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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by boilerhorn

  1. From my experience, Texas is the most liberal in gaining residency for tuition purposes. California residents attending Texas can start an LLC offering training, tutoring, etc. services and gain residency. I've seen examples of a kid "buying" a condo under his LLC and renting it to someone else. Gaining California residency, as @jimmyjazz notes, can be nigh impossible. Youngest is at Purdue. There are no clear loopholes to gain Indiana residency. Even if we moved there today, we'd have to appeal to Purdue (NOT Indiana) to get residency for tuition purposes. There are very few, if any, examples of success.
  2. For reference, the Texas offense recorded (1) 8.95 Watsons of offense against TTU in a 57-7 win. (2) 11.22 Watsons of offense against OSU in a 49-21 win. For those who forget, 1 Watson = 59 yards of offense. Proud moment against Arkansas in the 2014 Texas Bowl. In his defense (can I really say that?), Texas offense had less than 20 mins time of possession. Regardless, he was not a very good coordinator.
  3. Good to see Texas is willing to dip into the JuCos when needed. HookEm.
  4. Looks like you? Like a dumbass? He's missing some of the key being verbs. Fortunately, English 101 at CU will help.
  5. While at Purdue, Jeff Brohm had some fairly famous upsets:2018: #2 Ohio State, #19 Iowa2021: #2 Iowa, #3 Michigan State2022: #21 Minnesota, #21 Illinois This mediocre FSU team should be no problem.
  6. I am tied with Les Miles, Art Briles, Charlie Strong, and Charlie Weis.
  7. I've said it on Campbell threads before, but his sideline behavior often results in him being distracted for multiple plays. After one play yesterday, he screamed, "Fuck you! That's fucking bullshit." About one of the plays. The side judge warned him. Even when there are shitty calls, you have to move on. Campbell complains about something every play, so most of the time he is wrong. Probably part of his "us against the world" or underdog mindset. Or he's just an incessant jackass douche. This board will sometimes complain about Sark's sideline demeanor after shitty calls, but he realizes that it is largely outside of his control and he does not let it affect him - or the team - beyond the play in question (if at all). Last night, Sark was frustrated with how long it took for the side judge (I think) to get his timeout call - on a play that we also got flagged for false start (waived off). He said, "you need to do your job; that's your job" or something like that. He did not swear at the ref. He did not lose his mind.
  8. Friend of mine is 2nd generation Aggie. Grew up in CS and his dad was a prof at A&M. His wife went to A&M. His son (now a dentist) went to A&M and married a woman (now a doctor) he met at A&M. At the wedding, there were zero whoops, etc. Near the end of the reception, they played the Aggie war hymn - and it was just fine. They had an Aggie grooms cake - and it was just fine. Third generation and 2nd generation Aggies getting married around a bunch of other Aggies. It was normal. These folks are great. Yes, they do not always turn out bad.
  9. Patterson's timeline: Aug 9, 2023 - want to spend more time with wife, kids, grandkids. Nov 15, 2023 - ready to coach again. After he and his wife see Jimbo's buyout: 3 months and 6 days was enough time with the family. Get out there and make some more generational wealth. Patterson to KState is like a supermodel dating me. No need for them to slum.
  10. Isn't "school paying the buyout" the same as "taxpayers of the state of Texas paying the buyout?" The "school" and the "athletics department" are hypothetically independent entities.
  11. Wife was on a jury a couple of weeks ago in Travis County. A guy went on a multi-hour crime spree involving crashing into cars, attempting to steal the car, and trying to force the car owner into the trunks of their own cars. Everyone got away, fortunately. This was the first case of attempted aggravated kidnapping in Travis County in over 10 years. The ADA who had been working the case for over 1 year had a family emergency and handed off the case. The new ADA had about 1 working day of prep. Being able to speak to the judge and attorneys after the case was useful to her. She expressed some displeasure that the ADA chose not to disclose his priors during the sentencing phase. ADA said he did not realize it would have affected the sentencing. Huh? Overall great experience for her.
  12. Yeah. Saw that after. Hope the guy is ok
  13. Can’t be good. On the one replay I saw,It looks like a textbook targeting call. Head to head.
  14. The last few pages have been glorious: "Just for men reference" - beat me to the punch "Day turned them in" - he should, it is his duty as tosu coach (as @Huckleberry noted) How do they know Day turned them in? Hacking? 11 lawmakers asking for deference - Isn't there some superfund site (like Flint) that should be taking your attention Since Stallions was suspended (Oct 20), MOV has improved - against the powerhouses of Michigan State and Purdue - also, sample size 2 = moron statement; oh and you only beat Purdue by 28. They SUCK! Michigan folks citing Antitrust, "everyone else does it", and other excuses and rationalizations. And we thought MSU was the aggy school
  15. Yeah - congrats on hitting the shot. And on finding a surly-approved videographer
  16. Cry some more as the game checks continue to clear.
  17. The real 12th man is Kevin Mar’s crew
  18. Does not matter if we take care of business. That said, F joey and F Yormark. TCU it is.
  19. https://craftbeeraustin.com/oskar-blues-closed?mibextid=Zxz2cZ Wild. I was just there on Sunday. Austin has seen a rash of brewery closures over the past few months and the North Austin Brewery District has been hit the hardest with the closure of 4th Tap Brewing Co-op (July 2022), Adelbert’s Brewery (October 2022), and most recently Circle Brewing Co. (September 2023).
  20. Perhaps someone w/ a really good camera could take pictures/videos of the play sheets at the same time as the signs are being sent to the players. And it could possibly result in less time for decrypting... Just a random thought.
  21. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to call for the field-goal in Texas’ 2nd Drive of the second half. They had gone three and out in their first drive of The second half. BYU followed that by with a 68 yard drive settling for a field goal. Going up by 18 changes the complexion of the game. BYU was never able to exploit the 10 yard cushion our corners were giving them. However, we had seen that too many times in the past, so there was a chance. PTSD As much as we want to see our goal line offense practiced, we also should have our coaches practice what they would do in real games. Take the three possession lead, and let the defense unload on them. That said, happy for the win.
  22. Watching Ohio State against Wisconsin. Halftime graphic shows that Ohio State is 6–0 win leading at halftime. What a stupid fucking graphic. They’re undefeated this year. oh, and Wisconsin could not push it in from the two either. However, they settled for the field-goal
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