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Everything posted by Bevo

  1. So if Aaron Donald attended A&M under Jimbo, then we wouldn't be interested? I know nothing about the football culture at Pittsburgh, but I would have to think that some players can rise above shit cultures.
  2. Yeah, motte-and-bailey is a purposefully employed device and what I am talking about is a subconscious process that creates boogeymen who are easier to disagree with. Maybe in a bygone era people would say reasonable people disagree, but the general method of argument these days is to assume the other person is a nutter. Few people engage the process. Few would ever say, "I see your point". And at least online, people don't even attempt to persuade others to their side.
  3. Do you have to be smart to work in Intelligence?
  4. Yeah, I made that mistake 5 years ago or so. I don't know what the right answer is, but maybe some people will chime in. I went to Fredericksburg with my wife and son right after getting my car inspected. I have allergies from wine so I didn't do any wine tasting. I had one cider with diner. Maybe a half hour after a long early diner (so an hour and a half after the cider), we left town at dusk and I didn't notice my light weren't on. The inspector had turned the light switch from automatic. Anyway, I was stopped maybe 10mi from town for driving with my lights off. It was a new, really short policeman who was shaking speaking with me and asked if I had any drinks. I told him I had one cider with diner. He then proceeded to do a sobriety test. It was dark by that time, so as he was pointing the light in my eyes, bugs were flying up my nose, etc. He had me stand with my feet together at the side of the road, which was at probably a 25% angle - try doing that without taking a step forward. I didn't step forward but I bet 95% of the population would. Shit I could have beat the guy senseless in basketball, but obviously that wasn't part of his fucking test. Anyway, he let me go after a long lecture. Knowing that I was sober, should I have just asked him for a breathalyzer? Should I have let him take me to jail, for one fucking cider? Or should I have done what I did and hopefully pass the fucking subjective test that he was obviously trying to get me to fail?
  5. Now I'm curious, unless he got it while in Dallas, he doesn't own a 2023 orange Ford Bronco.
  6. https://www.sinkology.com/blog/guide-copper-sink-cleaning-care/
  7. I'm going to do it but haven't yet. Call Sinkology or the manufacturer - I'd like to know their answer. With that said, copper wax seems to be the answer. From Amazon: SinkSense Deluxe Copper Care IQ Kit, 8.00" x 2.00" Brand Sinkology Towel form type Cleaning Cloth Age Range (Description) Adult Material Microfiber Product Dimensions 8"L x 2"W About this item 80% Polyester, 20% Nylon Dimensions: 7" x 6" x 3" Kit includes: Copper wax, microfiber polish cloth, Breeze Non-Scratch Scrubber Easy-spray solution with neutral scent (16 oz. bottle) Helps water to bead up by forming a thin shell over the surface of your sink for protection against water and surface stains Microfiber polish cloth is machine washable and reusable Scrubber is made from Silicon and will not produce bacterial odors Recommended Products: Sinkology Copper Sinks and Tubs
  8. Levon Helm, Levon Moss - What's the difference? One beats drums. The other occasionally beats Abilene Christian.
  9. I could have guessed that without reading.
  10. What about Levon? He wears his war wound like a crown.
  11. My concern is how he handles being the cynosure.
  12. good luck with that - better chance of 77-0.
  13. The motte-and-bailey fallacy (named after the motte-and-bailey castle) is a form of argument where an arguer conflates two positions that share similarities, one modest and easy to defend (the "motte") and one much more controversial and harder to defend (the "bailey"). The arguer advances the controversial position, but when challenged, insists that only the more modest position is being advanced. While this is considered a form of debate, it seems to me that it may be more than that and is a way that people think. People think that any person that they disagree with is nuttier than they really are. While their debater may have a reasonable position, the person arguing with the debater thinks the debater's position is extreme. Maybe there is a separate medical psychology term but I'm not aware of it. In politics it is pretty much a given that people think the opposing party members are nuts, but it is common in most subjects. A person who raises Pit bulls is thought of as a gang banger while he may just like raising Pit bulls. A person who likes guns is thought of as a violent instigator and not just an enthusiast. It seems to me that it a much more extreme person is easier to disagree with than a more moderate position. So, people naturally ascribe extreme positions to people simply because it makes it easier to argue with them. It may also make the person feel better about themselves when they engage in the argument. Anyway is this a common, well-described and well-understood phenomena or an unexplored area of human psychology? I'm just curious because I had never thought about it before and it seems like a good topic for Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Socieologists to consider. And while I described why people ascribe more extreme positions to their debater, I also feel that debaters themselves frequently have both modest and extreme positions and present both thoughts unknowingly through their subconscious. So, in this case people actually have more extreme positions than they let on. And in this case, people are actually more extreme than they let on. For example, a person might have extreme positions on overpopulation but when arguing they try to limit the discussion to water shortages but invariably the person adds in extreme comments like "we need a plague". Thoughts?
  14. Decent hail storm in 78757 Anderson Lane/183 area.
  15. Lots of thunder near @utee94 - NW Travis/Williamson border.
  16. Don't do it - Grow up - Or be like me. Live off your parents for as long as they will let you and for god sakes don't work unless their allowance doesn't fully cover dates, alcohol and hotels.
  17. Couldn't you say that about pretty much everything?
  18. First, I'm going to get up and chase the wife around the house. She is pretty good between the tackles, but cries like a little girl when she is taken to the turf. So, I plan on losing that fight. Then, I think I'll make some migas. I love that shit on game day. Next, I'm going to grab a beer and hang-out by the pool and grab a little barbeque. Then, I'll go to the game fat drunk and happy and hopefully hang out upstairs in the air-conditioned lounge if it is open. I'll grab a few more drinks and get the wife liquered up. We will probably leave sometime around the end of the third quarter. And if I don't get too buzzed and tired from the heat, I'll chase the wife around again where I think I will win on the second go round. I'll then fall asleep and dream of the upcoming season. Good times.
  19. I'm just looking at where to clear space for the 2-3 transfers. WR has at least 3 guys who we don't really need. DL has 1-2. RB has 1. TE has 1. OL has 1-2. Otherwise, we don't have a lot of fat to trim.
  20. The important question is who will be in the game on fourth and one when the season is on the line.
  21. I don't know about this situation, but there are plenty of jobs for teenage women.
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