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Degenerate Gardner

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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Is Ogden out? A brief googling didn’t produce evidence otherwise and I’m not wading through the slap fights in this thread to find out.
  2. Driving that drunk is serious business. I wouldn’t want to reach 0.21 sitting in my living room much less behind the wheel of a killing machine.
  3. Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth, but the spring of stupid overfloweth.
  4. Good luck with that. Evolution skipped WV.
  5. I visited Cincinnati for a conference once. There at the Marriott bar, fresh off a DUI arrest, was Huggins. This news dies not surprise.
  6. I so love that this topic is courtesy of The Intellectualist. Some deep thinkin going on.
  7. Barr’s statements are an attempt to ingratiate himself to sane people. Trumpkins already hate him because…well, Trump hates him and and that’s enough. In other words, at no personal cost but with perceived upside. That his statements are mostly true is beside the point with vermin like Bill Barr. It’s a dog and pony show trotted out for consumption. His words mean nothing.
  8. The fact that he’s still in the mix for 2024 knowing all we do, if not the R favorite, says even more. So many witnessed the Trump presidency and thought ‘this guy is the best, a true alpha’. Any negative news is filtered through that insane bias. It’s been a helluva week, no doubt, but my god we have our work cut out for us.
  9. Pat Robertson’s death isn’t getting enough love.
  10. He’s a flight reward, not risk. Step 1: Trump flees to some foreign country willing to accept his pathetic, malignant ass Strp 2: Trump hype machine gens up and lures the rubiest rubes to said foreign paradise Step 3: Profit
  11. What glorious news. I hope he falls on the stairway down. Off to hell, demon.
  12. Nothing quite like creating a mythical enemy to fight against. Sorry Antifa, Wokeness is now the belle of the ball.
  13. If he can replace mass shootings with something like this, DeSantis will be tough to beat.
  14. You’re not wrong that some religious figures have green lit abhorrent acts. And then there’s MLK, Bonhoffer, and hordes of others trying to lead humanity in the right direction. in my view, religious figures are just one of many authorities to whom people abdicate their personal duty for rational thought and decency. You can substitute Trump, or Tucker Carlson for that matter. The problem is not religion per se- that’s just the means for control that holds sway for many in our history. The problem is humanity’s innate willingness, even desire, to do terrible things and abdicate personal responsibility for their choices while kneeling at the altar, be it Jeebus’ or a secular one. Remove religion tomorrow and you still have that chronic human malignancy. It seems to find a way to express itself because it seeks out those willing to lead humans to terrible things, of which there are many.
  15. Excellent. Texas desperately needs its Rs to develop a capable circular firing squad. They initially would be elated by the plethora of firepower, at least until they noticed the absence of good guys with guns.
  16. It would be safer. Opiates impair marksmanship.
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