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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. Most safes at this price point aren't all that secure if someone is willing to take an angle grinder and a big crow bar to it. I don't worry so much about that. I just want to keep my kids from them, have quick access for myself, and have them secure enough that your average quick burglary job isn't going to be able to get them quickly.
  2. Yeah mine is moving pretty slow to but at least they’re pretty good about contacting me and returning my phone calls when I ask about the schedule. They told me these delays would be here from the start. I still have a bare gunite pool with lime stone coping installed around it and a patio of gravel base waiting for the deck to be poured. Its mentioned upthread, but I went with Cody here in South Austin, only because they were the only ones that got back to me and we’re willing to build a pool for less than $100,000. No major snafus yet, other than the delays which they owned from the start.
  3. Do you have a local minor-league or major-league baseball team nearby? There might be someone in their organization that can help you. Years ago the Oak Hill baseball fields got heavily damaged by flooding of the creek behind them and the Round Rock Express brought their landscape people and equipment out and completely redid every field that was damaged. I’m pretty sure someone in our league had friends in high places there. Erin Hogan‘s kid used to play there and he’s pretty friendly with the Ryan family. Not sure if that was the connection or not. An email to the right person might get some sympathy by a local team wanting to give back to their sport. As far as fence banners go, we did that for my sons high school team. Not baseball, different sport. The going rate was $200 per season for a sign on one side of the fence or $400 for a sign on both sides of the fence. We sold quite a few and felt like we had under charged. It also included a nice post on Instagram from the booster club thanking that business for their support and a picture of the sign. BBQ cook offs can generate a little cash too.
  4. If that safe is returnable you can get a similar sized 12-gun Winchester safe from Tractor Supply right now with adjustable height shelves for $399. Or $599 for the 26 gun. I got one not long ago and it seemed a much better deal than what I was seeing at Cabelas or Academy. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/catalog/gun-safes
  5. There was also a Goldmine at Highland Mall. Next to Kay-Bee Toys and across from a shoe store. I frequented the one at Northcross more often until Einsteins opened in the strip center across the street. TIlt at Northcross was after the renovation and was on the opposite side of the ice rink. Goldmine was next to the movie theater, pre-Tilt.
  6. Gore Windstopper is a great fabric. Thinner and lighter than fleece. Has a small membrane in it that stops the wind while still being breathable. It's the little brother of Gore-Tex and is windproof but not waterproof. I've had a couple jackets made from it over the years and like them a lot. They typically have a good cut for cycling, fairly snug with a longer back.
  7. If I had to pick people from my past who might've become hitmen, the top 137 guesses would be Marines.
  8. Until they DM the scat video to their buddy at OSU.
  9. I scored a two-bike 1up on craiglist a couple years ago, but not for much less than new. Basically saved me tax and shipping. I love it. Sturdy and simple. A lot of folks are happy with their Kuat racks too.
  10. As an enlisted Marine grunt, it always felt a little gross cheering on a bunch of future officers, especially academy grads. Even moreso since most of them would end up as bell bottom-wearing squids. Nobody I knew back then gave a shit about the game. Pretty sure half of them didn’t even really know what the academies were. But fuck it… Go Navy. There’s got to be a future decent Devil Dog or two on that team.
  11. Damn dude. I love night riding but haven’t done it in a while. Glad it wasn’t worse.
  12. Well... about a year ago on this thread I was saying the same thing. Need a ss for trips to the gym, getting coffee, cruising the 'hood with the kids, etc... I bought a used 2013 Kona Unit rigid SS, size medium. Paid $500. A neighbor had a carbon seatpost and bars so I put those on it (they say it takes some of the sting out of being a rigid bike but I didn't notice a difference... rigid is rigid). So fast forward a year and that bike has indeed made a few trips to the gym and around the neighborhood, but you'll all be shocked to know it mainly just takes up room in my garage and gets in my way. It's yours for the same $500 I paid for it if you want it.
  13. Thanks Gil, I love reading Pan Am stuff. My grandfather started flying the DC-3 for them in 1942 and retired on the 747 in 1981. I grew up hearing the greatest stories from him. The story you posted is the subject of a book calledThe Long Way Home. https://www.amazon.com/dp/061521472X?psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ref_=chk_typ_imgToDp And lulz at $500... that wouldn't get you up to cruise today.
  14. Delivery and stacking was included in the price. Didn't even occur to me to tip a guy for doing the work he said he'd do at the agreed price.
  15. I just ordered some from, no shit, Morning Wood in South Austin. It took the guy a couple more days than he said it would but he was good at communicating his delays to me and always responded quickly. He’s just really busy. Nice guy though. I got 1/2 a face cord and it’ll probably last me all winter but I’ll order from him again next year. I don’t remember the price but it was less than the other guy Yelp suggested.
  16. Never underestimate how pathetic a completely demoralized and broken fanbase can get, especially ours.
  17. College kids don't give a shit about the whole town. Lubbock is an absolute shithole but Tech's campus and the immediate vicinity around it are not the worst environment in this conference. But still... nothing is worse than Columbus. Or Ohio as a whole. Or the entire midwest for that matter.
  18. Overnight gets you an easier pair of hikes and, more importantly, the sunrise on the rim. There's multiple photos with pics in this thread or the camping/backpacking thread. Lost Mine trail can be a hassle with the lack of parking but the views at the end of that trail are some of the best in the park.
  19. Maybe we can talk him into coming here, help recruit some o-line and then pat him on the back on the way out as we help facilitate his next transfer to Lubbock or whatever other shithole is his next flavor of the month.
  20. I'd be happy to get half of those.
  21. For me it’s mostly lower back issues. I had a herniated a disc a few years ago that I had to repair twice. The disc above it is bulging and if I have to go under the knife again it’ll be for a fusion. I’m trying to avoid that. Or more accurately, I’m trying to push that off into the future as long as possible. But I won’t suffer through the sciatic pain as long as I did before. At the first sign of that sciatic pain I’m going to start the process because that shit was miserable all day every day until they fixed it. But for now it’s just lower back tightness and achiness that looses up with a little work. Sometimes on bigger drops on the mountain bike my elbows take a beating. I’ve broken both of them at separate times over the years and never had either one properly fixed. They click a little bit when I bend them and big impacts give them a quick jolt of pain but it goes away almost immediately. Not too worried about that. For my back I’ve been doing a 30 minute yoga routine lately almost every morning. It helps me a lot. Took about a week before I noticed less back pain and tightness. It helps that the girl on the video is easy to look at and listen to.
  22. When the ex doesn't comply you have a printed copy of the decree and you call the cops. You get the kids and go eat turkey a little later than you planned. I'm lucky to have a very reasonable ex who wouldn't pull that shit but damn, there's a right way and a wrong way to act if the decree is on your side. What a waste.
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