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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. Been fascinated over the past couple of days watching the search for this lady, called "bullhornlady". She obviously did some intel ahead of time. People are saying it's Boebert's mom, but her mom is too fat and old to be this woman. She's definitely a ringleader though, just search #bullhornlady and read away...
  2. Board meltdown in 3, 2, 1..
  3. Black-eyes peas and cabbage for good luck and fortune, tres leches cake for dessert (not takeout, just easier than getting more dishes dirty)
  4. Is booze essential? Because even here in Taylor the line at Twin Liquors will be 40 deep come 3pm or so...
  5. Hey, "that guy" checking in. I thought it was pretty self-explanatory, whatever song that moves YOU to damage your hearing or shred your speakers for whatever reason. Does the song have to BE loud? No, you just have to hear it loud. Does it have to move ME? No, kind of the beauty of this thread. It could be the goddam Ave Maria if that's what you like. More power to you. To whit: But only from 3:45 on...
  6. Hm, didn't notice that, thx. Be a shame if mofo got the rona. Real shame....
  7. I do pop over there from time to time (mainly because I have a local radar bookmarked that's just easy to click on when rain's coming...). Noticed that the active users (people who've logged in over the past month) went from about 20 (pathetic) to 5 (LOLOL). Curious, I decided to log in, and got this, so I think the shag finally bit the big one, even if it's still accessible, like a ghost ship...
  8. Happy birthday Joel, will drink a couple for ya tomorrow....
  9. The thread is what the people want it to be. Little buzzed tonight, prime time for ear damage... switching gears, tomorrow would have been my brother's 51st birthday, here's a few for him, more to come tomorrow....
  10. Nice, I like your note about being scaled down, yeah, been to many a family reunion or redneck bachelor party where my uncles would make a cauldron full, everybody would take home leftovers by the gallon...
  11. Yeah, it's just me and the missus, can't see making these big meals that we'll either be eating for days on end or letting them sit in the fridge until they go bad. I just need to find a few staples that I can get comfortable making and branch out from there. Definitely can do grilled fish/chops/chicken and veggies/salad for a while. I know I can do it, I can eat the same shit every day if I have to, it's getting the wife on board, she gets bored easily, she'll stick to it for a week or so, but then have to have a margarita and that just fucks it all up.
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