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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. Not enough flair, and no stickers with targets on libs...
  2. Yeahhh, I think we know why...
  3. No, Texas valedictorians get automatic admission to state schools (I raised two, although the first chose to go to Rice anyway)
  4. UTCzech III


    Long week, back home after pizza and a pitcher of Bucket Head, time to relax, White Album, analog headphones, just like being 17 again...
  5. One Mississippi pot roast is great, two are twice as nice. Unfortunately hadn’t replenished my pepperoncinis from the las time so only had about 1/4 jar left. I did have an almost full jar of roasted red peppers though, so in it goes. Also was intrigued with the recipe originally calling for Italian dressing, so why not? Roast #1 with au jus & ranch mix & red peppers, roast #2 with au jus & italian dressing & pepperoncinis. Shredded and served up on a baked tater.
  6. Check out his twitter page, he updates just about every day
  7. Yeah, it's a lifesaver during football season, makes it very easy to click between 3-4 games one after another.
  8. A little late now, but in the future, hit the down arrow on your remote twice and you will get a display showing the last few channels you watched, just click on what you need.
  9. Oh Brad.. (so glad 1-Jeff Ward left KLBJ-AM and 2-I work from home now so I don’t have to hear those goddam radio spots anymore.. )
  10. True, but I think she got a little above her raisin' living out in the Woodlands. From the pics I've seen on twitter, her new digs suit her to a T.
  11. She's obviously gone back to her white trash roots. Poor Norman, gone from the lap of luxury to a pen in the sticks. Get used to the cold buddy.
  12. Pretty big blob coming up from San Antonio right now, let's see if it holds together.
  13. (Shakes head) Yes... I have no idea, I’m a trumpet player, I do good to hook our PA up...
  14. So I got my new toy back in March but have only had the time over the last couple of days to really dig into it and see how it works. Recorded a little 40 second demo, 4 vocals and 2 horn parts, just farting around to see if I could actually get it to work. Even added some EQ, reverb and panning. Going to keep experimenting with it, learn how to punch in and out, explore the effects more etc., but really excited to get my band together and see what we can do with it. Actually have a dance we're playing next Sunday, I think I might lug the recorder along and place 2 or 3 mics out front of the stage and see what kind of live recording I can get out of it.
  15. Why? Because Chrissie Hynde, that's why.
  16. FB friend of my wife posted about 50 minutes ago, her (the friend's) mother lives next to an RV park in Elgin and said there was a shooting and now police have the whole area sealed off, friend said that the suspect lived there so sounds like something going down
  17. Don't think these were posted, if so, listen again. It's become a cliche, but man, back in the day, Monday nights rocked.
  18. Thought I still had a couple of these...
  19. Sweetwater Brewing H.A.Z.Y. IPA, for my birthday
  20. So I'm gonna throw out some bands and if you thoughts on any of them I'd like to hear them, steer me toward something. I've tried them and I just can't find the right thing I guess. Renaissance (too much on the folk side for me) Gentle Giant (kind of get that Mike Oldfield/jazz fusion feel from them) Tangerine Dream (just getting into them, I like what I've heard so far, need to just give them a good run on Spotify and how much I can handle) Camel - now these guys, I've only heard 1 song, back in high school (early 80's), had it on a mix tape recorded off the radio (KPFT in Houston) with no idea who it was, until maybe 10 years ago when I could finally google the lyrics, this tune I really like, has a kind of David Gilmour first solo album feel to it... any others you can think of, I'll give anything a listen (point of reference, I'd go Floyd-Genesis-Rush-Yes-King Crimson in that order as far as personal preference goes, but I also love Brian Eno, Laurie Anderson, Philip Glass, Zappa, just always looking for something "different")
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