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Degenerate Gardner

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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Good luck removing Obtuse Meritocracy from the vernacular!
  2. This remains some of the most pragmatic substance consumption advice you could give a kid if the goal is survival. Things growing in the ground aren’t necessarily benign. You can get lost in the weeds here with toxic mushrooms and the many poppy products but don’t. Keep it simple, focus on reducing risk and avoid the fentanyl delivery devices.
  3. Are you implying that water displacement is fake news?
  4. This masterpiece was penned in the ignorant days when Christopher Reeve’s kiss of Michael Caine in Deathtrap caused a hubbub. Thankfully we’ve grown as a nation since then, at least in terms of BMI.
  5. Paul Gosar’s Family: we apologize for our asshole relative. Like you, we wish he’d die in a grease fire.
  6. Executive Privilege is a get out of jail free card soon to be stretched to heretofore unseen limits because Trump. He is a predator and as far as he’s concerned, he was voted lifetime king of the suckers. He’d assert it in traffic court, if all NYPD wasn’t MAGA…and he knew how to drive a car.
  7. A cold case team that tackled DB Cooper and Hoffa? Very impressive. How did those cases turn out?
  8. It all makes sense now. Urban’s getting his jabs somewhere else because he can’t get them at home.
  9. I don’t care what-a-you say, he was no-a-sissy! ed. There used to and may still be a great October pilgrimage honoring St Francis in Real de Catorce, carrying him around town streets on a throne in effigy, firework passion plays on the church steps. Good stuff.
  10. Why must you rock the boat on the rare occasions we achieve consensus?
  11. There should be a crossover series where autistic folks date little people.
  12. If the musical had been Dogs, Trump never would have listened. I wonder if he has any favorites from Hedwig?
  13. Donning paper bags would afford no Covid protection, but just the same I sure would appreciate it. TIA.
  14. Half of America needs to be tied to a chair and strenuously deprogrammed. NBD, this is fine.
  15. When that happens, the deniers will pivot to blaming liberals and it will work perfectly on an audience trained not to think critically while ignoring what their ears heard. The past is alterable. We have always been at war with Eastasia.
  16. Mike and Carol should have heeded all those warnings about pigtails causing brain damage. The signs were there.
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