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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. I haven’t seen that movie I’ve been told I should
  2. A few more pics of the light display from the other night. A buddy sent me these. He lives in Healy.
  3. The Northern lights were kicking last night
  4. Good news on that front, I’ve heard his place is up for sale. The guy that is looking to buy it and I are on friendly term, so if the sale happens the overall stress level in the neighborhood will go down.
  5. Still here. Been busy as fuck. This year’s fire and the plow truck shenanigans put me way behind on getting ready for winter. Winter officially showed up last night, 36 below when I got up this morning.
  6. The shit stick is very effective when knocking down the poopcicle. Give it a good whack and it usually breaks off at or near the bottom. You always let it freeze before you give it a go. As far as I know the shit stick has not been utilized this year as of yet. That’s the wife’s job.
  7. It's been as mild a beginning to winter up here as I can remember, which is much appreciated after last year's brutal one. We've had about 6 inches of snow so far, and it's only been below zero a couple of times. The forecasts have us above zero thru the next 10 days with very little chance of snow. We'll enjoy it while we can.
  8. OK, I'll play...this question tickles my inner Viking. I couldn't kill or torture anyone who hasn't wronged me or one of my loved ones, but I would have no trouble killing an enemy in a war zone situation in whatever way I had to. But that's not what I think you are asking. I recently had some thieves fuck up my plow truck. I had visions of hanging them by their ankles and playing pinata with a baseball bat, making it last as long as I could before I finally killed them with a head shot. Also, if anyone ever harmed or killed my wife I would gladly skin them alive in front of their children. There's a reason I live in the woods.
  9. Instant attitude adjustment But my favorite part is the guy sitting at the bar just taking it all in
  10. No shit. I went to the game in Ames last year. Never been treated worse by an opposing fan base, including Sooners. I used to be pretty much indifferent to ISU. Even rooted for them when they weren't playing Texas. After last year their fans call all die in combine accidents and grain silo explosions. Fuck you Iowa. Get fed to pigs.
  11. This is a crew that my wife worked with in Fairbanks over the summer fighting the fires in Oregon. Hope the vid embeds. IMG_6873.MOV
  12. Cross post from dog thread Magnum gifted a leg from that 60 incher upthread
  13. Lots of fresh moose meat available to me right now. This is a steak cut off the hindquarter. Kosher salt and fresh cracked black pepper over charcoal…simple is best.
  14. If you like winter, I've got winter for you...come on up
  15. Can’t skip one of the last hits of Vitamin D before the dark comes
  16. I've heard about that cargo spill. They interviewed some lady that's collected more than 20 of them.
  17. I'd wear that in burnt orange 2XL Tall
  18. I'll try to stop by the tailgate. Is it at the place that is pinned on the football board, over by the LBJ Library? Rain check on the beer.
  19. Another friend bagged a nice one. 60 1/4” wide. Trophy class.
  20. The plow truck has had a lot of deferred maintenance on it the last several years. When the steering column got destroyed I said fuck it and had it towed to town (Fairbanks) to our mechanic. He's doing a lot of front end work on it that I've been putting off. All 3 sets of U joints need replaced, ball joints, front axle seals, shit like that. He's putting in the starter motor and upgrading to a high output alternator to help the batteries out when running the plow. I went and pulled a steering column out of a junker Ford in Wasilla last Saturday. My wife delivered it to the mechanic yesterday. Everything should be done by the end of this week or sometime next week, hopefully before the 29th when I leave for Texas for the quarterly Mom check in. Going to the West Virginia game on Oct 1. Haven't been to a football game in several years. I hope I don't spontaneously combust with the heat.
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