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Everything posted by ajax

  1. Here's the scene. I'm not seeing anything that Loki does that merits her being so incredibly angry with him. They had a disagreement, she got her way. If anything, he should be mad at her.
  2. Whether copying sound or aesthetic, I like Elvis Costello's attitude when it came to Olivia Rodrigo's lifting his guitar riff.
  3. Wait, so White had a beef with the Black Keys because he thought they were ripping off his sound? Wouldn't Jon Spencer have a right to claim a similar beef with Jack White?
  4. I haven't even looked at the list but I'm guessing that if Aretha Franklin had ever been photographed holding a guitar, she'd be on it.
  5. Cause Jimbo lets other guys have sexy time with his wife?
  6. Yeah, same here. We're supposed to understand that Lysa Arryn sent that dude on a mission to find Sylvie (shown last episode), but instead of retrieving her he became a movie star. But absolutely no clues from the show. How about a scene setting all that up? And why is Sylvie all of a sudden mad at Loki? They left each other on good terms. Is it because he's working with the TVA? You know other shows would have a 3 second scene of her finding out somehow and then frowning or showing displeasure. Again, no set up. And they're doing fuck all about making us care about any of this.
  7. Episode 2 - this show is starting to really suck. It's disjointed and narratively weak. What the hell is happening with Marvel?
  8. I still can't get over how much time aggy wasted on that last drive. They were lolligagging around letting 20 plus seconds run off in-between plays like they had all the time in the world, with a little over a minute left to play.
  9. Josh Heupel looks like a guy who reviews B movies on YouTube while eating a bucket of fried chicken.
  10. Everything people believe about Jalen Milroe is actually true for Joe Milton.
  11. I just started watching this. It makes me super nostalgic because my parents owned a fast food joint in Chicago. No fancy food like in the show, just stuff like Italian beef, Polish, Chicago dogs, and some Asian stuff on the special menu because well we're Asian. The other difference is my parents' place was in one of the roughest neighborhoods in Chicago. We were all behind bulletproof glass and we delivered food with a bulletproof carousel. Love the show. The acting, color grading and composition are some of the best on TV. Just finished episode S1.7 last night. The whole episode being in one take was impressive, but I think it detracted from the experience. It felt like the creators wanted to flex and show that they could do it, but it was really distracting with the camera constantly swinging from one character to another, pushing in and pulling back. You lose the narrative aspect that editing cuts bring. It's like watching an awesome guitar player play a solo with his teeth. Impressive, but the solo would be better played normally.
  12. Has this fight been posted yet? The most interesting thing is the chick in pink. She seems like a delight. And also, the girl in the green skirt at the end. She's completely unaffiliated with any of the parties but she steps in to keep the two idiots from getting stomped. Age restricted so you'll have to click through.
  13. She seems genuinely angry that Will is famous and she is not, or more accurately that she's only famous because of him and she's determined to punish him for it. She would probably more happy if they had been just scraping by but she got to shine between the two of them.
  14. I decided to watch an old school summer camp slasher movie Sleepaway Camp. What. The. Fuck. Cheesy as hell but that ending. No way that gets made today. I also watched Sleepaway Camp 2. Bruce Springsteen's sister is kinda cute as she giddily murders everyone.
  15. Random thought - I wonder who would win in a fight between an out-of-shape but trained fighter vs an untrained but well conditioned guy? I couldn't find that exact scenario on YouTube.
  16. If you like comedy horror (Happy Death Day, Freaky) then you'll like Totally Killer on Prime right now. Writing, pacing, editing are all over the place and plot holes abound but still enjoyable. Btw - Kiernan Shilpa from this movie (also Mad Men and Sabrina the teenage witch) is end up looking like Sweet Dee.
  17. I feel asleep during Short Round's lecture about timeline nerd shit.
  18. Dude got hit with 4 dozen rounds and it didn't even slow him down. I bet those cops wished they had tasers.
  19. I can understand why Lehman likes his guy better but his analysis of Quinn is something else. Does he have CTE? Or just Oklahoma?
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