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Everything posted by Bevo

  1. @InkaUtexas you are suppose to talk me off the ledge. Not a good day for the world.
  2. Interesting, I thought the UK was providing a lot more than they are. I can't believe Slovakia has provided more percentage wise than both the UK and the Czech Republic. I mistakenly thought the Czech Republic and Poland were purchasing lots of US equipment and donating their older stuff to Ukraine. I guess that really hasn't been happening. It is also interesting that with all the bitching about Germany, they have done more percentage wise than most countries. I don't see France on the list so Macron talking shit about other countries especially Germany seems pretty messed up. Unless I'm missing something, France appears to be all talk. Overall, the percentages pretty much match proximity to the war with the closest countries to Russia providing the most and the countries furthest away providing the least. Overall, those numbers seem low. I'm curious how much those countries have been spending on defense as a percent of GDP. I know that they have all relied on the US but those times seem to be fading.
  3. The tweet was about as political as it gets. And you know it and you know what it leads to on the non-political board. The tweet was nothing of value. Own it. And get over it. What I will own is that I should have reported it instead of responding to it. I should have let the moderators do their job instead of thinking that your work with them on funding UT sports would keep them from deleting it.
  4. That list of countries is the same list that was in the article I provided a few days ago about the new defense suppliers for the world. So, the sourcing of the munitions should have been possible by just about anyone. I assume the issue is with coming up with the money. I guess The Czech Republic just needs to get all the money together before moving forward instead of doing a little bit at a time. But $3 billion isn't that much money. There are 500M people living in the developed West. So that is about $5 per capita. I still think crowd funding for the weapons would work. 1.5 million munitions would supply Ukraine for the year and would add 4100 munitions to the current 2000 per day for a total of 6100 munitions a day. Interestingly, that is still less than the 10000 per day that Russia is firing. It seems odd that Russia as a third world economy with 150,000,000 people can come up with that kind of money. That doesn't seem sustainable. 10,000 munitions a day by Russia does indicate that Russia is on a war footing. Putting Europe on a war footing would help mitigate the munitions difference. What would that mean for Europe? What would it need to do and what would it do to its economy?
  5. Thanks for the article. I'll read it this morning. Appreciate your help in getting this thread back on track.
  6. In your rush to attack, I asked the question because it is totally unclear. So instead of just being a reactionary because I get annoyed at your political posts, just answer the question. What has NATO provided verses what they have said they would provide? What are their reserves and what could they provide that they haven't already? I have heard a large stockpile of missiles are available? Let's discuss that. I honestly don't know and I also don't know what more they could do. It is a fuckton better conversation than your typical, "Hey, that other party of which I'm not a member sucks cock".
  7. This isn't true. They have a lack of manpower as well and have not been able to institute a draft and rotate personnel off the front line. And we all know why the supplies from the US have stopped. And we know why certain supplies from the US were never supplied. But, we don't have a clear idea of what is going on in Europe regarding supply. Turkey could send a shitload of supplies. Germany could do the same. What's going on there and in places such as Austria, Poland, and the Czech Republic? Those posts are interesting.
  8. Well, the reason I respond to you is that you are reasonable and you fucking know better. Same with Brisket's constant one party comments ... like that makes it non-political. Let's put it another way. I am fine with dogs at the park. But, don't take your dogs off the leash and wave at people as they pass by. Or at least don't expect everyone to wave back and be okay with it. Not everyone is fine with your dogs off leash even though you think they are well behaved. You know the rules of the board. You broke them. Some people are fine with that and some people aren't. And yes, the appointment of a single judge in a place nobody even knows is a US territory is no different than reviewing legislation that would prevent people from buying gas cooktops and washers that use enough water to actually decently clean clothes.
  9. Thanks. I did not know that. Does this mean that if you fly from Dublin then your flight is directed to the domestic terminal? Is that at all US airports?
  10. Because I have splitting headache and I get annoyed at all the political posts on the non-politics board. Stick to real news on Ukraine-Russian relations - We all know what is going on in politics in the US. Fuck, it has been going on over my entire lifespan. It isn't that hard to understand as long as you don't dig past the surface.
  11. Maybe or maybe there is more involved. House Speaker Mike Johnson is negotiating with White House to advance Ukraine aid House Speaker Mike Johnson is negotiating with the White House as he prepares for the treacherous task of advancing wartime funding for Ukraine and Israel through the House BySTEPHEN GROVES Associated Press April 11, 2024, 7:53 PM WASHINGTON -- House Speaker Mike Johnson is negotiating with the White House as he prepares for the treacherous task of advancing wartime funding for Ukraine and Israel through the House, a top House Republican said Thursday. House Republican Leader Steve Scalise told reporters that Johnson had been talking with White House officials about a package that would deviate from the Senate’s $95 billion foreign security package and include several Republican demands. It comes after Johnson has delayed for months on advancing aid that would provide desperately needed ammunition and weaponry for Kyiv, trying to find the right time to advance a package that will be a painful political lift. “There’s been no agreement reached,” Scalise said. “Obviously there would have to an agreement reached not just with the White House, but with our own members.” Johnson, R-La., is being stretched between a Republican conference deeply divided in its support for Ukraine, as well as two presidential contenders at odds over the U.S.’s posture towards the rest of the world. President Joe Biden has repeatedly chastised Republicans for not helping Ukraine, saying they are doing the bidding of Russian President Vladimir Putin and hurting U.S. security. Meanwhile, Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate, has said he would negotiate an end to the conflict as he tries to push the U.S. to a more isolationist stance. The Republican speaker is set to travel to the former president’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida on Friday to meet with Trump and has been consulting him in recent weeks on the Ukraine funding to gain his support — or at least prevent him from openly opposing the package. Sen. Markwayne Mullin, an Oklahoma Republican who often works closely with House lawmakers, said this week he and Trump have spoken with Johnson “in depth” about how to advance Ukraine aid. It is not clear whether Trump would lend any political support, but Mullin said he was hoping to get the former president behind the package, especially now that Johnson’s job is at stake. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican, has threatened to try to oust Johnson as speaker and warned that advancing funding for Ukraine would help build her case that GOP lawmakers should select a new speaker. Meanwhile, Johnson has been in conversations with the White House about legislation that would structure some of the funding for Kyiv as loans, pave the way for the U.S. to tap frozen Russian central bank assets and include other policy changes. Johnson has also been pushing for the Biden administration to lift a pause on approvals for Liquefied Natural Gas exports. At times, he has also demanded policy changes at the U.S. border with Mexico. “This becomes a more dangerous world with Russia in Kyiv,” said Rep. Don Bacon, a Republican who supports aiding Ukraine. “So we’re just got to find a the smart way to get a bill passed that we can get out and back to the Senate.” Still, Johnson is facing a practically open rebellion from a group of hardline House conservatives who are dissatisfied with the way he has led the House. With a narrow and divided majority, Johnson has been forced to work with Democrats to advance practically any major legislation. House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries said Thursday that the “only path forward” for the House was a vote on the Senate’s national security package. He also suggested that Democrats would help Johnson hold onto the speaker’s gavel if he did so. While Democrats have pressured Johnson to put the Senate package to a vote, they also may be divided on a vote as a growing number oppose sending Israel offensive weaponry while it engages in a campaign in Gaza that has killed thousands of civilians. The Biden administration, which would administer any military funding, has issued stern warnings to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that future U.S. support depends on the swift implementation of new steps to protect civilians and aid workers. “If we want to prevent handing Putin a victory in Europe, the House should do the right thing for democracy and pass the Senate’s aid package now,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday in a floor speech.
  12. We are always going to lose the bottom 10-20% of any given class. And some of those guys may end up being stars at other schools as they fully develop. We should only worry when we are losing guys in the 2-deep, though. Beyond that, I think, in most cases would be a waste of resources. Guys like Banks will be in the 2-deep from day 1.
  13. Because it was a political post and it is both sides. And of course Johnson is unable to form consensus in his party regarding Ukraine. And now it is an election year. More interesting to me would be the pros and cons of Republican support of Ukraine and the pros and cons of Democrats taking the limits off its support of Ukraine. To me it seems like an easy decision if we are only looking at what is best for the US. Maybe, there is more to it though - like perhaps Democrats are worried about the fall out of a Russian civil war or high gas prices in an election year and the Republicans are worried about talking points in an election year or wasted money without a clear path of what winning would look like. I'm not convinced either party really wants Ukraine victory and would rather see a weakened Russia rather than a destroyed Russia. Maybe, I'm wrong though - a full discussion would be interesting. For the record, I'm very much for a Ukraine victory even if it means a Russian civil war. And I don't worry about Russian nuclear threats. Those are empty. So I am for unfettered support.
  14. Interesting - I wonder if He thought some patients were more deserving than others but the forms didn't allow him to make the decision properly. The only other motive would be some sort of bribery system. Maybe malice would be another possible motive. It should be an interesting investigation.
  15. The House today is reviewing the fiscal year 2025 budget request for missile defense and missile defeat programs. The Senate is off today and only thing I saw on the Senate schedule for last week and next week were judge appointees for which the outcome of the vote is already known before the day begins. So I agree, they both waste time and money.
  16. Is that unusual? The only thing I saw on the Senate schedule for Monday was: Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume Executive Session and the consideration of Executive Calendar #478 Ramona Villagomez Manglona, of the Northern Mariana Islands, to be Judge for the District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands for a term of ten years. At 5:30pm the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination.
  17. So it would be okay for Jews to run Iran for example?
  18. So would you be okay with Jews running countries in the Middle East Arab lands?
  19. Maybe, maybe not - it depends on the team around him. He passes well and he shoots well and would probably be a very good player at PF as long as he can hold up guarding other PFs. He and his teammate and the South Florida guard would probably be a pretty decent start. With that said, what is the nucleus of our team next year? Who is staying and what are their prospects as players in the SEC?
  20. I'm having a difficult time following where you are in this discussion: You asked make em eat taco bell if he was against all ethnic cleansing and he stated that it "was a reaction, a very bad overreaction, to the creation of Israel. I'm sure almost all of Jewish expulsion from Arab states was 1948 - 1955". In other words, he wasn't against ethnic cleansing. Moreover, he was wrong about his supposition. The Middle East has been anti-Jew for a long time. And antisemitism against Jews in primarily Muslim countries did not begin in 1948 nor did it end in 1955. Make them eat taco bell disagreed and stated that the issue in the Muslim World has been the the creation of Israel and the hate is directed at Israel rather than at Jews. Further, he stated that mistreatment of Arabs in Gaza has led to the Arab world's hatred of Jews. To reinforce his wrongness, I asked Make them eat Taco Bell: Again Palestinians have been mistreated by Egypt yet I don’t see all Muslim countries aligned against Egyptians. Why is it that all Middle Eastern countries have been hostile to Jews living in their countries? These are Jews who in pretty much 100% of cases had never been to Israel and in no way shape or form could be called Israelis. Eventually, we would get around to Iran not wanting peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia and using Hamas to create a wedge in Israel-Saudi Arabian relations. But we won't get there until we resolve your question to him about whether he is against ethnic cleansing of Jews and whether he is against ethnic cleansing of Israelis. Further, I haven't gotten past his reasoning that hatred against Jews is simply the creation of Israel and if Israel did not exist then Jews in Muslim countries would be treated well. Obviously, history does not support this and the testing of his theory would be the ethnic cleansing of a good portion of Jews in the world today.
  21. Again Palestinians have been mistreated by Egypt yet I don’t see all Muslim countries aligned against Egyptians. Why is it that all Middle Eastern countries have been hostile to Jews living in their countries? These are Jews who in pretty much 100% of cases had never been to Israel and in no way shape or form could be called Israelis.
  22. Why is it obvious that Jews should be mistreated in Muslim countries because of Israel Palestinian issues? Are Muslims hostile to Egyptians?
  23. This is false. You need to look around you and read. Jews are still being expelled and expelled in Muslim countries. One of the stans just did a little cleansing this year. Contemporary attitudes Israeli Arabs See also: Racism against Israeli Jews by Israeli Arabs In 2003, Israeli-Arab Raed Salah, the leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel published the following poem in the Islamic Movement's periodical: You Jews are criminal bombers of mosques, Slaughterers of pregnant women and babies. Robbers and germs in all times, The Creator sentenced you to be loser monkeys, Victory belongs to Muslims, from the Nile to the Euphrates.[36] During a speech in 2007, Salah accused Jews of using children's blood to bake bread. "We have never allowed ourselves to knead [the dough for] the bread that breaks the fast in the holy month of Ramadan with children's blood," he said. "Whoever wants a more thorough explanation, let him ask what used to happen to some children in Europe, whose blood was mixed in with the dough of the [Jewish] holy bread."[37] Kamal Khatib, deputy leader of the northern branch of the Islamic movement, referred in one of his speeches to the Jews as "fleas".[38] Of all groups surveyed, a 2010 Pew Research global poll found that Israeli Arabs have the lowest rate of anti-Jewish attitudes in the Middle East.[39] Egypt See also: Antisemitism in Africa § Egypt, and History of the Jews in Egypt Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Mahdi Akef has denounced what he called "the myth of the Holocaust" in defending Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial of it.[40] The Egyptian government-run newspaper, Al Akhbar, on April 29, 2002, published an editorial denying the Holocaust as a fraud. The next paragraph decries the failure of the Holocaust to eliminate all of the Jews: With regard to the fraud of the Holocaust. ... Many French studies have proven that this is no more than a fabrication, a lie, and a fraud!! That is, it is a 'scenario' the plot of which was carefully tailored, using several faked photos completely unconnected to the truth. Yes, it is a film, no more and no less. Hitler himself, whom they accuse of Nazism, is in my eyes no more than a modest 'pupil' in the world of murder and bloodshed. He is completely innocent of the charge of frying them in the hell of his false Holocaust!! The entire matter, as many French and British scientists and researchers have proven, is nothing more than a huge Israeli plot aimed at extorting the German government in particular and the European countries in general. But I, personally and in light of this imaginary tale, complain to Hitler, even saying to him from the bottom of my heart, 'If only you had done it, brother, if only it had really happened, so that the world could sigh in relief [without] their evil and sin.' In an article in October 2000 columnist Adel Hammoda alleged in the state-owned Egyptian newspaper al-Ahram that Jews made Matza from the blood of (non-Jewish) children.[41] Mohammed Salmawy, editor of Al-Ahram Hebdo, "defended the use of old European myths like the blood libel" in his newspapers.[42] In August 2010, Saudi columnist Iman Al-Quwaifli sharply criticized the "phenomenon of sympathy for Adolf Hitler and for Nazism in the Arab world",[43] specifically citing the words of Hussam Fawzi Jabar, an Islamic cleric who justified Hitler's actions against the Jews in an Egyptian talk show one month earlier.[43][44][45] In an October 2012 sermon broadcast on Egyptian Channel 1 (which was attended by Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi) Futouh Abd Al-Nabi Mansour, the Head of Religious Endowment of the Matrouh Governorate, prayed (as translated by MEMRI😞 O Allah, absolve us of our sins, strengthen us, and grant us victory over the infidels. O Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters. O Allah, disperse them, rend them asunder. O Allah, demonstrate Your might and greatness upon them.[46][47][48][49] Jordan See also: History of the Jews in Jordan Jordan does not allow entry to Jews with visible signs of Judaism or even with personal religious items in their possession. The Jordanian ambassador to Israel replied to a complaint by a religious Jew denied entry that security concerns required that travelers entering the Hashemite Kingdom not do so with prayer shawls (Tallit) and phylacteries (Tefillin).[50] Jordanian authorities state that the policy is in order to ensure the Jewish tourists' safety.[51] In July 2009, six Breslov Hasidim were deported after attempting entry into Jordan in order to visit the tomb of Aaron / Sheikh Harun on Mount Hor, near Petra, because of an alert from the Ministry of Tourism. The group had taken a ferry from Sinai, Egypt because they understood that Jordanian authorities were making it hard for visible Jews to enter from Israel. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware of the issue.[52] Saudi Arabia Main article: Antisemitism in Saudi Arabia Hostility toward Jews is common in Saudi Arabian media, religious sermons, school curriculum, and official government policy. Indoctrination against Jews is a part of school curriculum in Saudi Arabia. Children are advised not to befriend Jews, are given false information about them (such as the claim that Jews worship the Devil), and are encouraged to engage in jihad against Jews.[53] Conspiracy theories about Jews are widely disseminated in Saudi Arabian state-controlled media.[54] According to the U.S. State Department,[55] religious freedom "does not exist" in Saudi Arabia, and therefore, Jews may not freely practice their religion. Syria Clockwise from top left: Fara Zeibak, Mazal Zeibak, Eva Saad and Lulu Zeibak On March 2, 1974, the bodies of four Syrian Jewish women were discovered by border police in a cave in the Zabdani Mountains northwest of Damascus. Fara Zeibak 24, her sisters Lulu Zeibak 23, Mazal Zeibak 22 and their cousin Eva Saad 18, had contracted with a band of smugglers to flee Syria to Lebanon and eventually to Israel. The girls' bodies were found raped, murdered and mutilated. The police also found the remains of two Jewish boys, Natan Shaya 18 and Kassem Abadi 20, victims of an earlier massacre.[56] Syrian authorities deposited the bodies of all six in sacks before the homes of their parents in the Jewish ghetto in Damascus.[57] In 1984 Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass published a book called The Matzah of Zion, which claimed that Jews had killed Christian children in Damascus to make Matzas (see Damascus affair). His book inspired the Egyptian TV series Horseman Without a Horse (see below) and a spinoff, The Diaspora, which led to Hezbollah's al-Manar being banned in Europe for broadcasting it.[58] Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke visited Syria in November 2005 and made a speech that was broadcast live on Syrian television.[59] Tunisia For a personal account of the discrimination and physical attacks experienced by Jews in Tunisia the Jewish-Arab anti-colonialist writer Albert Memmi wrote:[60] At each crisis, with every incident of the slightest importance, the mob would go wild, setting fire to Jewish shops. This even happened during the Yom Kippur War. Tunisia's President, Habib Bourguiba, has in all probability never been hostile to the Jews, but there was always that notorious "delay", which meant that the police arrived on the scene only after the shops had been pillaged and burnt. Is it any wonder that the exodus to France and Israel continued and even increased? On November 30, 2012, prominent Tunisian imam Sheikh Ahmad Al-Suhayli of Radès, told his followers during a live broadcast on Hannibal TV that "God wants to destroy this [Tunisian] sprinkling of Jews and is sterilizing the wombs of Jewish women."[61] This was the fourth time incitement against Jews has been reported in the public sphere since the overthrow of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in 2011, thus prompting Jewish community leaders to demand security protection from the Tunisian government.[61] Al-Suhayli subsequently posted a video on the Internet in which he claimed that his statements had been misinterpreted.[62] On January 18, 2021, Tunisian president Kais Saied was caught on video telling a crowd that "We know very well who the people are who are controlling the country today. It is the Jews who are doing the stealing, and we need to put an end to it."[63] Saied's office responded that the president's words had been misheard and that he meant to say something else instead of Jews.[64] Two days later, Saied publicly apologized for his statements, holding a phone call with Djerba's chief rabbi, Haim Bitan in which he expressed regret for his statements.[65] The history of the Jews in Tunisia goes back to Roman times. Before 1948, the Jewish population of Tunisia reached a peak of 110,000. Today it has a Jewish community of less than 2,000 people.[66] The El Ghriba Synagogue in Djerba has twice been the target of terrorist atrocities: in 2002 an al-Qaeda suicide bomber killed 20 and injured dozens more, while in 2023 a lone gunman killed two worshippers and two police and injured several others.[67] Palestinian territories Further information: Racism in the State of Palestine § Antisemitism in Palestinian territories Swastikas next to Palestinian flags in Huwara The Hamas, an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, has a foundational statement of principles, or "covenant" that claims that the French revolution, the Russian revolution, colonialism and both world wars were created by the Zionists. It also claims the Freemasons and Rotary clubs are Zionist fronts and refers to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[68] Claims that Jews and Freemasons were behind the French Revolution originated in Germany in the mid-19th century.[69] Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the PLO, published a Ph.D. thesis (at Moscow University) in 1982, called The Secret Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement.[70] His doctoral thesis later became a book, The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, which, following his appointment as Palestinian Prime Minister in 2003, was heavily criticized as an example of Holocaust denial. In his book, Abbas wrote: It seems that the interest of the Zionist movement, however, is to inflate this figure [of Holocaust deaths] so that their gains will be greater. This led them to emphasize this figure [six million] in order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with Zionism. Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and reached stunning conclusions—fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand.[71][72][73] Lebanon Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV channel has often been accused of airing antisemitic broadcasts, blaming the Jews for a Zionist conspiracy against the Arab world, and often airing excerpts from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,[74][75][76] Al-Manar recently aired a drama series, called The Diaspora, which is based on historical antisemitic allegations. BBC reporters who watched the series said that: Correspondents who have viewed The Diaspora note that it quotes extensively from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a notorious 19th-century publication used by the Nazis among others to fuel race hatred.[77] In another incident, an Al-Manar commentator recently referred to "Zionist attempts to transmit AIDS to Arab countries". Al-Manar officials deny broadcasting antisemitic incitement and state that their position is anti-Israeli, not antisemitic. However, Hezbollah has directed strong rhetoric both against Israel and Jews, and it has cooperated in publishing and distributing outright antisemitic literature. The government of Lebanon has not criticized continued broadcast of antisemitic material on television.[78] Due to protests by the CRIF umbrella group of French Jews regarding allegations of antisemitic content, French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin called for a ban on Al-Manar broadcasting in France on December 2, 2004, just two weeks after al-Manar was authorised to continue broadcasting in Europe by France's media watchdog agency.[79] On December 13, 2004, France's highest administrative court banned Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV station on the grounds that it consistently incites racial hatred and antisemitism.[80] Yemen See also: Geography of antisemitism § Yemen The 1940s and the establishment of Israel saw rapid emigration of Jews out of Yemen, in the wake of anti-Jewish riots and massacres. By the late 1990s, only several hundred remained, mainly in a northwestern mountainous region named Sa'ada and town of Raida. Houthi members put up notes on the Jews' doors, accusing them of corrupting Muslim morals. Eventually, the Houthi leaders sent threatening messages to the Jewish community: "We warn you to leave the area immediately.... We give you a period of 10 days, or you will regret it."[81] On 28 March 2021, 13 Jews were forced by the Houthis to leave Yemen, leaving four elderly Jews the only Jews still in Yemen.[82] Horseman Without a Horse In 2001–2002, Arab Radio and Television produced a 30-part television miniseries entitled Horseman Without a Horse, starring prominent Egyptian actor Mohamed Sobhi, which contains dramatizations of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The United States and Israel criticized Egypt for airing the program, which includes racist falsehoods that have a history of being used "as a pretext for persecuting Jews".[83] Opinion polling In 2008 a Pew Research Center survey found that negative views concerning Jews were most common in the three predominantly Arab nations polled, with 97% of Lebanese having unfavorable opinion of Jews, 95% in Egypt and 96% in Jordan.[84]
  24. There were multiple things wrong with it. Duty free should know how to seal the bag correctly. Before rechecking the bags, security should have asked if there was anything we wanted to add to the bags because we were going to have to go through security lines again. If the airport was set up correctly, sending secure passengers back through an hour security line is completely unnecessary for everyone involved and just adds to airport chaos and frustration. From my perspective, it took probably 1hr to go through customs, 15minutes to go from international to domestic and then an hour line back through security. And then of course there was the shitheel TSA manager who escalated a situation that his underling had under control. And it was all pretty much out of my control as after a two hour process, going to ticketing and trying to check the liquor just so I could miss my connection was not an option. I know now though to pay attention to how they seal duty-free bags and if you are flying back through OHare internationally that you are re-routed through security again after customs clearance so you better have a long layover between flights and limit what you are carrying.
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