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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. I was having lunch with Terrence McNally’s brother yesterday and he got a text from his BIL Tom Kirdahy “started filming Kiss of the Spider Woman with J-LO this week” so that was super cool. A film adaptation of the musical.
  2. I waltzed into Tumi last week and bought my first new computer backpack in 10 years and felt guilty spending the money. Then I did a mental tally of my wife’s annual purse spend and felt much better.
  3. So thanks @mdmost for turning me on to the book. I think we share a favorite genre.
  4. Finishing Hymn of the Republic now. Csb/ one of my closest friends great great great grandfather was Howell Cobb, in fact I knew/know 3 generations of men with his name, the oldest of whom was a WW2 fighter pilot, a UT Law grad, and later a federal judge. He married my FIL and his 2nd wife. I had heard the story from my buddy but was understandably surprised to see it chronicled as an example of Sherman’s destruction.
  5. Wow, they sure buried the Lead; it turns out the guy stole a bunch of stuff, kicked a cop, and ended up with a dozen charges.
  6. Good stuff. My work BFF who is in the program was at an event with another employee from our Seattle office and they ordered club sodas and a quick “Hey, do you know my friend Bill?” usually gets a knowing nod. And now there are 3 of us out of several hundred thousand employees. Funeral for my buddy today. The cathedral was PACKED and at least a hundred others were in an overflow room. 700 people is probably a low estimate. I got there a half hour early and had to sit on the back row. The only bright spot was seeing people I hadn't seen in 34 years who flew in from around the country for the service. My first impulse was to take a photo of the throng and text it to him in heaven and say “Hey dumbass, look how much you and your family are loved!!” I feel like such an asshole for typing that. This marks the 3rd suicide I've been close to since June of ‘23. I'm really getting weary of that dreadful feeling that accompanies the memories. So, powerlessness over people places, and things.
  7. My wife is a closeted hoarder. I even saw a bag from Shein or whatever that cheap Chinese merchandiser is last week. My ex-wife and her mom were hoarders too, but their shit came from Neiman Marcus. So, progress? I had to take a piss at Northpark mall last week and visited Neimans for the first time in 20 years, and as I passed by the table in Mermaid Grill where, between bites of a Duke of Windsor sandwich, my old friend and celebrity attorney Roy Black attempted to convince me to not marry #1 without an ironclad prenup, I spotted this. 
  8. Dallas. It's a rather regimented big book study.
  9. My wife and I just spent 3 hours in the serenity garden on my back patio with his widow. My biggest realization is that I'm not God, and I can't save every alcoholic. She kept looking to us for answers, and we told her that our home is her home and that all we can offer is love and support and a safe place for her to come if things get too heavy. Then I called my sponsor and told him maybe I'm just a bad sponsor and he laughed and said you're not that important. Funeral on Wednesday.
  10. Exactly. If they were gone she would have never noticed anything missing.
  11. ????? Well, no. But my wife’s mom, grandparents, and great-grandparents didn't speak English at home. They spoke French, which came in handy in France in 1944 when pops was killing Nazis.
  12. And I find boiled crawfish chewy, harder to peel, and overflavored. I don't hate them, in fact that's the way I always cooked them before marrying into their clan. And I'll still eat them without complaint anytime I get the chance. But that was before the enlightenment. The vinegar and lemon really soak into them during the 20-minute rest and accentuate the crawfish flavor. And they are so tender and almost fall out of the shells. And the claw meat comes out fat and intact. But Im the same way with all my seafood, I'd rather eat “naked” grilled fish than blackened. Boiling is easier at scale which is why it's popular for restaurants and events.
  13. C. Boudreaux makes the best crawfish I've ever had, and the family grew rice and crawfish for generations before they figured out there was way more money in petroleum. Anyway, the key is that each sack gets steamed - not boiled- that big pot holds no more than 4 inches of water, and the meshed basket sits mostly on top of the water. And it really doesn't matter how you season the water, because a quart of vinegar, a quart of lemon juice, a quart of minced garlic, a pound of butter, and the cajun seasoning dust gets dumped on top of the crawfish right after cooking. Then you shake the cooler every 5 minutes while resting the bugs for 20 minutes before eating. It's unlike any restaurant crawfish. 11 adults ate 3 sacks and I was so freaking full.
  14. There is something weird going on. I can post pics of crawfish, but not a photo of a 5x7 poster of 5 naked chicks laying in a bed with their hands covering each others nipples and bushes.
  15. Boudreaux men have good garage decorating skills
  16. I was in a conference room yesterday with a few dozen of my peers and VPs. Had to do some heavy spreadsheet pivoting and presenting on a big Webex screen. Whipped out the 2nd monitor and then saw a half dozen people head to Amazon and buy their own. Then I stopped by Tumi and upgraded backpacks to more comfortably accommodate the extra screen for travel.
  17. Oh, and the Tuesday night Primary Purpose big book study in Dallas is an interesting experience if you’ve never been.
  18. Dammit, he ended his life on Tuesday. He left behind a wife, 4 kids aged 4-17, 2 stepkids, and about a thousand others who are in anguish. I talked to him Sunday at 3 and he seemed to be in a good mood. A disease where we tell people ”I'm fine” even though we might be dying inside. Sitting on the patio at pecan lodge, listening to country music, swilling diet coke, and reminiscing. I need to shake off this meat coma and fly home and be with my friends.
  19. So I've got some time, I'm thinking this appetizer at Pecan Lodge? Maybe head to Terry Blacks around the corner for the main course?
  20. SIAP https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/4ZXW2rlZfE
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