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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. Apparently a lot of rental car companies sold off cars to stay afloat in the beginning of Covid when nobody was traveling. Now that people are going places in droves they can’t get cars fast enough to replenish the fleet.
  2. That’s quick on gunnite. I’ve been told to expect to wait 3-4 weeks for it.
  3. Steel bumper if you’re out there wheeling around rough shit. Black valance if you’re not.
  4. Don’t judge all the shit in my yard. I have no back porch whatsoever during all this. It’s dirt right to the threshold of the back door.
  5. Dialing in the new altitude up top and hitting the alt intv button won't change the descent mode. It stays in VNAV and will descend to the higher of the two altitudes (the one up top vs the one programmed for the next fix in the FMC). If you just dial in 3000 and do nothing else it will still level at 6000'. But hitting the altitude invention button deletes the restriction at the next fix in the FMC and so now the 3000' is the highest altitude set and you'll get a cruise descent to that altitude. If it was a different button he hit then it would change the mode. That low and likely with no other fixes beyond the one you'll cross at 3000 we usually hit Level Change which gives a you flight idle descent to the altitude set up top with no regard whats in the FMC. VNAV is the hardest damn thing I ever had to learn in an airplane and I won't be surprised if I fucked that explanation up. Even in the RJ I used to fly we just used vertical speed. Altitude to lose divided by 3 = number of miles out to start down. Groundspeed times 5 = your descent rate to get there. VNAV was a whole new world to me and it didn't come easy.
  6. I had a new fence built about a year ago. Adding an 8 foot wide double gate only cost a little extra. It already paid for itself. It took them 3 days to break rock and dig it out. Got the rebar and plumbing in over the next 2 days. Electrical next and then a 3-4 week wait for gunnite.
  7. Great stuff! I have no excuse for not having been out there.
  8. Forgot all about this thread. Tell me something to buy!
  9. And all this fancy shaving bullshit can get off my lawn. Nothing manly about adding a bunch of time to your bathroom routine. Any razor I have to be careful with is a nonstarter for me. I shave my entire face and my entire bald head while I’m in the shower, start to finish in 3 minutes… with the grain on the face, both directions on the dome. Smooth and perfect in 3 minutes with no mirror or extra bullshit brushes made from filthy animals or fancy bowls. I need a razor that I can confidently swing around from one hand or the other behind my head going in random directions without looking, often in hotels with no mirror, and not be worried about slicing anything. I can’t remember the last time I cut myself anywhere on my head or my face. Without a doubt it’s been years. So I clicked on that art of manliness link and the guy pictured in the video was the nerdiest motherfucker I’ve ever seen. No doubt he orders coffee with at least 9 words in the drink name and can’t do 20 pushups. I still roll with a Mach 3. I’ve had the handle longer than you’ve had your merkur. I’m buy the razors on Amazon and while they cost more than a penny each it’s not an expense that I notice. There are a couple shave creams I like and I buy whichever one I see first in H-E-B. They are fancy enough to not be Barbasol foam but not so fancy that I can’t get one at H-E-B anytime I need it. Usually it’s Cremo or Headslick. Theres no way that your safety razors give you a shave that’s any closer than any other razor, not counting some rusted out old dull disposable crap. I’ve never understood this idea of chasing a closer shave anyway. I don’t believe I’ve ever shaved with an actual non disposable razor of any brand and finished feeling anything other than completely smooth. Not sure why I would need any loftier goals than that.
  10. Depends on where you are. Weather in the mountains is often very different from Denver. Yeah, in your situation that makes good sense. I’m coming from Austin and I’d like to have a place in the mountains of Colorado as well. Not so much for vacation, just a place to spend half my year once the kids are out of the house. But if I had a place that was still in the Texas heat, I’d hardly ever go there.
  11. The problem with keeping it close to home is that the weather close to home is exactly what I like to get very far away from when I vacation.
  12. Popeye’s with one car currently in the drive thru vs. CFA with 15 cars in the drive-thru…. CFA still gonna get you on your way faster and without making you weep for the future of humanity. Your typical CFA manager could probably give any major city traffic planner a leson on how to move cars and get the most efficiency out of your roads.
  13. I saw some of that on Reddit yesterday. It doesn’t make me feel better, it makes me think the situation was even more dangerous than I first assumed. Doesn’t take two guns to commit suicide. Of course he’s going to tell everybody that he had no plans to do anything other than that. It’s a little harder to believe when he had two guns and was reportedly trying to get in a back door. Obviously the school can’t comment on the kids mental health issues or suicide plans now that his name is out there, but I hope they have some discussions in Advisory about suicide in general and reminding the kids to notice red flags and speak up. All us parents should be doing that at home too.
  14. Well both are hazy. And a Saturday night full of either one can result in a really shitty Sunday morning.
  15. Coaching isn’t the only thing in play here. I think even the most pessimistic fan knows we’ve made an upgrade there. But are you counting on no drop-off from a senior Sam Elinger to an unproven freshman under center?
  16. Hudson Card might be amazing. Sark might deserve that pedestal everyone has him on. The defense might be for real this year. The other teams in the Big 12 might have all regressed while we are the only one improving. Or maybe some of y’all have just been drunk on the preseason koolaid so many times you don’t even notice it happening anymore. It’s a rough awakening every time. 8-4 and I’d love to be wrong.
  17. Thanks, Atom... worthy of it's own thread. I hope we learn more about any motives he may have had.
  18. Circling back on this for my fellow AHS parents... KXAN named him this morning. He appears to be a former student, class of 2020. Former WR on the football field if HUDL is correct. (also needed to work on his bench if HUDL is correct). https://www.kxan.com/news/crime/armed-man-detained-near-austin-high-school-police-say/ Now I'm more concerned about it than I was yesterday. I was hoping it was some random guy who happened to be carrying and forgot he was walking across a HS campus or something. A former student with 2 guns, out there in the morning before school is a little scarier. If anybody knows more about this I'd appreciate hearing it.
  19. I believe that if one team has enough to play and the other does not then it’s a forfeit and counts in the L column for standings. If both teams can’t field a proper team it is a No Contest.
  20. Yengling beer. Or however the fuck you spell that. The bottom line is it’s a perfectly ordinary, average, forgettable beer. If you like old shit for the sake of nostalgia that’s fine but stop telling me how great this beer is because it’s not. And while we’re at it, people that are hard-core into anything from the East Coast or the Midwest can pretty much just shut the fuck up about all of it. Nobody else cares.
  21. 16 teeth in the back is pretty hefty. Maybe try an 18. It’ll be a noticeable difference.
  22. So you got pics of all the whores you bought with the cash slush fund you kept hidden from your wife or what? I mean, we all need cash. But unless you have reason for the wife not to know about it, a quick stop at an ATM or a cash back option at the grocery store seems a hell of a lot easier than funneling gift cards into checks to be cashed. That’s a shit ton of hassle just to avoid an ATM.
  23. It has nothing to do with the "Muh Freedums!" crowd. It's too much work for the teachers. Every teacher I know, which is quite a few in Austin, hated the hybrid system last year. Just in my small circle of friends I know 3 that quit and changed careers over with the hybrid system as the last straw. It's not a matter of simply putting a camera in the back of the room to record while they taught in-person like normal. That was deemed by the facebook mom nazis to be unfair to poor little Keegan at home as his education wasn't equal in terms of quality to little Brysen's at school. So the teachers had to make sure they got facetime in front of the camera and basically taught everything twice, once to the kids in class and once to the kids at home all in the same amount of time. It was twice the work in the same amount of time for the same shitty pay. As a result, Austin is currently short by 140 teachers. Asking them to do that again is going to result in a mutiny of educators and a mass exodus in the career. The only option for doing virtual is to hire more teachers just to do nothing but virtual. But how do you plan for that, not knowing how many kids will be out in a given week or what grades those kids are going to be in? And how do you hire more teachers for that when you are already 140 short of real teachers in classrooms? If my kids have to quarantine this year I'm chalking it up to tough shit... it sucks but it can't suck much more than the virtual option already did last year anyway.
  24. I've got a SS I take out for coffee in the mornings. It's only a mile away but sometimes I take the trail home and add a short local loop for a couple extra miles. It's a whole 'nother world of bike riding. It's a constant state of discomfort with either the irritability of spinning too fast or the pain of mashing too big a gear. It's good for reminding yourself that not every problem needs to be solved with a bike upgrade. Not what I'd want to spend the majority of my ride time on, but worthy of a spin every now and then.
  25. Shirt is wrinkled as fuck. Negged for handling your laundry like a 12 year old.
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