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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mittens

  1. If there's an idiot light to be ignored, it's the tire pressure light. Those sensors are trash, especially in Toyotas. I quit worrying about them after the 2nd or 3rd time I spent money replacing them and just let the light live it's happy life.
  2. Funny, except for the fact that Cruz doesn't live in Austin.
  3. This could be written in every TV thread 100x over. 80% of the posts are about how much the show sucks.
  4. Dear lord, no. Gulden’s spicy brown mustard on the meat side.
  5. Neighbor dropped off some surplus tomatoes last week so I decided to go Dagwood Bumstead. Bread was buttered and toasted in the skillet. Salami, roast beef and turkey w/ buffalo moz, fresh tomatoes and balsamic vinegar.
  6. Fuck yeah McLaren!!! More points today than the rest of the year combined.
  7. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8dkmAeg/
  8. I love them both - completely agree they're the same side of the same coin. Smug pricks who can't be bothered when their car is out front and rabid donkeys when someone else is. Fucking shitheels and perfect for F1.
  9. IDC if it's only P1, but I'm stoked for Alex this weekend. If he somehow manages a podium on home soil, I might spontaneously combust.
  10. Not sure if serious, but that's been the cell phone lot for years and that Whataburger has been there since Jan 2021.
  11. If you like Druski, then you LOVED Birdman calling him out in front of God and everyone...
  12. Bet he'll talk to Martin on the gridwalk now, won't he?
  13. Could watch them race in Austria every week. Love that track.
  14. Daaammnn @Mr. Drummond!! Bad fuckin ass!
  15. That's good shit @SDG. My 02, also silver, was my favorite driving SUV/truck and looked great. Better driving than my current 14, imo.
  16. It got an appropriate place of honor in the home.
  17. Yeah, couple of summers ago he decided that was his look and he's stuck strong to it. Better than a mullet or that SEC moptop shit.
  18. In honor of McLaren’s upgrades, an F1 adjacent post shouting out my nephew completing the Lego Technic F1 car I gave him for Xmas. His father informs me zero help was given and he’s incredibly proud of his accomplishment.
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