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Everything posted by Texzilla58

  1. Roy wife 3 is a true believer in the cause having been raised in her father’s neo-Nazi household and organization, and its lore of gotterdamerung and Waco, Ruby Ridge, and other martyrs. Dad is likely an identity church member and believes in the catalytic battle to set off the rebellion against the government. Hence she knows her fate is victory or death. She’ll go down just like Goebbels wife or Marcilene Jones. I think it’s a Roy vs Dot showdown.
  2. Bill has gone down the same path as too many great coaches, letting his ego grow beyond the size of the stadium. The nepotism for his sons, the pathetic effort in the draft, terrible decisions on coaches, awful talent eval on offense. The converse is this years team had a killer defense that with any competence on offense would have been a contender.
  3. I don’t eat at a Joe T’s for the usual reasons but if the family can cash out selling it for millions then good for them. American dream. I remember as a kid you’d go in The back door thru the kitchen. I remember there was once a mama dog with her puppies by the kitchen and the waitress took me back to play with them.
  4. Whipping Post a great exit tune to close the episode. And in a very special touching episode of Fargo, Lorraine called Dot her daughter. What’s the point of being a billionaire if you can have someone killed?
  5. For the players that’s roughly $32k per player that goes into the cap bucket. Obviously won’t split like that, more like $29k for the qb and $3k for the other 52 guys but still. I guess it’s on ota in Miami and KC. I thought they had a WC game on peacock last year but I’ve been huffing glue again. I hope Goodell gets inundated in all the angry viewer calls, where’s the fucking game? What’s peacock?
  6. For the players that’s roughly $32k per player that goes into the cap bucket. Obviously won’t split like that, more like $29k for the qb and $3k for the other 52 guys but still. I guess it’s on ota in Miami and KC. I thought they had a WC game on peacock last year but I’ve been huffing glue again. I hope Goodell gets inundated in all the angry viewer calls, where’s the fucking game? What’s peacock?
  7. How was Colorado Prime excluded? I heard they are going 25- 0 next year. I hope Michigan goes 1-11. Fuck Michigan.
  8. I would hate to see a coach like that go to Carolina. Fucked meddling owner who fires coaches in his sports teams like others change shirts. Lack of talent across the board. Lack of draft capital. No GM. Team is in a city where everyone is from elsewhere; crowd is often majority visitor. I want Tepper to hire someone like Urban, or some other asshole.
  9. Mexican baloney salad. Remember to pull off the red wrapper. The French dressing to be period correct would be that orange stuff in a bottle. Kidney beans. WTF made it Mexican?
  10. I think American Wagyu is just a marketing brand. I don’t think it’s an actual grade certification like Japanese Agraded scale.
  11. The issue for Tomlin is that he pays zero attention to offense. That is left to the OC and the GM. I think he’s a great coach but for that failing. He needs to get his head in part of that. He had Roethlisburger, and solid talent for years, until he didn’t. And then had a bad hire in Matt Canada. They need a QB that isn’t a local boy grown good or old retread. On the other hand coaching at that level is now days very hard work. I think it’s hard to keep that edge every year. If he’s burnt out it’s time to move on.
  12. Texzilla58

    NFL- Week 18

    Total dick move. Line up in victory next time and my D is crashing your fucking o line. Jameis is a complete moron. I’d cut him today.
  13. They should have a free offer. It’s 6 bucks. Then cancel. No contract.
  14. Big money RBs are a huge waste of money. 1st round RBs are ok if extraordinary. Just use em up on the cheap deal, replace them and let em go. Barkley gets hurt easy, won’t play for minimum, and has never made a difference.
  15. If eagles lose in Tampa sirianni could be getting a pink slip.
  16. 1670. A comedy series set in 1670 Poland. Too early to tell.
  17. Arthur Smith will likely be starting his new job in maintenance logistics at FedEx in a few weeks. I don’t know how he got an nfl coaching job but I think he’s done.
  18. I’m surprised he didn’t list McDonalds and Applebees too
  19. Eagles without AJ are in real trouble. I think Bucs beat them. We can only play SF in champ game.
  20. Eagles play Bucs. Could lose. Rams go to Lions. Rather Rams beat Lions. We beat Pack at ATT, rams would go to SF and Bucs come here. If Rams win and we beat Bucs then champ game at att.
  21. They were not. Had they won and we lost they got 2 seed and chance for two games at home. Now on the road to Tampa. They are playing bad ball.
  22. Can we get the scrubs some time, Mike? The backup guards have done ok
  23. I’m putting the blame on Mazi on Quinn having him lose 40 pounds. We drafted him to be a 340 lb fire plug which he’s been since high school. Instead he’s in the middle at 295. Not what we need and not what he knows how to play.
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