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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. I think I'll give this a try when the women folk aren't around. Thanks!
  2. Puppy is initiating the fight. There is usually a short stare down with growling and raised hackles. I don't think it's a dominance thing so much as a deferral thing, based on research I've done. I.E. puppy has something and daddy muscles in and doesn't defer when signaled. BTB is a lover not a fighter, but he's also kind of clueless sometimes. The other dogs will just warn him, but the pup goes after him hard.
  3. Might as well! Everybody else does.
  4. For all intents and purposes, I have one. My eldest daughter (no pics) has one and she visits about 4 times a week.
  5. I've got 4 boxers: 7 Year old neutered male (chill) 2 year old intact female (alpha bitch) 2 year old intact male (big titty baby) 1 year old neutered male (sired by AB and BTB) The two young males have recently started going after each other. Really it's the "baby" who is initiating it. He's bigger than his daddy, but until recently they've gotten along fine. We've been trying to find the trigger and it appears to be my wife. We have been keeping them separated, which is a huge pain in the ass, while we try some behavior modification. Nothing has worked so far. Last night we were gone for a few hours and all were out free in the house except BTB who was in his crate. My wife apparently didn't get the crate closed properly and when we came home all were out, but they weren't fighting and seemed to be getting along fine in the yard (I have a dog door). When my wife went into the house they greeted her as usual and were side by side with no issue. Baby was even licking BTBs face. Within seconds of my wife entering the room they were in a full blown brawl and had to be separated forcibly. Anybody encountered this? I've had multiple dogs of various ages for years going back to childhood and I've never quite seen anything like this. I don't want to have to get rid of the baby, but that seems to be where this is heading unless we can resolve it.
  6. I just replaced an 18 year old Whirlpool side by side with the current model equivalent 25 cu ft. On my old one the ice maker worked until the day it died. I did a lot of research and Whirlpool is the way to go. I love the new icemaker system. The water/ice dispenser on the new one takes a little getting used to but I actually think it's more efficient and you can fit a bigger glass in there. All LED lighting and it comes on automatically when dispensing ice or water from the door. I haven't tried to adjust any shelves as I like the configuration it came with, but I think it can be done within reason. I absolutely hate the french door/freezer drawer set up so I never considered that. Home Depot has a sale going on right now and I got an additional 10% off by financing through them. I'll pay it off before paying interest so that's free money. Delivered and set up with old fridge hauled off for $15 plus the $10 they charge you for the water line. I could have hooked it up myself and saved the $10 but why? I got mine in black because the stainless wasn't available and I didn't feel like waiting two weeks.
  7. Looking at attendance figures for the games since 2007 I don't see how they would have trouble supporting a team. They've averaged about 83000 at Wembley for as many as 3 games a year and 74000 at Twickenham. According to figures I saw less than 5% are Americans or American Ex pats and 60% come from outside London. Seems like more than novelty attendance to me.
  8. By that logic they could have had Gene Chizik for a lot less.
  9. How the fuck does that happen?
  10. Worked with a guy who believed this. After not seeing him around for a while I asked where old so-and-so was. Jail. Tax evasion. Guy had like 8 kids. Dumbass.
  11. I had the distinct displeasure of training Armor Officers at the Armor School at Ft. Knox when I was in. I can tell you without reservation that 99% of 2nd Lieutenants are shitbirds. Most are capable of learning and once they do, many turn into fine officers. Aggy was, without question, the biggest pain in the ass of all. Entitled, cocky, stupid, and lazy. Every single one I dealt with had to be yelled at by their OIC at least once due to thinking they were above doing some task. They always made sure to let everyone know they were aggy, in word and deed. They generated more eye rolls from everyone involved in training them than all other groups combined. I gave everyone a chance to prove themselves during the "10 day war" field exercise at the end of the cycle. When it came time to bring the tanks in and do cleaning and maintenance, we had an unspoken policy among the training NCOs to give the biggest assholes the shittiest jobs, like greasing the torsion arms and road wheels. I did 8 training cycles., and aggy won shithead of the cycle every time I had one on my crew. The rate was similar on every tank in the Troop. I would have career Sergeant's First Class who knew I was from Texas come ask me, wtf was the deal with these people. I had no answer other than "aggy".
  12. Felix

    Whatcha reading?

    Really enjoyed this one. I actually listened to it because it was too long to read during my limited down time, but I could listen on my commute. Just finished All The Light We Cannot See based on the movie thread and now I'm reading 20000 Leagues Under the Sea. Imagine that!
  13. She doesn't work for me. I won't go into the specifics but I've only actually met 2 of the other 11 team members face to face as we are spread over a large part of the country.
  14. Makes a better explanation than "not sure where that fucking apostrophe came from".
  15. Get the sleep study. They'll tell you what you need. Helped me a ton.
  16. I haven't actually seen her but she's considerably older than 25 and not single. I can't comment on her tits.
  17. Mexican bus' in the left lane on I35. Seriously, a bus should NEVER be in the left lane. EVER!
  18. Thanks for all the replies. Some very helpful info here.
  19. It's a married woman. I don't know what her hobbies are. Don't know about kids. I believe this is just to be a temporary stopover to get settled into town so they can figure out where they want to live long term. I know it's not a great neighborhood but there are a ton of places within 10-15 minute drive that are fine. The Domain is one I hadn't thought of. I think Mueller area has some stuff. I asked about budget but didn't really get a number. I just avoid that area like the plague so I have no idea what to tell her.
  20. I'm in Austin but live south. One of my team is moving in from out of state and asked me to recommend some apartments within easy driving distance of 183 and I35 area. Middle to upper middle income range. Thanks!
  21. Iconic CFS should be The Broken Spoke. Hills Cafe was for drunks at 3 am.
  22. Yep, I fucked that one up.
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