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Everything posted by MadBurgerMaker

  1. God damn I feel old as fuck. Hook em, Brian.
  2. I got a bracelet from Strapcode to replace the (to me) uncomfortable one that came with my black SSC: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LL308NI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It really is a great watch though. Should be a strap monster that looks good with pretty much anything.
  3. Same here, but I've gotten to the point where I'm going to need it again. I've had to start wearing contacts/glasses again to see clearly, although it isn't nearly as bad as it was before lasik (20/200 lol).
  4. Yeah 15th anniversary is the best one. Nice watch
  5. Pretty sure they have those things for all home games, and they weren't too great last year, home or away.
  6. I need to have a smoke to make myself feel healthier after just reading this.
  7. I didn't know "eco-fascism" was a thing that existed before this.
  8. One of the new carriers is going to be named Enterprise. Wasp, Essex, Bonhomme Richard, and Hornet are amphibs. Those seem to mostly get the cool names these days. Yorktown, Ranger, Lexington, Saratoga, Midway, Constellation were all decommissioned in like the 90s or 2000s. They'll probably be back. America, the carrier, was decommissioned in the 90s, and is now an amphib (and class, should have been the name for what is the Ford class but oh well). The Intrepid name hasn't been used for a while though, which is unfortunate.
  9. Pretty nipply outside this morning.
  10. Get the concussed QB from that commercial. "I'm Batman!"
  11. There are 4x of them, although I've only seen them with fuel tanks and/or missiles on them. TBH, I should have said "theoretically" up above, because I'm not 100% sure they've ever actually bothered to implement or test the capability to drop bombs from the externals. I do know they've dropped live bombs from the internal bays though. E: Now with markings! https://theaviationist.com/2016/05/16/f-22-raptor-stealth-fighter-sports-low-visibility-bomb-markings/
  12. Yeah, Singletary challenged it. The announcers wouldn't stfu though, and they only piped the booth audio in at the very end of the review when the dude up there was talking about not being able to see it and it stands. E: Speaking of which, the ref seemed familiar. Not Big 12, I don't think, but maybe Pac 12?
  13. You could hear them talking about how they couldn't see the ball.
  14. I think about the only thing it doesn't do quite as well is external load capabilities. They can hang bombs on the wings if they aren't worried about being stealthy, but not quite as much (and also why when you have F-15Es, F-16s, F-35s, etc to do that for you anyway). Did they ever say how may F-22s were trashed by that hurricane? I'm assuming that one would basically have to be broken down to atoms before they completely write it off given the small number of them, but there are/were also probably several that we not flyable for a while.
  15. Well yeah. No one needs to say anything about it, because that's what everyone does before putting on their shoes and socks.
  16. They're going to be directly competing with the XFL next season, but this one seems to kind of embrace the idea of being a D league for the NFL, while the XFL supposedly doesn't want to have anything to do with that. I feel like working with, instead of competing against, the gigantic piles of cash and power (football wise) known as the NFL is probably the better way to go, but then again I'm just a random dude.
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