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Everything posted by LCHorn

  1. I’m not looking them up but I thought he had pretty big platoon splits-maybe he can be one half of a platoon (I actually wish teams did this more as a way to stash and keep fresh a more competent pinch hitter).
  2. This is also not very sabermetric of me, but I think having a guy who’s been a historical #1 starter helps keep the whole staff organized. Even if it’s a Dave Stewart or Jack Morris who maybe doesn’t have the numbers of the number 2 or 3 guy. I don’t think it’s purely because of Strom that Cole had his best seasons here, I think it’s because he didn’t have to be that guy and deal with the pressure associated with it.
  3. I think it’s been pretty well established that Verlander is a Crane favorite and re-signing him doesn’t have the same budget limitations that might have applied to previous free agents.
  4. He came up as a starter and I love grooming young players in relief first but I think he’ll need to upgrade his change up if he wants to start. He’s primarily fastball/slider and this is the first year since A ball that his control didn’t seem to hold him back.
  5. That was such a beautiful play. It’s confounding that it’s a 15 yard penalty today.
  6. Haha, that’s definitely where my mind goes when I’m perusing people of Walmart.com. We’re a nation of warriors!
  7. Thanks for sharing this; one of my former colleagues on the mortgage banking side keeps drawing attention to this in terms of promoting borrowing on residential real estate-his message is that there’s simply no way out of this besides printing our way out, which is going to be super inflationary down the road (and his point is that loans and land are both great hedges).
  8. I can’t screenshot it from my phone but MBS activity between 2 pm and 3:30 was basically “omg, we’re alive!” to “oops, no, actually we’re dead.”
  9. According to the iPhone weather app the high for the next few days is 83-that’s not exactly flirting with 90’s.
  10. Eh, playing traffic cop so my kids don’t get run over while they greedily stalk our neighborhood for early onset diabetes isn’t really a moment I’m going to be revisiting later, or at least I hope not. I’m with @Wulaw Horn, World Series should come first.
  11. I always chuckle when the somewhat sober Republican base admits some anxiety about their collusion with the now dominant parts of the GOP. “We can get back control of this thing if we elect a Blue Dog in a few races!!!” Its got to feel real lonely at the country club lately.
  12. Here, here! I think all of this is moving towards an environment whose only real loss is the fiction of amateurism.
  13. I loved it but agree that it was SLOW. I tend to think most great horror needs a long runway, though.
  14. That was my uniformed conclusion; not this this is particularly ground-breaking but he seems prone to give favor when a recruit or his family flatters him with access. @closetojumpinghates him because of a Pasadena blood vendetta so I consider his opinion compromised.
  15. I believe you (in regards to Harris), but do you have any clue why Nahlin is such a big fan?
  16. @Wulaw Horn’s secret crush Barry Habib thinks the Nov 10 CPI report will calm the market. That gives you 2 weeks of positive days if you think he’s right. I was listening to the Eurodollar Univ. podcast yesterday and those guys are convinced inflation is already going back down and the September numbers are really just capturing increased rents rather than more broadly felt inflation.
  17. I don't think it's that dumb as long as it's not trying to close next week.
  18. If he doesn’t he’s going to be a one-term Senator. Frankly, with McCain gone we need more wild cards so I’d happily take the occasional departure from party solidarity in lieu of a seditious coward like Lee.
  19. I’m still getting hit with a lot more videos than before on safari. Going into the Cloak Room seems to guarantee it.
  20. I ended up not reading MBS Highway until about 12:30 today and saw Barry’s “Dow is down by 700” comment; checked the current market and it was up 800 (who knows what it is now). I don’t know how anyone can feel confident about any prediction with this mind of volatility.
  21. Fwiw, in regards to the mortgage industry secondary market, it sounds like the banks are starting to hoard cash (this is going to reduce availability of non-depository bank Jumbo financing, non-QM lending, etc.) this is highly likely to increase borrowing costs even further. Presumption is they see a recession incoming and possibly a bad one. Also stolen from a conference call today-mortgage rates have risen for 14 months straight, record is 27 set in the 70’s.
  22. Hah! Would love to know how you encountered that (I used to work at JVM). Love their origination model but I bet they are hurting at the moment (as are we all, *tips his 40*)
  23. Yeah, I don’t buy it. A Longhorn legacy that lives in Westlake doesn’t commit to OU except as the most gigantic “fuck you” to his parents that he can imagine. If he wanted to get out a bit he could have gone to Oregon.
  24. Kudos on that reference, you, sir, are a scholar.
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