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Everything posted by Texzilla58

  1. If you’re a free agent RB with his tenure, and are basically signing to be insurance for the playoffs, where would you go? I don’t blame him for going there.
  2. They want to make tape for either new coach or new teams.
  3. Could be the last game for the Commanders brand. Owners hate it. I think they should go each week with a different racial slur from American history.
  4. Ben Abbott lawyer commercials now with lady dancers in hot pants. Hello Ben! He’s got another with a cheerleader.
  5. Show us some food when you get some. Interested in a Big Red pork belly bite though vanilla seems odd.
  6. I do want Lars to suffer some kind of miserable Darwinian funny as shit demise before the end.
  7. It might be Scotty as she’s learned some badassery from mom and grandma. But there’s a math hole for her to be Roy’s as she’s 9 and Dot left 11 years ago.
  8. My wife is from Tennessee and grew up on those hormel canned tamales. Even though she loves great tamales she gets a hankering for these a couple times a year. She doesn’t eat that awful sauce though. It’s a comfort food thing. I think they are made with the scraps left after making Vienna sausage, chorizo, and spam
  9. The writers are terrible especially these kids. Mae on finding herself in an another world immediately just starts bitching at Shaw. Hiroshi is a dick as well with his abandonment issues but he does the same to his kids. Obvious we’re being taken to a cliffhanger with one ep left and who knows if this is coming back.
  10. Cook wants a ring. I’d go to the Ravens for a month as well. We’ll see what he’s got left in the tank. He hasn’t shown much.
  11. Jerry ain’t firing Mike this year. He’s taken them to three straight playoff seasons. He’s already basically said he ain’t going anywhere. Question is will Dan Quinn leave?
  12. Surprised it lasted this long. Thats an expensive tough space
  13. Leftover chicken fried steak on a griddled bun, jalapeno jack, mayo, red onion, lettuce, tomatoes.
  14. Wagyu beef is as unTexan as it comes. Tender brisket from lesser grades is the real achievement for a great pitmaster.
  15. I think she kills her father in law first.
  16. I didn’t say it needs to be changed just what SJ said. He was being funny when he said it. The media is always beating the drum when it happens that it’s unfair and it’s a dumb argument. They always say “if I fumble here it stays my ball. Fumble here and it’s a touchback. Yep. Get tackled here it’s third down. Get tackled here it’s a TD. Uhh one, don’t fumble. Second, the end zone is sacred territory different than the rest of the field. Rules are different. Take a sack in the end zone it’s a safety, way different than a sack in field. I doubt it changes though dumbass Troy Vincent is saying it will be discussed by the comp committee.
  17. The players hate Bienemy. But it sure seems KC sucks without his tough taskmaster personna as Andy Reid just wants to eat combo meals and let his players fuck around.
  18. Same was said last year and Lovie Smith gave a big fuck you sendoff to the Texans. Were I the new owners of the Skins I’d fire the entire coaching staff, bench the starters, elevate the practice squad, and hire CarrotTop to coach with instructions to punt on first down. Rivera will try to coach his sorry ass off.
  19. That would be tres Aggy to be trying to sell the secrets of Franklin bbq. I got his book at Costco.
  20. Have a friend that played college basketball back in the 70’s. Named Mike Hunt. On the radio he was typically referred to only as Hunt or 23.
  21. Mary was great in Time After Time and on Justified. Whenever she’s on screen my wife says something like “No dick that’s been in Whoopie Goldberg’s cunt is going in my mouth!”
  22. Raiders Chargers Panthers (who’d want to coach for that owner?) Next Patriots Redskins Titans Saints Falcons Bears sound like they’re sticking with Eberflus. Tomlin gets another year. I think Belichik gets hired. Harbaugh probably goes to Vegas or San Diego. Mayo takes over Pats.
  23. Stephen Jones was just on the Fan. Asked about the fumble thru the end zone rule. He is on a the competition committee. He said he was up in the air on the rule, now he’s not. I think they change it to spot if the fumble, ball to defense.
  24. You can order the Heinz English vegetarian beans from Walmart but basically any standard old style pork and beans works.
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