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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. Are you talking outside faucets (I am assuming so...). Yesterday and today, I'm just going out about every 4 hours, open up the faucets on full for about 10-15 seconds so they warm back up and stay unclogged/frozen. Did this yesterday, last time was about 9pm, woke up this morning and 2 were froze up. Poured a little hot water on them and they unfroze. So the same schedule again today, every 4 hours or so. Tonight I'll start them running (and I mean running, not dripping).
  2. Thanks, check out the full album version, has a longer intro, just gorgeous.
  3. Just realized Judge Ferguson and I were in Longhorn Band together in the 80's, just "Roy" back then, acquaintances but not friends (sax and trumpet, oil and water...), small world.
  4. My wife and I got married in 1989 and were living in Georgetown, I can't remember where I found the info (tried searching but can't find it now) but a couple of years ago I posted on facebook how damn cold it was that December, because we were living in her grandmother's 1930's house with one gas floor heater (built into the floor) for the whole house. Found the post, these were record lows set that month: Dec. 12: 22°; Dec. 13: 22°; Dec. 16: 11°; Dec.17: 12°; Dec. 23: -2° (yes, minus 2, lowest temp ever); Dec. 24: 7
  5. Octo-mom turned herself in last night
  6. Yeah, that's the one I've been fascinated with for a couple of weeks. This guy had posted last week that their group had pinned her down and turned out, they were right, some goddam Sherlock Holmes shit going on out there...
  7. Anybody know where ol' Steve is hiding out these days? Caught him a snack in my storage shed this morning, need to know where to drop it off...
  8. They are. Here's the archived list, saved for posterity... https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-regarding-executive-grants-clemency-012021/
  9. This is a REALLY interesting video re: #bullhornlady #pinkhatlady. Cop's sister? Relative? Friend? Could explain knowledge of building layout. (Or is that a rioter that grabbed a helmet from the ground, that's the more probably explanation actually)
  10. The correction from CNN - fake; her retweet of it - real, but she's deleted it since then...
  11. You know who else likes watching movies about submarines?
  12. Here's where they first broke the window in before she started giving info to the traitors inside. You can tell she is younger...
  13. There's definite similarities, I just think Boebert's mom is too "jowly". Other pics of bulhornlady (or pinkhatlady) she looks younger and thinner...
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