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Everything posted by LCHorn

  1. I find it hard to believe that a catcher in MLB doesn’t speak passable Spanish.
  2. I’m no guru but I think Brooks is the best of the lot. Bear in mind we have senior film on him so it’s a little unfair as a comparison.
  3. I’d rather they stay 3 stars yet out-perform the rating in college. Perhaps A&M can take full ownership as the home for overrated Texas prospects.
  4. It’s funny, I was having a similar thought and intended to start a thread on “what comes next.” Someone described Ukraine as a country with free elections/high corruption and that creates specific governance problems (you have to be corrupt to provide any sort of governance AND it increases the the stakes for losing an election because the other side is also corrupt AND because the elections are relatively free there’s also a high likelihood of losing). It would seem the same thing is happening in the US. For example, if the Supreme Court is going to act as de facto rulers and the only way to effectively seat one is for another to die then it sure seems like assassination is a lot cheaper than buying an election. This is also why I think the Democrats should be singularly minded on election and civil rights reforms for what little time is left before the next election. There’s a 538 article I haven’t finished reading about “what caused Jan 6th?”but one piece from the beginning that was novel was that political scientists are fixated on partisanship as the source of our current governance problems when they should be focused on the fact that both sides are so angry (I.e., we’re living in an environment of high agitation broadly). I also think social media is 50% of the problem (kind of like calvary in WW I, our tactics haven’t kept up with technology/Boomers lose their minds with social media). As the olds die things will improve, or at least that’s where I hold out hope.
  5. He’s allowed since Orangebloods doesn’t do original reporting and just lurks on Surly for content to publish.
  6. It’s what, $27 or so now with the coupon? 100% inflation over 45 years isn’t too bad.
  7. I thought it was common knowledge that the recruiting services are particularly poor at O-line evaluation. You can’t read too much into 3-star vs. 4-star.
  8. We flew back in Monday night from Jamaica, arrived (late) about 1 am and the airport felt about half full with arrivals. What was particularly nuts was the pick-up area-I’ve never seen that much traffic during daylight hours.
  9. This shit makes my head hurt, I don’t know why I read it.
  10. They are just negotiating after the fact. Don’t get mad about it, just agree with them it’s expensive and unfortunately it’s what the investor charges. If they’d like to terminate the application and go elsewhere you’ll wish them the best of luck.
  11. Hah! You must be from San Antonio.
  12. Currently sitting in Miami en route to Austin and about to move gates for the 8th time in the last five hours because of delays and adjustments, thanks AA. Playing devil’s advocate, it sounds like travel this weekend was a shit show everywhere.
  13. Clearly Will Smith inspired...maybe the dog is sensitive to insults.
  14. Why? Have you not been recently? It’s essentially that already but with (compared to campus) luxury housing for students who can afford it.
  15. I’ll share this so the other mortgage folks see it-just closed a second home purchase last week ($300k purchase, 20% down) and had to do a pricing cure due to Mavent fail such that our gross was about 120 bps (our average conventional, by contrast, is about 290). Once we pay our branch stuff it’ll be a loss. I’ve told our staff that we need to classify all second home purchases as investment properties going forward so the HMPL test isn’t applied. Coincidentally, I locked this one right before a rate jump and it failed the test because the index it uses to compare pricing was 6 days behind my date of lock (so an example where the CFPB’s imposed compliance obligations aren’t flexible enough to accommodate rate deterioration of this magnitude). This, of course, is to the long-term detriment of the borrower if we have to require additional down payment or a program change to make a profit (or otherwise we just don’t make them at all).
  16. Our family of four is all testing positive, all vacc’d besides the 3 year old. Symptoms are light so far, knock on wood. First infections for all of us.
  17. Let's be honest; any West Austin scholarship offers are worth it just to inspire the very best out of @closetojumping's insult machine.
  18. Frankly I try to sniff those out and encourage them to use the builders lender. It’s not worth the time.
  19. I only know about Google in Austin but they aren’t slowing their hiring in the slightest.
  20. Wow, a surprising amount of Institute love here. I’ve read pretty much everything King has written besides his crime pulp and probably the one that made the biggest impression on me when I read it was Hearts in Atlantis. At least on this thread I’m not seeing Revival, and if you liked The Jaunt then it should be in your wheelhouse.
  21. Sports opinion shows have always been terrible.
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