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Everything posted by Nuge

  1. Nuge

    Fuck Cancer

    Sorry @tejas60 that sucks. Fuck Cancer
  2. If y'all ever get up to Portland, Oregon go check out a show at the Doug Fir Lounge or Mississippi Studios. Small venues with good sound. I hate going to large venues and refuse arena concerts. Fuck that noise. Also, every fan of live music (and more specifically concert posters) should go to a show at the Fillmore in San Francisco.
  3. Nuge

    Fuck Cancer

    I'm in the same boat. I couldn't hack it. Walking through the hallways the walls are covered in artwork made by the children. I would always wonder if the artists made it or not. I hated feeling so crushed when I left work every day.
  4. Nuge

    Fuck Cancer

    The worst job I ever had was working at MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital. I was in the AV department and set up all of their meetings, conferences, etc. The job itself wasn't bad; it was seeing all of those bald headed children, wondering if they would make it. I left work everyday with a broken heart. I appreciate and look up to all of the doctors and staff that help those kids. It's got to crush your soul to take care of and become close to a child only to have them pass. Must make the success stories all that more rewarding and meaningful.
  5. Nuge


    Found this story about the making of... https://www.si.com/golf/2018/04/17/caddyshack-book-chris-nashawaty-bill-murray-chevy-chase-scene-movie
  6. Nuge

    Fuck Cancer

    Oof - sorry to hear that. That's rough. After some time to reflect on my friend's passing I feel I need to stay in better contact with friends and family and tell them I love them more.
  7. Nuge

    Fuck Cancer

    My friend Chris just died. He was 48. Fuck you cancer! He was one of the good ones. The kind that end up being family. Godspeed Chris. Your pain is over.
  8. I separated my AC joint last year warming up for a rec league softball game. That was fun and totally not embarrassing.
  9. Should I feel bad that I just want him to fall off so I won't be subjected to these terrifying videos anymore? Because I don't.
  10. Saw The Ghost Wolves last night here in Portland. Carley (singer/guitarist) told me that she just learned to block print and made this herself. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  11. Nuge


    Picked these up yesterday. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  12. I had season tickets from 1990 till 2012 when I moved to Portland. I would kill to go back and deal with the inconvenience of attending a game. Some of the articles about AD Del Conte seem to suggest that he's focused on the fan experience and wants to leverage what is appealing about Austin (live music, food carts, etc.) - could be interesting - at least it's a step in the right direction.
  13. Back in the 90's I would grab my sister's phone book (gold) randomly flip open a page, dial a number, and ask the girl that answered "where are you taking me tonight?" It worked a lot more often than I thought it would.
  14. Nuge


    I'm a daily smoker - both vape and flower. I live in the PNW where it's legal. Hell, I currently have a vape pen with an 87% THC cartridge - and this shit fucked me up. Homemade edibles are always risky. Such a small cookie and such a big punch.
  15. I wear cargo shorts. The pockets are perfect for holding beer bottles. Also, I hope PJ is ok but he may be Wally Pip'd if he's out too long. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  16. Ah, thanks for the clarification. I have a feeling that Coach Herman's team is set for a better year than Coach Strong's. We've seen how Coach Strong's year two goes.
  17. I don't want to believe that Nelson would pass up being the starter for his senior year at UT to transfer and sit out a year to play at S Florida. It just doesn't make sense. Most people transfer to get playing time when they've been passed on the depth chart. He's the starting DT. I'm mystified.
  18. Nuge


    My neighbor gave me some cookie dough she made. My wife and kid are out at the coast for a few days so I decided to bake a couple of cookies. Holy Shit! - I was fucking wrecked all day yesterday. Started binge watching "Dead Like Me". I didn't move from 1pm till 7:30pm - and then I just moved out to the garage to drink beer with some of the neighbors. Thank god I didn't eat the second cookie. Had it locked and loaded but thought better of it.
  19. He really needs to shut up. How will this help with free agents?
  20. I was in Bend, Oregon and went to 3 or 4 great breweries. Drank many hazy IPAs. Also smoked a ton of weed. What was the question again?
  21. I thought sweat pants were only good for scrip clubs.
  22. I always wanted to see "On a Pale Horse" and the rest of the Incarnation of Immortality series made into movies. A series on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu or HBO would work out even better.
  23. 3:16 was fun. Once Katy posted the NSAA message everyone left and became Shaggy.
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