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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Rudiger

  1. Did he buy himself a chauffeur too? Because why the fuck would you drive yourself around in a Maybach?
  2. I think our knowledge of physics on the grand scheme of things is so elementary that we’re not even close to knowing what we don’t know. One way of looking at Newton’s explanation of gravity is to say he got it mostly right. Another is to say he wasn’t even close. To me, saying we’re close to theory of everything, if only we could reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics, is like saying Ptolemy was close to a theory of everything, he just had to work out that pesky retrograde motion.
  3. I must have been taking another nap when they figured out the mathematics for that.
  4. Superseding indictment filed in the documents case. New defendant and details about the conspiracy to delete security camera footage. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/us-v-trump-nauta-de-oliveira-7-27/895d71fac28b2930/full.pdf
  5. I’m in the nay camp too, but I must have been napping when we made an advance significant enough to qualify as a “growing understanding” of quantum gravity.
  6. Uh, you know that shit’s fake right?
  7. So should I go ahead and put on my tinfoil hat now?
  8. Joke’s on you guys. You can’t get it wet because it will rust, so you don’t actually NEED the windshield wiper.
  9. “WITH AUTHORIT—well, it went in at least.”
  10. Pig scrambles at a small town rodeo. Throwing bales of hay on a truck in summer.
  11. Who told the police that story? The dog?
  12. Rudiger

    Shit My Kid Says

    My four-year-old daughter playing some game by herself: “bitch took my makeup.”
  13. The most likely answer is some studio guitarist few people have ever heard of.
  14. Hard to say without any metrics for judging “best,” but Eric Johnson is pretty good.
  15. Theory 7: They’re a cult of idiotic weirdos.
  16. She’s got kinda stumpy legs.
  17. I’m hearing the banging that’s been reported sounded eerily like “GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!”
  18. Is he still allowed to post his paystubs on internet forums though?
  19. I’m not really a car guy, but why is that Corvette covered in all those little prancing horses?
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