you are responding “This” to a Slorch post, probably worth taking a second to ponder.
  2. Oh that’s right. I forgot you were the guy who grew up the beneficiary of government welfare programs and yet claims to have pulled yourself up by your bootstraps. This really is like an old shaggy thread.
  3. Jesus Christ you guys turned this into an old school Rex Kramer and Slorch thread. Throw in a derka meltdown and a Rocko paystub and we’d have an old shaggy thread. Ill give it up to Rex though. He’s never grown tired of being a silver spooned cement head.
  4. Jesus buddy, take a fucking Xanax or find a friend on a Friday night.
  5. So you think all of those coaches I listed are better than Sark at maintaining focus? You may be right, but he seems as good as any when it comes to rallying the troops...Bama game last year and how they came out against blowU are good examples. I'm worried about complacency against the "gimme" games on our schedule for sure though, especially those later in the season. I really don’t think you want to go down the path of comparing Sark’s big game successes vs. failures. I mean you just cited a game we lost and a game against a team without a quarterback as the best examples of “rallying the troops”. I like the guy and hope he succeeds, but the head coach should be your number one concern with this team. We will have more talent across the board than every conference opponent we play. Anything less than a trip to the Big 12 championship is a complete failure.
  6. Sadly FIFY. But I'm sure this is the year it all changes!
  7. 7 out of 11 starters on offense are upper classman (and that isn't even including Ewers and Brooks, who are both in their third years), and 9 out of 11 on defense are upper classman. We are young in some spots but it's not really that bad.
  8. Doris is great and about a billion times superior to Mark Jackson. Van Gundy was a caricature, but he actually had decent insights into the game sandwiched between his stupid diatribes. Can’t say I’ll really miss either of those two.
  9. I fucking lived on this game when I was 10 years old. I can still hear that dumb laughing noise from the ice cream truck in my head. I guess I have to check this out.
  10. It’s that time of the year again, boys
  11. Saw it this morning in 70mm Imax. Blown away (a pun, haha). Nolan is hit or miss for me but this was easily top 2 (the other being Dunkirk). RDJ was incredible. I felt the last hour was a little much. Could have trimmed a fair amount.
  12. that's all well and good, but I think you are discounting the fact that saying retard and posting Michael Scott and Norm YouTube videos for the millionth time without someone daring to complain about it is "the absolute soul of this website and its predecessor".
  13. You already know this, but your 20 year old son probably isn't taking clothing advice from his middle aged dad unless he is really special. I don't think throwing him a Sears catalog will do much good, so probably best to just roll your eyes and pat him on the head. We all wore our version of a gold chain at some point (well, maybe not G650, he probably had tailored onsies as a child). But to directly answer your question, yeah pretty much everything is online for someone his age. Reddit MFA forums actually aren't terrible for someone who is 20 with (presumably) little money to get a read on basics. And I'm sure there is some tik tok shit I'm now too old to know about.
  14. Has to be the perfect storm of GG, Robbie and Warner Bro’s insane marketing rollout. I don’t remember the last non comic book movie that had this much pop culture resonance. It’s everywhere
  15. Saw it and really liked it. Probably third in the Greta rankings for me, but that’s tough company. Margot Robbie is from a different planet. My hope is that Greta takes the Chris Nolan route. Use pop culture IP to elevate her power in Hollywood, and then go back to making her own work with a higher budget. Supposedly her next two films are Narnia films, which doesn’t thrill me but remains comparable to Nolan’s three pop culture IP movies.
  16. So jarring to have one of the top 2 or 3 greatest living actresses appear out of nowhere in episodic television. She is incredible and the episode was the best of the season (and probably the series).
  17. What's really funny is that this entire thing started because derka and ztejas got offended by a female ESPN reporter describing the WNBA three point contest results as breaking a WNBA and NBA record. Derka found that description to be, and I quote, "extra retarded". But sure, this is all about tired-ass Office memes and definitely not about being scolded for using the word as a stand in for dumb, stupid, etc.
  18. I can assure you that you do not want to go back and read the optimist’s view of Charlie Strong.
  19. If that was written as a joke, it was way too accurate a depiction of the average football board poster to be obvious.
  20. Never has the Harrison Ford who gives a shit gif been more appropriate. You guys get your panties in a wad over the dumbest shit.
  21. Sanctuary. Good flick. I would scrub a toilet for Margaret Qualley no questions asked.
  22. Not reading the thread to avoid spoilers, but how many of the predecessors do I really need to see before seeing this in theaters? I’ve seen 1 a few times (including in theaters as a little kid), and 2 at least once. No others.
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